She said in a low voice. Her eyes were scarlet, but Qin Sangyu didn't see her hanging head.

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"Well, I'm going to the cinema. If there's anything wrong, call me."

Qin Sangyu said, the tone is all can't wait, said the words and cloud shallow heart sprinkled a handful of salt, the pain of her whole body uncomfortable.

"Go ahead." She said, biting her lips, thinking that she had suffered such a heavy injury for Qin Sangyu, the president had never come to see her. At this time, she accompanied Qin Sangyu to the cinema. Her heart suddenly filled with great grievances, and she scolded Qin Sangyu severely again.


After Qin Sangyu left, she put the ice cream in her hand in the garbage can beside her and put the pillow on the bed under the bed. She took the fruit knife on one side and began to poke everything in the room out of anger. The cotton in the quilt was poked out and scattered everywhere.

When the nurse came in, she was startled by the scene in the room. There were scattered cotton everywhere, and the top-quality velvet was torn several times. The whole room seemed to have experienced a disaster.

"Miss Yun, what's going on here

The nurse's speech all stuttered up, saw cloud shallow aggrieved small face, thought should not be this person to do, the other side looked very naive, round face is also very lovely.

"I don't know. I just went to the bathroom and came back like this."

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Cloud shallow voice chuchuchu pitiful, seems to have been greatly wronged, a string of tears down.

"Miss Yun, I'll send someone to change it. It's OK."

The nurse comforted her and immediately asked people to take out the things in the room and put on a brand-new quilt cover. "It should be a thief in the hospital. I'll ask the security guard to check. Miss Yun, you don't have to worry. The hospital is very safe. The measures here are the best in China."

Yunqian nodded. When the nurse left, she looked down at the velvet quilt on her hand. The room she was in was treated as a top VIP, and its layout was comparable to that of a five-star hotel. After she came in, she realized that the rich people were so luxurious in hospital. If she could marry the president, she would be able to spend money every day.

Yunqian has calmed down at this time. He secretly blames himself for not being calm enough. If Qin Sangyu sees anything, everything will be wasted.

Qin Sangyu, wait, I will replace you one day and marry into the Lu family.

Yunqian swore secretly, turned over and went to sleep. The two ice cream brought by Qin Sangyu lay quietly in the garbage can and gradually melted into a pool of water.

Outside the cinema.

Both Qin Sangyu and Lu Liangcheng had tickets in their hands, but they had to enter the arena 10 minutes in advance. Obviously, they came early.

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There was a smell of popcorn in the air. There was a long line at the place where popcorn was sold, and the dolls beside it were lovely.

Lu Liangcheng's eyes flashed, and he pulled Qin Sangyu to the front of the doll machine. After buying coins, he began to catch them.

"Lu Liangcheng, these are all deceitful. I heard that it is very difficult for anyone to catch a doll. If you have the money, you might as well buy one."

Qin Sangyu murmured beside her. Her face was a little red. It was ridiculous to say that she had never played with a doll machine. When she was in Qin's family, she had a hard time and had little change to do anything else. The playground was a luxury for her.

So sometimes she worries about whether Lu Liangcheng feels that she is too poor and has never seen the world. Thinking of this, her eyes turn red in an instant. She really hopes that she has a prominent family background and can become the focus of everyone like Su Jiaoyang.

Lu Liangcheng didn't know it was just a doll's machine, which aroused so much emotion from Qin Sangyu. When he turned his head to look at it, he saw Qin Sangyu's red eyes and felt heartache instantly.

"What's the matter with you?"

He raised her head, found her eyelashes filled with moisture, know that this person is not happy, quickly took her into his arms.

"Lu Liangcheng, if I said I didn't catch it, would I laugh at me?"

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Lu Liangcheng was stiff. He thought so much about it. A trace of heartache flashed in his eyes. "No, I just love you."

He said hoarse, holding people closer, patting her back, as if to convey comfort.

Qin Sangyu felt much better in an instant, and his heart was not so blocked. He raised his head from his arms.

"Don't you really dislike me?"

In response to her direct is a string of hot kisses, Qin Sangyu was instantly shocked. This is a cinema, surrounded by people, they must have become the focus of everyone.

Qin Sangyu has been pushing and hustling, but Lu Liangcheng holds her closer. After a kiss, he looks down at her and says, "I'll never despise you. You haven't caught a doll. I'll teach you I'll go through all the things you haven't experienced in your life. I'm very distressed now. I wish I had appeared earlier. Maybe I'll take you to catch the baby when I meet you. "Lu Liangcheng's nose suddenly has some sour, in such a big G City, there are really too few girls who have not caught the doll, and they will be two yuan at a time. But these two yuan, maybe, are the meal money of others. He thought that the person he held in his hand once fell into this point, and his heart seemed to be tightened by a big hand.

Qin Sangyu's heart overflowed with great emotion, in his arms rub, this only looked up at her, bright eyes like glass bubble in the water.

"Lu Liangcheng, teach me to catch the doll."

Her tone was full of excitement, like trying something happy about to be.

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Lu Liangcheng looked at her quietly, and her heart was soft. In this world, some people called him Liangcheng, some called him a small town, and others called him Lu Shao. But all the names were not as lovely as that of Luliang City in Qin Sangyu's mouth. His eyes bent and scraped her nose with a pet.


The word he said was so determined that she held her hand and put it on the rocker. After the coin was put, the claws began to move.

He held Qin Sangyu from behind, breathing and spraying it on the top of Qin Sangyu.

Qin Sangyu felt that he was all crisp. There was still any mind to catch the doll. His mind was once a tangle of two people.

"That's it. You see?"

Lu Liangcheng's voice rang in her ear. When Qin Sangyu returned to her God, he saw a doll falling out of the bottom, and his face was delighted.

"Got it?!"

She picked up the pink rabbit and put it in her hand and rubbed it repeatedly. At this time, she completely turned into a little girl. "Luliang City, you are so strong, you just catch it once!"

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