Annette tightened her arms around the package as if it was her shield. Her hands trembled slightly.

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She had met enough reporters to be sick of them for a lifetime. She might have gotten used to it after all this time, but the fear was still there, making her feel like a screw-up.


In fact, she didn’t expect her presence here to stay underwater forever. In the first place, most of the front-line workers recognized her.


During the war, they didn’t pay much attention to her, but after the war, she became the focus of attention.


“Come to think of it, I didn’t even give you my business card. Here, let me formally introduce myself again………..”


“I don’t need it.”


Annette refused, shaking her head as the reporter put his hand in his pocket. The reporter, one eyebrow raised, smiled and pulled out a business card.


“Then would you like to look at it? I think it would be better if you  confirm my identity with certainty.”


The reporter held out his business card in front of Annette, but she did not look at it. The reporter gently coaxed her away with a look of no ill will on his face.


“I know you’ve had a difficult time, Miss Rosenberg. There are so many reporters without conscience in the world who are only interested in scoops. But I have never, I swear to God, tried to write an article that would be malicious or harmful to you.”


Annette kept her mouth shut and  her eyes down. The reporter did not care for the obvious display of refusal to dialogue, but diligently explained his purpose.


“Why would I want to write such an article when Miss Rosenberg is here serving as a field nurse and working hard for her country? Rather, I wanted to ask you to let the world know of Miss Rosenberg’s dedication.”




“Miss Rosenberg, don’t you want to put your past behind you? I can help you. It’s true. In fact, I think the reason you are here. ……”




Annette stepped back and spoke in a firm voice. But the trembling in her voice just made her look like a frightened animal.


“I don’t want it. I don’t want the article, good or bad.”


“But Miss Rosenberg, what you’re doing now is a really good opportunity to restore your image…………..”


“I don’t want any articles. Please step aside.”

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“I too am truly impressed by Miss Rosenberg’s dedication. You serve on this front, not in the rear. ….”


“I say I don’t want it!”


The reporter’s mouth closed tightly at the sudden sharp voice that suddenly raised. Silence reigned for a moment. Annette’s shoulders shook.


She had constantly tried not to hold grudges against everyone, including the reporters. She had brainwashed herself, and worked hard not to really do so.


She felt she had no right to hold a grudge.


“I don’t want it. If you continue…”



But now she was resentful.


“I’ve been telling you all along……………”


She was horrified and sickened by the reporter who had followed her here.


It wasn’t an emotion that began with pulling her out of the past. Rather, it was an emotion against the only one world that was advantageous, the one where she had just stepped in.




Why was this work not of her own volition?


Why should that be denied?


Why was she still so timid and weak? 


“I am sorry if I have offended you, 

Miss Rosenberg. But really, I am just trying to illuminate Miss Rosenberg’s changed life, let the world know about it, and hope that it will be useful to you…”




The reporter and Annette turned to the side in surprise at the same time. A nurse was glaring at the reporter with her hands on her hips. She walked over to them in a great hurry and fired at him.


“You’ve been busy huh, what are you doing now? Did you get permission to come in and out of this place?”


“Oh, in my capacity as a military reporter…………..”

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“If you’re a military reporter, are you allowed to grab a busy person and semi-compel them to request an interview? Where do you belong?”


“If a reporter from any newspaper writes one article of his own and reports that he made a lot of noise where wounded soldiers live and die?”


“No, I did not force her…”


“If it is not coercion then what is it when she told you to leave her alone? It’s not an agreement, is it!”



The reporter was perplexed by the accusations that poured in like rapid-fire artillery. When Annette spoke, he didn’t even listen and only said what he wanted, but now he seemed frightened at the mention of him being reported.


“Go quickly before I call people and drive you out. If you publish anything strange in connection with this, we will formally protest at the military hospital level, so please think about it.”


Her words contained a warning. However, no matter how professional she was from a specialized hospital, it was difficult to get a formal protest with a few words from a military nurse.


The reporter tried to argue against it, but after a delay, he realized that there were many eyes watching in the vicinity.


Since they were near the barracks of the treatment center, the nurses had gathered around to watch them and whisper to each other. Some of the soldiers looked extremely unhappy.


The reporter fumed and grew impatient. If more than one or two people reported the incident to the military, this could lead to an official protest. Then he would get into trouble.



“Is there anything else you would like to say?”


The nurse said, tilting her head. Just as the two soldiers were about to move toward them, the reporter, who had finished making a quick decision, hurriedly opened his mouth.


“I didn’t mean to make a fuss, but I really do beg your pardon. Miss Rosenberg, I’m sorry to have disturbed you. Now, please go back to your work ….Have a good day.”


The reporter spoke like a fast-forward tape and left at a great speed. He was quickly away from Annette. It was almost like running away.


Annette stared blankly at his back. It was difficult for her to properly perceive what was going on. Her brain seemed to slow down from the moment she faced the reporter.


“He’s finally kicked out. Are you all right?”


The nurse exhaled and asked, looking at Annette. Annette looked at her without answering.


Saddam had never done this before, but Annette knew this woman. She was also one of the people who had produced goods with her a few days ago.

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“I didn’t kick him out for nothing, did I? You didn’t seem to have any intention of interviewing…………”


“No, thank you.”


“If someone like that comes in, please make an official complaint.

Then he’ll go away on his own.”


“I will. Sorry for causing unnecessary commotion…” 


“No, no, no, why are you apologizing? That man was at fault.”


Annette couldn’t find the words to answer and hugged her luggage tightly.


That reporter wouldn’t be the end. If he had come here to get an interview with the person in question, he would have already published several articles on the situation.


She didn’t want any articles, but in reality it seemed impossible.


“Um, regarding articles……….. do you need any other help?”


“…… yes?”


Annette couldn’t understand the question, so she asked back. Not only did she have no idea what kind of help the nurse was talking about, but the nurse had absolutely no reason to help her in the first place.


The nurse hesitated for a moment, then replied hesitantly.


“So, I was thinking that if the reporters write a strange story 

…… we could help with a rebuttal interview, because people will believe more in the words of us who have worked with you than in the reporters.”


Annette blinked as if she didn’t quite catch what she was saying.


“There’s no guarantee that only that one reporter will come—and I don’t know if you know about that……….but I hear it’s actually been in the newspaper a few times already. Oh, it’s definitely not a bad one. Like it’s so-so…………..”


The nurse chose her words very carefully, looking at Annette’s face. As for Annette, she had no idea why on earth she was saying that.


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 The other nurses, who had been watching the situation from earlier, came a few steps closer. One of them coughed and said,


“That much we can do.”


“If you don’t take sides specifically, but just say certain facts, well ……”


Everyone just knew each other by name and face, only they had never interacted with each other privately. Annette didn’t want to, and they didn’t want to either.


Silently staring at them, Annette gently parted her lips.




It’s okay.


I don’t need help.


I have never expected help from you guys and I will continue to do so.






“If you would be willing to do so.”


The words that popped out like a sob she couldn’t hold back didn’t last any longer. Was it because she had too much to say?


Or was it because she had nothing at all to say, she did not know.


Annette slowly lowered her head. The cold, frozen ground looked as if it would crack if she stepped on it hard enough. She bit her lower lip gently.


Suddenly, a whispering voice bit into her ear.


“Of course.”


The sun rose at an angle. The light penetrated to where they were standing. The cold air that had risen from the ground frozen overnight sank as if weighted.


“We can help.”


Someone answered, even in unspoken words.

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