"The police station has already heard that the woman's body is Miss Qin, but I always think there is something wrong with it."

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Mo Yu bowed his head respectfully and said, eyebrows were full of tangles, afraid of his luck guess just gave the person a hope, once hope is broken, it will reveal the unbearable truth.

Lu Liangcheng has been breathing weakly. He can feel his body empty. Now he talks only with strength. He is like someone who is on the verge of drowning and grabs the last straw.

"Have you seen the identification yourself?"

He looked at the dark rain, his face was still terrible, and there was a big hole in his heart, and he was bleeding in a crash.

"Boss, the identification can make a fake. The corpse is wearing Miss Qin's clothes, but she is just destroyed. This is a coincidence. The person behind it clearly doesn't want us to know the real identity of the female corpse."

He boldly said his thoughts in his heart, and saw that Lu Liangcheng's face had been tired. He knew that he was fighting his spirit and couldn't help but continue to talk about it. "Boss, I will check this matter well. You can sleep for a while."

Luliang City now where sleep, he thought of that absurd dream, a trance between the idea suddenly floating from the mind, he wanted to seize, there is no trace to find, can only SIP lips, "to me to do discharge procedures."

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Mo Yu dare not refute his words, went to the front desk and finished the discharge procedure in less than ten minutes. Although the doctor repeatedly stopped, he heard that this was Luliang City's own meaning, and he didn't persuade him.

Luliang City in the support of the dark rain, sat waiting outside the car, the face is still a pale.

G city has already rained, the street is a wet meaning, windows on the glass also have the water beads that slide down constantly, Lu Liangcheng looks at it, suddenly opens, "let people go to the beach to find."

Mohui held the hand of the steering wheel to settle down. Although he was searching G city all over the world these days, he was only in the area by the sea. He said it now and replied, "OK."

Luliang City finished this sentence, and he slowly closed his sour eyes on the back of his chair. The dizziness in his head made him not adapt to some strong light. He looked like a flower in the fog. He still had such a weak feeling for the first time.

The car stopped outside the villa quickly. Mo Yu got out of the car to help him, but he found that the other side had stood up with the door, hurriedly lowered his head and stood respectfully. He knew that the boss certainly didn't need help from others at this time.

Lu Liangcheng, carrying a kilogram of heavy legs, moved to the sofa, drank a sip of water from the nanny, and then raised his eyes and said, "don't let go of any place in G City, including the seaside. I have a strong sense of foresight. Qin Sangyu is now in a place with water, or I will not dream like that."

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Mo Yu nodded all the time, but did not move his steps immediately, but he was staring at him, like something to say, but for some reasons, he could not speak.

"What else to say?" Luliang City reached out to rub his temple, saying some words were weak.

"Boss... I think Mrs. Bai is suspicious..." br >
he said this sentence, and he found that the eyes of the sitting person suddenly became sharp and shook his doubts. "Today, the people of Lu family came to the ward, and I never mentioned the disfigurement of the corpse from the beginning to the end, but Mrs. Bai seemed to know everything. She told me that she was online The news that she has been sent to, although the police station has actually put the news on the Internet, she is a person who doesn't know how to surf the Internet. Besides, during your coma, I specially read the announcement issued by the police station. It only mentioned that the body was destroyed, and it was not said that it was disfigurement... "Br >
Mo Yu tried to make his words brief, and saw that the person had already responded , hanging his head carefully waiting for his answer.

Lu Liangcheng's expression became very terrible. He believed in the intuition of Mo Yu. After so many years, Mo Yu had no reason to arrange these things to deceive him.

"Check out who she has been in touch with recently and where her account funds are going."

With this sentence, his arm hanging on one side is stiff. For so many years, this layer of flat cloth of Lu family has not been torn. He thought Bai Yan would keep on breathing so much, but he forgot that when a person was forced to the extreme, everything could be done.

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Bai Yan again gentle understanding of the general, these years can not have no little resentment.

Mo Yu nodded and began to give orders.

Lu family old house, two old people who came back from the room were not very good. They sat on the sofa and just called from the hospital, saying that Luliang City had been discharged, which made them hold fire, but they didn't know where to go, and they were sad.

Bai Yan sat aside, although still silent, but her face was not worried. She hoped Lu Liangcheng would continue to do so. It was better to let the old man immediately disappointed him, and her son abroad would also go home.

It was time to sleep at 10 o'clock. She comforted the two old people and got up and went upstairs. Just after she put on the bathing cap on her head, she saw Lu Song pushing in the door. The face was very serious. It seemed that something important should be discussed with her."What's wrong?"

She was wearing hand cream, and asked doubtfully, the walking room was a faint fragrance, although she was old, it still seemed to be charming.

Lu Song's eyes were twinkling with two small flames, sat down in a dull way, and the frame on the table was accidentally brought to the ground by him, "bang Dang".

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Bai Yan immediately heartache to pick up, found that the frame of the glass has been broken into several pieces.

This is the family blessing their son went to take before he went abroad. "What's the matter with you?" Seeing Lu Song's face still is a light expression, she can not help some anger, thinking that this person really does not care about their own son.

Lu Song still just stared at her, and said nothing clearly, but some of the natural eyes let white Yan a little bit of a light away.

"Qin Sangyu's matter is related to you?"

Lu Song endured for a long time, but he couldn't bear to say this. He saw the news of the white hair that night. He was shocked at that time, but he didn't tear it down immediately. He thought about her grievances in these years and didn't shake things out. Now, because of the small town, the two old people have become so weak. If we can't find Qin Sangyu again, they are afraid that things will become worse.

Bai Yan was a little bit short-lived panic. At the beginning, she married the man because the other party liked her temper, saying that she was gentle and knowledgeable. If he found that he was not what he thought, would she divorce her in one breath?

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