"Xiaoxiao is our daughter. She knows the seriousness of the matter."

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Lu Song comforted her, but her eyebrows were full of melancholy, "where did you hide Qin Sangyu? I'll find her tonight

"By the quay, I put her in a box and sank to the bottom."

Lu Song's face was white, and how could she still be alive when she was sunk in the bottom of the water for so long. She looked at her with some dullness, "it's been two or three days, and she's already suffocated and died at this time."

Bai Yan shook his head and held his hand. "I specially connected the pipe in that box to deliver oxygen. At most, she felt that it was stuffy and flustered."

Lu Song was relieved and squeezed her hand. "Well, I'll find someone tonight and try to give her back to the town, wife and property. We can have a good discussion. We can never do this again in the future."

Bai Yan seemed to have a backbone, and she was not so flustered at the beginning. She nodded and agreed and sat down on one side. "I didn't want to ask her to die. This matter has nothing to do with Qin Sangyu. I just want the Lu family to give her son a little back road."

Lu Song knows his pillow man, but he is afraid when he thinks of Lu Liangcheng, who is still looking for people crazily. This is going well. If Lu Liangcheng takes the lead in finding Qin Sangyu, I'm afraid everything will be hidden.

"I'm going to see qinsangyu now."

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He immediately took one side of the coat, rushed to go out, downstairs to see the living room in an an an Fen eat orange Lu Xiao, "just what happened, you don't see anything."

Lu Xiao turned her mouth and did not speak. Even if Lu Liangcheng didn't know it now, she would know it in the future. She lowered her eyes and did not speak. She quietly pulled the white silk off the orange petals and fed it into her mouth.

At the same time, Mo Yu has made a detailed investigation of the people Bai Yan recently contacted, and there is aunt Mo in the list.

Lu Liangcheng saw this information, taboo Mo ruo deep in his eyes, and his knuckles turned white, "did you send someone over?"

Mo Yu nodded, "we have already sent people to the wharf to find someone. Without accident, Miss Qin can be found immediately. We closed the whole city of G in a short time, and they will not transport people out so quickly. The direction of the last stop of the car is the wharf. I think Miss Qin must be hidden in a corner of the wharf."

Lu Liangcheng's eyes are sharp light, forced to endure the discomfort of the body, stood up, "to the dock."

Mo Yu quietly followed him, knowing that no one could change the decision he made.

Lu Liangcheng's body is not suitable to go on a journey any more. The old house also called back. If he had any problems, the old man would directly cut off the relationship between his father and his grandson.

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After getting on the bus, Lu Liangcheng's eyes have been slightly narrowed. His hand hanging on one side has no strength to hold tightly. All the strength of his whole body seems to have been drained. He has never been so weak. The double torture of body and spirit almost eroded his mind in a short time.

"Boss, Miss Qin will be OK."

Mo Yu couldn't help comforting him. There was a message that he was still looking for someone. I'm afraid there was no result at this time. His sharp eyes found that the arm of the man hanging on one side was shaking.

Lu Liangcheng not only shook his hands, but also his heart. He thought about thousands of results, but went to the scene of the roaring waves and found that he had lost his voice.

"Did you find it?"

"Go over there and have a look."

There were people talking on the shore, because of a rainstorm in the evening, the search became difficult, and the frequent high tide increased the difficulty of searching.

"Boss, go back to the car. It's windy."

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Mo Yu couldn't bear to say that the night's wind is really too fierce, the air mixed with strong sea breeze, the wave rushing up has already scared off all the tourists, and now only those who are still staying at the wharf are those who search and rescue, and each person's waist is tied with a rope. If you are not careful, don't swallow up the wave.

Lu Liangcheng has been quietly watching all this, and he did not answer Mo Yu's questions. He just leaned on the car, facing the roaring tide, and hated his powerlessness.

After a long time, he looked up at the gray sky and said in a hoarse voice, "do you think she's still alive?"

She naturally refers to Qin Sangyu.

Mo Yu's heart is tight, such a big tide, if Miss Qin is by the sea, the chance of surviving is almost zero. But if he tells the truth, he is afraid that this person will be unable to help fainting, and can only pull his lips, "Miss Qin is not an ordinary person."

Lu Liangcheng didn't speak. He closed his eyes. His white lips showed that he was not feeling well now. His body seemed to be getting hot again. A new round of high fever began to erode his body. There was a layer of white fog in front of him, and he could not see anything really.

Not far from them, Lu Song has been anxiously parking the car. Since he arrived here in the afternoon, he found that there are already people from Luliang City by the sea. If he goes again, he will be doubted for the first time. He can only park his car in this secluded corner and plan to wait for the other party's people to retreat before passing by.However, until the evening, Lu Liangcheng's people came one after another, and there was no trend to go. Lu Song knew that it would be sooner or later that he found Qin Sangyu, so he had to drive away quietly and plan to go back to take care of the aftermath and erase all traces. Lu Liangcheng must not suspect Bai Yan.

There are fewer and fewer people at the wharf. Later, it rained heavily again. The ink rain held an umbrella for Lu Liangcheng. It was hard to say anything when he stood here obstinately.

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Lu Liangcheng was shivering all over, but he still tried to bear it. The wind from his face was cool. He closed his clothes tightly and stared at the sea without blinking.

Finally, half an hour later, someone ventured into the water and found a thick rope at the position of berthing the ship at the wharf. Down the rope, it was a heavy box.

"If you find something, come and pull up the box!"

The man who found the box yelled, and immediately four or five people ran to the box and pulled it up.

Lu Liangcheng also saw this scene. He had a kind of crazy intuition. Qin Sangyu was in the box. Without waiting for people to react, he took the shovel beside him and began to hit the key crazily.

Everyone was startled by his eyes, ink rain quickly stopped people, "boss, has gone to find the experts to unlock, you calm down."

Mo Yu felt that his voice was very weak. The box was sealed, and the key had been carefully treated. In addition, he had been immersed in the water for a long time. Even if someone was inside, he was afraid to suffocate, but he did not dare to say the answer.

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