Qin Sangyu said excitedly. He looked at Lu Liangcheng with a red light on his face and put the doll in front of each other.

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Lu Liangcheng is very fond of her eyes. He is invincible in the mall, but at the moment he is only willing to be a hero of Qin Sangyu.

"Come here and I'll teach you."

Lu Liangcheng held her in his arms again, and his lips leaned over to kiss her ear. "It's very simple. You look at my operation and do it yourself."

His eyes are staring at the doll machine, but Qin Sangyu's eyes are looking at him. His eyes are full of adoring little stars.


Another doll fell down, Qin Sangyu immediately picked up excited, as if he had something worth tens of millions of treasure.

"Which machine do you want? Tell me. I'll catch it for you."

Lu Liangcheng said gently, seeing the stars in her eyes was a sense of unspeakable satisfaction.

Later, someone asked Lu Liangcheng what he thought was the most successful thing he had done in his life. Everyone thought he would answer that he had founded Tiancheng Group. But looking at the mass media below, Lu Liangcheng said gently, "when I caught Qin Sangyu's favorite doll, I felt like a hero in this world."

"Just it!"

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Qin Sangyu picked for a long time, and finally stopped in front of a doll machine and looked at the gray cat inside.

Lu Liangcheng chuckled, went to the doll machine, put the money in, and began to control the rocker.

Qin Sangyu nervously looks at that iron claw downward, finally successfully hooks up the cat's waist, "Hua", the gray furry cat rolled out along the channel below.

She almost screamed and looked at Lu Liangcheng with bright eyes. She picked up the cat, waved it twice, and finally plunged into his arms.

"Luliang City, you are so good! You know, I always thought it was hard to catch a doll. "

Lu Liangcheng felt her head and saw that someone was coming in. He immediately said, "you stand here. I'll buy you popcorn."

Qin Sangyu, holding several dolls, waited in the same place. Seeing Lu Liangcheng's figure passing through the crowd, he stopped at the end of the line. He was very tall, and he could be seen at a glance.

Her heart suddenly filled with something called happiness. She looked down at the hairy doll in her arms. The corners of her mouth bent, and she quietly lowered her head to kiss. Later, someone gave her millions of diamond rings and tens of millions of villas, but none of them was worth the two yuan dolls Lu Liangcheng gave her.

Qin Sangyu saw Lu Liangcheng holding a bucket of popcorn coming over, and immediately welcomed him with a smile, "let's go and watch a movie."

She took the hand of Shanglu Liangcheng, and they walked into the No.5 cinema.

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Lu Liangcheng chose a science fiction film, but the love between the male and female masters was still moving. In the final scene, Qin sang Yu burst into tears, and there was a rustling sound around her. She turned her head to look at Lu Liangcheng and found that there was still no redundant expression on his face. One face was bright and dark under the light and shadow, which was full of unspeakable charm.

"Don't cry, we won't be like them."

Lu Liangcheng suddenly turned his head and stared at her. Qin Sangyu's tears just fell from the corner of his eyes, staring at him.

His eyes are smiling, like the beginning of spring water, fingertips will wipe away the wet corner of her eyes, "our relationship, always depends on you."

If you want to leave, you can leave. If you want to stay, you can stay.

Lu Liangcheng thought so. Suddenly, his eyes were a little complicated. Qin Sangyu was free. He always told himself that she would fly to a broader sky one day, and he would not tie her wings.

The movie is over, the lights are on. Qin Sangyu takes his hand and stares at him seriously. "Let's go."

She made a decision in her heart. If Lu Liangcheng still treats her so well after two years, she will stay for another year.

Two people come out of the cinema, Mo Yu has already parked the car outside, but Qin Sangyu suddenly doesn't want to go home by car. The night in G city is very busy. She wants to have a look with Lu Liangcheng.

"You go back first, and I'll have a walk with her."

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It seems to have seen through her thoughts, Lu Liangcheng said to Mo Yu, holding her hand and walking slowly towards the front.

Mo Yu looks at their backs by the car. He always feels that after watching a movie, the magnetic field between them seems to have changed. He shakes his head. Love is really a kind of magic thing. Even the boss who is so indifferent has changed. He turns all the edge of life into a soft touch.

Mo Yu's eyes flashed, Wu from the car, also slowly began to stroll G city.

"This is a famous amusement park in G city. Would you like to have a look?"

After walking to a place of laughter, Lu Liangcheng turned to ask Qin Sangyu.

Qin Sangyu clenched his hand tightly. Even those who had never caught a doll had never been to the playground. She just wanted to refuse. She looked up and saw Lu Liangcheng's gentle eyes. She said the most wanted words in her heart, "I want to sit on a carousel. I want to be a public servant."Lu Liangcheng heard her words, face a Leng, suddenly chuckle out, "good, let you when a small public lift tonight."

After Qin Sangyu realized what she was saying, her face turned red in an instant. She was so embarrassed that she didn't dare to look at him. She felt very hot, thinking whether Lu Liangcheng would feel that she was too sentimental, but suddenly a strong force came from her hand, and she was pulled by him.

"Mr. Lu."

The guard said hello respectfully and did not dare to let him buy a ticket. Lu Liangcheng brushed his face all the way and went directly into the playground.

Qin Sangyu looked at him in surprise, thought of what, the corner of his mouth skimmed, "don't tell me, here is also your."

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"Well, when I was bored, I bought this piece of land."

when I was bored before...

when Qin Sangyu heard this sentence, she felt heartache and panic. Rich people bought land when they were bored. Poor people like her, even when they were bored, even looked down on movies and bit their teeth and said, "how much is it?"

Lu Liangcheng turned his head puzzled and seemed to be puzzled, "what do you ask this for?"

"I... I just want to motivate myself and make me work hard to make money."

"3.6 billion."

As soon as Lu Liangcheng's faint voice came out, Qin Sangyu suddenly shook off his hand and said, "excuse me, when I just didn't say anything."

Lu Liangcheng felt funny, hugged her and went directly to the carousel. "Go up, my little Gongju. I can give you this playground. If you are bored, you can come every day."

Qin Sangyu's heart trembled. At first, she spent 3.6 billion yuan to buy this land. Over the years, the house price has already increased by more than 10 times, and the value of this land has naturally increased by more than 10 times. She can't dare to ask for such a valuable gift. She can only stick her neck and say, "I'll come without buying tickets. I dare not accept such a valuable gift."

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