The onlookers were discussing. They all put their eyes on Yunqian. Yunqian was very useful. She went slowly to accept the baptism of more people's eyes. It took her half an hour to buy an ice cream.

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When she becomes the little grandmother of the Lu family, she will be often discussed and envied. Yunqian's heart is even hotter. She doesn't regret helping Qin Sangyu today. At least now, she is closer to the president.

"I'm sorry, it's not convenient. I've lost some time." She explained to Mo Yu that her face was full of melancholy.

Mo Yu didn't think much about it, and immediately stepped on the accelerator, "Miss cloud, it doesn't matter. I'll send you home now."

With that, the car drove out.

Yunqian's heart is very complicated. She hopes that the road will be endless. She breathes the smell of the car greedily, and her eyes are slowly closed. According to the current situation, she is confident to squeeze Qin Sangyu away from the president. The corners of her mouth are hooked up, and her eyes are full of potential.

"Miss Yun, here we are."

Mo Yu looked at the road signs outside and said, although the house here is not bad, but compared with the golden section of G City, here is really cheap, but he did not look down on this man, his face is still very calm.

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"Thank you."

Cloud shallow took his bag, a foot then stepped out, turned to look at the ink rain, "trouble you."

Mo Yu smile, "you saved Miss Qin, send you back should be."

After he finished, he drove the car away from here, and Yun Qian's face gradually became gloomy. It turned out that this man was polite to Qin Sangyu because he saved her.

A nameless fire burst into her heart, and she bit her teeth fiercely, which deepened her hatred for Qin Sangyu.

After returning to her room, she sat down on the sofa. G city is a place full of land and money. She is better than most people who go to work and can afford to rent such a house. In fact, many office workers with bright appearance live in damp basement. After all, renting is too expensive.

She also has a sports car with millions of dollars. Now in G City, she is divorced from the identity of ordinary people. She knows how to get all this. Her eyes are broken with a faint light, and some cruel corners of her mouth are aroused.

The phone at hand just rang.

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"Hello?" She saw that familiar number, heart trembled, to now do not know who is behind the person, can only be led by the nose.

"Yunqian, you've done a good job this time. None of my people have lost anything. Lu Liangcheng has no doubts. With your mind, you can certainly win Qin Sangyu's trust. When she trusts you enough, you can start again. Before that, don't act rashly, or you will lose all your previous achievements."

Yunqian's face has a light irony, she has always been very clear what she wants, her mind also helped her to win many opportunities, at least in her view, Qin Sangyu is not as good as her.

"I know you don't have to remind me of it."

A cold hum came from the phone, "you'd better remember your identity. Even if you like Shanglu Liangcheng, you can't destroy my plan because of your personal feelings, or you'll wait to collect the corpse for your mother."

Yunqian's heart is shocked. How can this person know her thoughts about the president? Her lips are tight. It seems that the other party is much better than she imagined.

"Yunqian, you listen to me. Maybe in the future, you can be a young grandmother of the Shanglu family. After Qin Sangyu is settled, I will help you to pave the way for everything. At this time, you'd better not have these unrealistic dreams. After all, the old man of the Lu family doesn't want a woman who has been a little sister to be a granddaughter-in-law."

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When she finished speaking, Yunqian's face turned pale. She had been a miss, even her mother didn't know. How did this person know? The strength of holding the mobile phone increased slowly, and it seemed that she was going to cut the mobile phone into several paragraphs.

"Who are you?"

She was powerless to ask, the heart spread a huge panic, if one day the president knew this secret, he would certainly dislike her dirty.

"You don't care who I am. I can help you."

Yunqian was about to say something, but the phone rang with a voice of hanging up. She was a little powerless and sat on the sofa. She thought that the deep secret would not be discovered by anyone. She could still play the image of an innocent little girl. But when the mysterious man broke the truth without hesitation, she was a little flustered.

Never let the other party tell the secret!

Yunqian's eyes are scarlet. When she went to work as a young lady, she was forced by the situation, because all the girls around her drove BMW to work, but she had to make a light rail for more than ten yuan a day to go home. During that time, she felt that people around her looked down on her and even did not dare to work with everyone. When everyone left, she would dare to grind and haw Hitchhiking is like a thief with a guilty conscience.

The first time she went to that place, she was dazzled by the world of money and money. The man with a beer belly put his arms around her waist and promised to give her a multi million Maserati.Millions, for a poor student who just graduated, it was undoubtedly a huge temptation. She did not struggle at all, so she agreed to the man. One night later, the Maserati stopped at her front door. She realized that money was coming from the industry quickly, and she soon became addicted to it.

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During the day, she was a cute white-collar worker. At night, she became a hot and bold nightclub princess on the stage. She became rich to rent a house and buy famous bags and cosmetics. Until she entered Tiancheng, she didn't decide to wash her past. However, not long after she went in, her mother was arrested, and she was lucky to meet the president and was impressed by the momentum of the other party.

If she wants to be a little grandmother of the Lu family, she has to get rid of the ugly woman Qin Sangyu, so she does not hesitate to accept the advice of the people behind her, lurks around Qin Sangyu, and successfully obtains her trust.

Yunqian's eyes twinkle with light. Her past has been dug out deeply. She has to abandon other careful thoughts in her heart and help that person to do things peacefully. Maybe she can be a little grandmother of Shanglu family.

Thinking of this, she also suddenly brightened up, made a few simple dishes for herself, and ate them with satisfaction.

In the villa.

Lu Liangcheng is sitting on the sofa with Qin Sangyu in his arms. His eyes are full of strange and unpredictable light. Her hair fragrance comes from the tip of his nose. He sighs for a long time and says, "is your grandfather's behavior making you have psychological shadow?"

Qin Sangyu's face was stunned, and she had to say that this person was the truth. Because of the two assassinations, she was always in fear.

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