"It's because I've been so nervous recently that I've made a joke and hurt Yun shallow."

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She opened her mouth with guilt, and did not dare to look directly into his deep pool of eyes. She was afraid that her soul would be sucked in if she was not careful.

Lu Liangcheng didn't speak. The light in his eyes was more profound and frightening. After a long time, he sighed and held her in his arms.

"I'll take care of it with grandfather. Don't worry about it."

Qin Sangyu nodded and her long eyelashes trembled. She was still worried. Because of the experience, she soon felt sleepy. When she was held by Lu Liangcheng, she went to sleep directly.

Mo Yu also just arrived home, saw Qin Sangyu had fallen asleep, just nodded gently to Lu Liangcheng, "has sent Miss Yun back."

Lu Liangcheng's eyes twinkled with Mo ruoshen's light, and his thick eyebrows suddenly raised. "Please ask the best doctor to treat her arm injury. In addition, during her injury, give her paid vacation until she is well."

This has been regarded as a special treatment. After all, Yunqian saved Qin Sangyu. Naturally, he should thank others.

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"All right, boss."

Mo Yu nods respectfully, stands aside and no longer talks. Lu Liangcheng gets up with Qin Sangyu and goes upstairs.

Qin Sangyu's eyelashes had been trembling uneasily. She felt that she had been put on the soft bed. She immediately reached out and grabbed Lu Liangcheng's sleeve. Her face was restless. "Don't go..."

she said with trembling lips. She felt someone sitting down beside her. She felt a little relieved and immediately went to sleep.

Lu Liangcheng looked at her sleeping face. His eyes were bright with wisdom. He reached out and scraped on the tip of her nose. Thinking of the Lu family's bad things, he frowned fiercely again. It seems that he needs to have a good talk with the old man.

When Qin Sangyu had gone to sleep, he got up and went to the Lu family's old house. Although the old man hated Qin Sangyu, he didn't send anyone to find Qin Sangyu recently, so he didn't know why Lu Liangcheng came here in the middle of the night.

"Grandfather, let's talk."

Lu Liangcheng's face is serious, eyes deep looking at this person, obscure.

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Lu Tian's eyebrows frown. Since Qin Sangyu said those words last time, he has not paid attention to her recently. He only wants to let Su Jiaoyang marry into the Lu family.

But his grandson's vision from beginning to end is only one Qin Sangyu, which makes him very distressed.

"Come on, what is it?"

If it's a matter of work, the other party will never find it in the middle of the night, so Lu Tian guesses that it must be because Qin Sangyu, thinking of this, has a stomach full of fire.

"The previous two assassinations, I know it's you. You want to drive Qin Sangyu away from me."

Lu Liangcheng spoke faintly and looked at each other without blinking in his eyes. "At first, I made the mistake that all men would make, violated Qin Sangyu, and married her with the attitude of responsibility to the end. Grandfather, you are a reasonable person. You know that a girl will not be as good as death after experiencing such a thing, so I think that giving her a name can at least make up for it Make up for my guilt

Lu Tian's heart was shocked. Unexpectedly, such a thing happened in the middle, "how could it be?! Your self-control has always been good! " He said in surprise. Seeing the complexity on Lu Liangcheng's face, he knew that the matter was true. He was blocked in an instant and didn't know what to say.

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"I had a drink that night..." Lu Liangcheng said with guilt, but he had his own idea in his heart. He and Qin Sangyu had a bad night indeed. The old man was not unreasonable, but he was a bit extreme in some things. Now he said so, naturally, Fang's heart had to be studied carefully.

Lu Tian is really stunned by the truth. He always thought that Qin Sangyu was shamelessly looking for his grandson. Unexpectedly, it was the Lu family who took the lead in apologizing to others, and his lips pursed fiercely.

"Even so, she can't be allowed to stay in the position of the little grandmother. There are many ways to make up for her in the small town. Money is the most direct way. If one hundred million yuan is not enough, it will be one billion yuan. As long as she can take the initiative to leave."

Lu Liangcheng's eyes were deep and deep, and she said faintly, "at that time, she didn't want money, and my grandmother was choosing a wife for me at that time, so I thought of such a method. However, I signed a contract with her. She can only sit for two years for the position of Lu's little grandmother. After two years, we will divorce."

When Lu Tian heard this, he was completely satisfied. Two years later, he sent Qin Sangyu away, and then let the girl of the Su family marry in.

Seeing that his face was loose, Lu Liangcheng seized the opportunity. "Grandfather, the Lu family is not an unreasonable family, and it's not easy to bully others with the right in hand. I actually did something to apologize to Qin Sangyu. I should make good compensation for her in the past two years, so I hope that in the past two years, you will not go to her trouble again."

Lu Tian's heart is a little stuffy. Lu Liangcheng compensates Qin Sangyu for his feelings. He really has nothing to say. After all, the other party makes mistakes first."Two years later, when you get divorced, I'll match you with the girl of Su's family. Xiaocheng, the whole G City, is the only one worthy of you."

Lu Tianyu said with a long focus that he agreed to the two-year agreement of Luliang City.

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Lu Liangcheng's eyes broke into a deep light, and the corners of his mouth were successfully hooked up. Many things could happen in two years. Maybe Qin Sangyu was pregnant with Lu's seed at that time. Maybe the two old people would not let the blood of the Lu family stay outside.

He said this on purpose tonight, just to give Qin Sangyu a peace of mind. Now that man is worried about his grandfather's frame up, his spirit has been highly tense. In this way, his lower skirt nerve will certainly weaken, so he has to find a way to get his grandfather's guarantee.

Although my grandfather didn't like Qin Sangyu, he thought that he was sorry for Qin Sangyu. No matter how hard his heart was, he would be soft. At least for the next two years, several people would get along well.

"Well, I knew that you came here in the middle of the night for Qin Sangyu. I promise you that you will not trouble her for two years and make good compensation for her. Otherwise, others will think that our Lu family are unreasonable."

With Lu Tian's assurance, Luliang City was relieved and did not wait any longer. He went out and got on the bus and went back to the villa.

It was already late at night. Qin Sangyu had already fallen asleep. Maybe she had a good heart. When he pushed the door in, she opened her eyes and said, "husband, do you work so late?"

A smile flashed in Lu Liangcheng's eyes. He gently "um" for a moment, and then he came to hold her in his arms. "My grandfather has promised not to trouble you, so you don't have to worry about it in the future."

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