"I don't understand what you're talking about."

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Instead of looking at him in a flustered look, she took it back and looked down at her face.

"Bai Yan, you won't lie. Once you lie, your right hand will be pinched tightly and tightly close to the seam of your pants."

Lu Song, like Sherlock Holmes, said Bai Yan's panic. She didn't dare to look up at him. She was afraid to see strange light in his eyes.

"Bai Yan, don't make any more trouble. The Lu family is in a bit of a mess now. I will discuss with my grandfather that part of the property of the Lu family will fall on our son. What you do now is to cut off the road between the son and the daughter. Xiaoxiao also needs your company these years, but you only have the wrong son in your heart."

Lu Song's face can not hide disappointment, did not expect a decent wife will do such a thing, a little bit astringent in the heart.

white guess that this person saw the text message that night, for a short time after a moment of panic, he calmed down and tightly squeezed the mask paper in his hand, as if he would pinch several holes in the package.

Lu Song took a step closer and held her shoulders. Her eyes were full of affection. "I said that my son made a mistake at the beginning. If my father's anger subsided, he would be allowed to come back. I will discuss the property with him. Don't forget, my hand also holds the shares of lander. It will be a child's in the future."

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When Bai Yan heard what he said, she raised her head with some moving countenance, and her lips trembled twice. Then she seemed to open her mouth as if she believed in something other than faith. "Will you persuade dad Well?"

Lu Song nodded and hugged her into his arms. "I know that I have suffered you for years. I have forced you to be a kind person to this point. Wife, don't go wrong. I will help you to hide this matter. For the sake of my son and daughter, I can't make any more mistakes."

Bai Yan nods. What she doesn't like is the family property of the Lu family. Her son can't get half a cent. She knows that Lu Liangcheng is very powerful, but no matter how powerful it is, the Lu family must have a part of her own son. Otherwise, it would be a joke if she married into the Lu family.

They are tender and sweet here, but the people at the door are stunned. Lu Xiao holds the hand that intends to knock on the door. For a moment, he doesn't know what to do. His father says that Qin Sangyu's affair is related to his mother. Is that a representative? His mother sent someone to kill Qin Sangyu.

Her heart suddenly filled with anger, "Hua" pushed open the door of the room, holding two people almost reflexively separated, see her face is angry, I am afraid she was heard.

"Mom, did you send someone to kill Qin Sangyu?"

Lu Xiao's voice is a little sharp. In order to find Qin Sangyu, Lu Liangcheng turns around the ghost gate, and the whole person is skinny. Unexpectedly, the killer is not other people, but her favorite mother.

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Bai Yan's face was a little stiff. She didn't want to see the disappointed expression on Lu Xiao's face. "She's not dead yet. I just hid her."

"Just?" Lu Xiao's face was a little ironic, "Lu Liangcheng is crazy to find Qin Sangyu. You hide her and make a fake corpse to fool him. Mom, when will you play these tricks? It's really powerful."

Of course, Bai Yan knows that this daughter is not boasting about herself, and her face is not pretty. Xiaoxiao has always hated Lu Liangcheng. How come she has been helping him speak at this time, "Xiaoxiao, I have my own reasons for doing this, so don't get involved."

Lu Xiao's sarcasm is even deeper. Once upon a time, this person taught her not to play with those shady means, but now she sets an example for her brother who made a big mistake.

"I'm going to tell granddad now!"

She said in a fit of pique and turned around to go downstairs. Lu Song, who was quick in eye and quick in hand, caught her wrist.

Lu Xiao looked back at the man with anger on his face. "Dad, are you on the side of mom this time?" Her eyes were full of disappointment and she wanted to cry.

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Lu Song takes a look at the outside, afraid that the dispute here will be seen by others, so he can only pull people in and close the door to isolate the sight that he wants to explore outside.

"Xiaoxiao, your mother was just confused for a while."

He defends for Bai Yan. Seeing that Lu Xiao's face is unhappy, he patiently enlightens, "Lu Liangcheng is an illegitimate child, which is an indisputable thing. Without him, the Lu family would fall into the hands of your brother. Your mother has been holding back for so many years, and it's normal that she will go wrong. This matter should let your grandparents know, and the Lu family will not be peaceful again."

Lu Xiao pursed her lips and didn't speak. Her grandparents have been very tired recently because of Lu Liangcheng's affairs. If she knew that her daughter-in-law had done all this, she would be angry and dizzy on the spot. She resisted for a while and then looked at Bai Yan with compromise, "where is Qin Sangyu now?"

She must immediately tell Lu Liangcheng where Qin Sangyu is now, so as not to worry about him all the time. What should he do if he really breaks down.

Bai Yan looks at Lu Xiao with some disapproval. She doesn't understand when her daughter defected. Her eyes are colder. "Xiaoxiao, Lu Liangcheng is not your brother." She couldn't help reminding her of the fact.Lu Xiao lowered his head. His eyes were moved and his nose was slightly sour. "You all said that he was born out of wedlock. But I always remember that when he fell into the water at the age of four, the so-called illegitimate son in your mouth rescued me regardless of the danger of his life. It was my dear brother who pushed me into the water."

Bai Yan was stiff and anxious to explain for her son, "although I don't know what happened at that time, your brother must not have meant it. Xiaoxiao, why didn't you tell me?"

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Lu Xiao heard that she first explained for her brother, and then questioned her concealment. Her disappointment was more serious. She slowly closed her eyes. "I know that my brother didn't mean to do it, and I didn't blame him all the time. He is still my brother, just a lifesaver. I can't forget it. So I have already admitted Lu Liangcheng in my heart

Bai Yan's face was a little ugly, but she didn't confess anything. If she told this person the location of Qin Sangyu, Lu Liangcheng would soon have guessed the clue, and then it would be impossible to conceal it.

"Xiaoxiao, I will solve this matter. You don't have to worry. I will send Qin Sangyu back to the town."

Lu Song opens his mouth at the right time, both inside and outside the words, defending his wife. Lu Xiao suddenly feels that the man in front of him is really strange. She turns to open the door in a bit of a sullen mood, and smashes the door when she goes out.

"Will she tell her parents about it?"

Bai Yan looked at the shaking Wall with some worry. The wall lamp on the wall fell off because of this force. It can be seen how much strength Lu Xiao has just used.

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