Chapter 53: You have a fundamental problem

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“Maybe someone died because of the envelope – the one that Reiko-san still hold onto even after becoming a ghost,” Ayano said again.

After thinking for a while, Shun replied, “But Yamamura’s case is already solved and Jiro-san didn’t mention a thing about Reiko-san. If he knew someone is even slightly involve with the case, I think he would definitely do everything he can to push the blame onto that person. Besides, Jiro-san didn’t even meet Reiko-san during this incident. Both of them normally don’t keep in contact with each other anyway.”

Shun was the defense lawyer for Jiro. Since Jiro hadn’t told him anything about Reiko, it seemed this matter was not related to Yamamura’s case.

Ayano: “Then maybe this is related to Hisami-san and Onoda-san’s case?”

Shun: “Hisami-san was strangled to death after she got caught red handed by Onoda-san who was tricked by Uncle Toru. And after that, Onoda-san committed suicide. I don’t see how Reiko-san is involved in these cases.”

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Ayano: “Hmm. You are right. After all, Reiko-san is not related to them in the first place.”

However, Shun immediately refuted her. “That is not true. She is related to the victim. Hisami-san is Reiko-san’s mother after all.”

“What?!” Ayano exclaimed. “Who is whose mother?”

Shun: “Isn’t Hisami-san Reiko-san’s mother?”

“Huh?! Seriously?!” Ayano couldn’t hide her surprise. “The two of them didn’t look close at all. Then, when you said Reiko-san was raised by that kind of mother, you were talking about Hisami-san?”

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“You… You don’t even know who her mother was and you just replied to me perfunctorily?” Shun said in disbelief.

“No, no, no-” Ayano refuted in a hurry. “I mean, most of the women in this Rainy Mansion is like that,” she said, making a slip of the tongue and unknowingly badmouthing the residents. She might be crucified if Hisami or Reiko had heard her.

Shun: “Isn’t Reiko-san used to live here? How come you didn’t know about her relationship with Hisami-san?”

Ayano: “There are too many people who lives here. And the number of residents were much more back then including when Reiko-san were here. It looked like a banquet when everyone gathered around at the dining hall during mealtime. Besides, the children were always sat together in a group. I only know the parents of the kids who didn’t live here because they came with their parents – just like you did back then. The police didn’t tell me that Reiko-san and Hisami-san are related.”

Shun gave her a cold stare and said, “No one would think that a resident didn’t know the basic relationship among the other residents.”

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Ayano: “But the housekeepers were the one who attended the meeting for Hisami-san’s funeral arrangement. And I noticed the chief mourner is someone else.”

Shun looked annoyed with her unremitting attitude. He explained, “That is her eldest son, Manabu-san. You can’t sit still so you were wandering around while pretending to help the housekeepers. Reiko-san did stop by and join the meeting when you were not around. Besides, it was Reiko-san and Kana-san who accompanied Hisami-san’s body after the incident.”

Ayano: “I thought it was because she is a kind person.”

Shun: “Idiot. If you thought that you might be Toru-san’s daughter, then Reiko-san and Manabu-san are your siblings. How come you never thought about Toru-san and Hisami-san’s children?”

Ayano put a hand on her shoulder and turned her head. “Because I didn’t really believe that I might be Uncle Toru’s daughter. I only thought that it would be great if it is true.”

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Shun: “Is it because if you are Grandpa Sokichi’s daughter then you would become Takato’s aunt?”

Ayano kept silent for a brief moment before saying, “I simply want to believe that ghost can make a mistake.”

Shun wanted to ask her to explain what she meant but she evaded his question by changing the topic back to the case.

Ayano: “So, Reiko-san is Hisami-san and Uncle Toru’s daughter. Huh. It looks like this case is pretty simple.”

Shun looked at her with a face that said: What do you mean simple?

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