Even after the visit of the reporter, Annette’s daily routine did not change much.

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She still saw no articles outside of the war and did not spend time with the nurses separately and close to them privately, only talking about business matters.


Annette did, however, occasionally exchange greetings with them. It was so close to formal that it was embarrassing to call it a conversation, but if it was different before, it would have been a different atmosphere.


Annette was as busy as ever in her daily life. She spent the day crafting scarce medical supplies, managing supplies, and caring for wounded soldiers. Even if she had two bodies it was not enough.


But the fact was that she had much more leeway than when they were treating wounded soldiers where shells were exploding. It was also a reason for a certain amount of psychological fear to have lessened.


As the heat of the post first war period slowly subsided, a nursing officer called Annette.


Annette had never been personally called by a nursing officer. She went to the barracks feeling anxious. The officer told her the following.


“You have been ordered to move to the rear.


“The rear ……?”


Annette asked curiously, her brows furrowing.


It was not strange to receive orders from the military, but this was a bit sudden. And what’s more, it was to move to the rear.


“If there is a shortage of manpower on the frontline, there isn’t enough, even though there was no reason to replace nursing personnel who dared to remain on the front lines in a situation where they couldn’t afford to………….”


The nursing officer replied curtly, as if she had no interest in Annette’s questions.


“Yes. It’s an order from above.”


“I’ve never volunteered to go to the rear. But what’s this about a sudden move?”


“I’m just passing on an order.”


The nurse officer must have known that this was not the natural way to go about it. Annette was a little adamant.


“I want to stay here.”


“It’s already decided. Please follow orders.”


“…Do you know where the order came from?”

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“It is difficult to go into detail about the instructions from the higher ups.”


It was a hard answer. She just couldn’t seem to get the information she wanted. In the end, Annette could only say she understood.


As she left the nursing officer’s barracks and headed back to the treatment center, she pondered. The more she guessed, the more ominous she felt.


‘Could it be that man?’


It was the only thing that came to mind with the limited information available to begin with. Even though she denied that it was too sensitive a thought, once the assumption came to mind, it was hard to get rid of it.


‘If it is that person………. why? Is it because my intentions are questionable? Or because he thought I was creating extra noise here?’


Of course, it could not have been him. It could be that someone in upper management moved her because she was the former wife of the Commander-in-Chief. Or some sort of article was published.


The thought that bit her tail ended up being a question mark. Annette patted her cold frozen cheeks and gave a small sigh.


Suddenly, a familiar voice came from beside her.




“Oh, Ryan.”


Ryan approached her with his characteristic strong and wide smile. Annette also expressed her delight with a smile.


“How are you?”


“Fine. Thank you.”


“So the reporters didn’t show up today?”


“No, not after that.”


Ryan went on a long diatribe about the rudeness and bad omen of “that bastard”. Annette was getting used to this kind of language from the soldiers, so she tuned in nicely.


“Oh, and by the way, Ryan, it looks like we’re going to be moving to that rear.”


“What? Really? Did you apply to the rear?”


“No, I didn’t, but I was ordered to do so from above.”


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“Orders? Orders given to the nurses?”


“No, it appears they were just given to me personally.”


“Personally given? It’s not like Annette volunteered to be in the rear.”


“Strange, isn’t it?”


“It is strange.”


Ryan said thoughtfully as he rubbed his chin. He seemed to be contemplating something before he spoke cautiously.


“Annette, could it be…”




“How are you and your ex-husband getting along now?”


Annette was a little taken aback by the sudden question. She knew Ryan wasn’t a nosy man, but she didn’t expect that he would ask such a straightforward question.


“What about my…… ex-husband?”


“I thought that the person who dared to move Annette to the rear might be him, haha, am I being rude?”


“No, just ……”


Annette clasped her hands awkwardly and continued.


“I just don’t have anything to say. We haven’t met or contacted each other since the divorce, and now we’re strangers.”


“Oh, I see.”


Ryan’s face brightened a little. He quickly abandoned his assumption.


“Then it wouldn’t be.”



“Actually, it’s not that I didn’t think so too, but I decided to think differently. And there’s a good chance it’s not.”

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“Then it seems I have gone off on a tangent. Please forget about it! Never mind. Anyway, it is good news for me that Annette is going to the rear. Maybe we will meet in the back. Ha ha.”


Ryan laughed a little exaggeratedly. But his face was full of genuine joy.

Annette stared at him as if observing him.


“Soon it will be dangerous here again. There is talk of another war starting as soon as we enter the end of winter and the cold weather passes a bit.”


“Again……will they invade the Western Fortress as they did this time?”


“I don’t know. It’s a decision to be made by the command. There are many possibilities. They could replenish their forces and come here again, or they could find another route because it was broken last time, or they could come ashore in the southern sea.”


“It’s a mainland invasion. Are they trying to take over the capital?”


“The capital is the capital, but first they will try to secure a base. Or a territory that can receive material support. In fact, the capital has a strong symbolic meaning.”


“I see. ……”


Annette mumbled thoughtfully. Of course, she had expected this, but it was a different feeling to convey in words.


They had not ended the war. It was only a brief truce.


“Move troops!”


Suddenly, a shout came from the other side of the armory. Startled, Ryan straightened his upper body, which had been leaning toward Annette.


“It’s a call to arms, so I have to go. I will see you later in the rear. Until then, take care of yourself!”


“Yes, Ryan, take care of yourself too.”


Ryan nodded and rushed away. He turned around to look at Annette once as he was running. Annette kept waving at him. From a distance he seemed to smile at her.


After Ryan had completely disappeared from sight, Annette walked on. She also had to prepare for her departure.




The soldiers, standing in a line, walked briskly across the clearing. They moved in a straight line without the slightest disturbance. In front of them, an infantry tank was moving slowly.


 Annette lined up in front of the transport with her suitcase. Several familiar faces were seen standing together.


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A few nurses passing nearby spotted Annette and stopped. When her eyes met theirs, Annette only greeted them lightly with her eyes.


Contrary to the expectation that they would pass by across the street from each other, they approached Annette. Some of the nurses had helped her when she was in trouble because of the reporter.


“You’re going to the rear.”



“Yes, how….?”


“I see.”


The conversation was cut short. In the awkward atmosphere, they looked at each other. One nurse hesitantly opened her mouth.


“Thank you so much for all your hard work here.”


For an instant, Annette’s eyes shook. The nurse stepped closer and gave Annette a light hug. Even though it was a common greeting when parting, Annette felt very unfamiliar and odd.


“I hope you are well whenever you’re.”


 “Good-bye. I’m sure we’ll see each other again if we have the chance.”


The other nurses hugged Annette one after another with their greetings. Annette embraced them wholeheartedly, feeling touched.


The last nurse to embrace her stepped back and whispered.


“We wish you good luck.”


Annette’s eyes widened slightly.


Luck was a word that meant the luck to win and lose a war, and was usually given to military personnel who were going to enter the war.


But Annette knew that her word did not simply mean here on the battlefield.


The transport truck with all the seats filled departed with a heavy rumble. Then the next transport vehicle rattled in. A dry dust cloud filled the air.


Annette smiled faintly over the familiar noise of the engine.


“You too…good luck.”


On all battlefields of life.

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