Lu Liangcheng is sitting on the sofa, doting on her back, kicking away the big male who comes running, without mercy.

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Qin Sangyu tugs at the corner of his mouth, reaches out to rub Da Xiong's buttocks, and looks at Lu Liangcheng angrily.

Lu Liangcheng dressed as if nothing happened. He took the remote control and turned on the TV.


Qin sang Yu could not help but make complaints about it. She got up and went to the kitchen to see it. Because Moai had already left, and in the short time, no substitute had been found. She began to lift up her sleeve. "Let's have a gruel tonight, and neither of us can eat anything heavy oil or heavy spicy food." two

"You do it?"

Lu Liangcheng cast his eyes. He had already planned to send dinner to the hotel. Hearing her words, he immediately ordered the cancellation.

"It's easy to make porridge." Qin Sangyu raised eyebrows and began to get busy in the kitchen.

Porridge alone is not good, too light, she made a few small fried dishes, wearing an apron is particularly attractive.

Although Lu Liangcheng was sitting in the living room, his sight was almost glued to the kitchen. Seeing Qin Sangyu earnestly cutting vegetables, he felt a warm feeling in his heart. His eyes were gentle. Daxiong put his head on his leg. He didn't mind. He also touched his head kindly.

Soon, Qin Sangyu will be Waist Apron off.

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"It's dinner." She called out to the outside, took the porridge out, and turned to serve the dishes.

Lu Liangcheng pushed his head away and immediately sat down at the table. Seeing a few light dishes and a bowl of porridge, he suddenly felt that this was life.

"Sit down and don't be busy."

She put a pair of chopsticks next to hers and put them in a bowl.

"You still have a wound. Don't find yourself something to do."

Qin Sangyu's heart was warm, took the spoon, bowed his head and began to drink porridge.

The two were enjoying a warm dinner. As soon as the dishes and chopsticks were put away, the Lu family came. It seems that after Lu Liangcheng was discharged from hospital, he was a little anxious, so he came here.

Lu Tian's face has always been rigid. It's hard for him to open his mouth first when he sees his grandson not talking. Besides, he can't do it in any way, he can only carry it.

Shen Bizhi is to say, "Sangyu, you are scared this time. Don't worry. The Lu family will investigate this matter."

Qin Sangyu's face was a little embarrassed, and she even suspected that it was the master who had assassinated her twice before.

"Grandma, I'm fine."

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She could only say polite words. The door that she had opened to grandma Lu was completely closed.

Shen Bizhi is also aware of Qin Sangyu's politeness. She doesn't know what to do for a moment. She glances at Lu Tian, who is still holding up her airs. She only feels a burst of anger in her heart.

"What are you doing up to now? If you hadn't sent Qin Sangyu away, would this have happened, old man, I think you've been sitting in a high position for a long time, and you can't even apologize."

Lu Tian was green and white, and clenched her fist tightly, "Shen Bizhi!"

He was angry chest pain, face is also red, is really in the high position for a long time, where was so humiliated.

Shen Bizhi didn't speak, and she didn't look good on her face. She glared at him.

Lu Tian felt his liver ache. He ignored his grandson from the beginning. If he wanted to apologize, he was stuck in his throat and couldn't spit out. Finally, he put the cup on the table, got up and left here.

"Your grandfather is stubborn."

Shen Bizhi took time to say this sentence, but did not go up to chase, kindly looking at his grandson.

"Xiaocheng, this time you scared your grandmother. You can make your own decisions about your affairs. The Lu family will never stop you."

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Lu Liangcheng nodded and his attitude towards Shen Bizhi was surprisingly good.

Shen Bizhi explained some more, just grinded haw left here, and Qin Sangyu's tight body finally relaxed, some tangled looking at Lu Liangcheng.

"What do you want to say?"

Seeing her tangled face, Lu Liangcheng guessed what she wanted to say and turned her head quietly to look outside.

"It's not grandfather."

Qin Sangyu pursed his lips and didn't speak. He didn't know whether his guess made Lu Liangcheng a little unhappy.

"Go to bed early." Lu Liangcheng pulled her, and her whole body was still soft. "I'm not unhappy. Although this is not my grandfather's command, but how much has something to do with him, I just feel aggrieved."

When he spoke, his eyes were complicated and he took Qin Sangyu into his arms carefully.

"I'm fine."

Qin Sangyu heartless said, in the heart how many some gloomy, who also does not like others this time two murders.

Lu Liangcheng saw her lying with her eyes open. She felt a little cute and pinched her face. "You write something all over your face, and you pretend to me. I know my grandfather has a lot of bad things, but I can't be too harsh on him as a younger generation. He just put all his hopes on me, and I think my performance is just unsatisfactory, so I will be targeted at you."Qin Sangyu listened quietly with her eyes closed. When she was cooking dinner, she heard Mo Yu say that the old man also called Su Jiaoyang to accompany Lu Liangcheng, which was the most unhappy place for her. She also had some words about him.

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"I see. I'll prove it to him."

Her nose was close to Lu Liangcheng's skin and sniffed it gently. The taste of him entered her heart through every pore. For a moment, she was extremely satisfied.

However, because of her action, Lu Liangcheng's whole body was stiff. He just felt that his whole body was on fire. He bent over to hold people and raised his feet to walk towards the bedroom.

Qin Sangyu on his eyes with fire, the heart of a fierce shake, was pressed to the bed, began to struggle, "your body is not good, my body is not comfortable, tonight even if it."

It's not that she hasn't experienced those things. She's no stranger to Lu Liangcheng's eyes, but tonight is not a good time.

"I think you've just been alive and kicking. You should be OK."

Qin Sangyu suffered from trauma. Of course, her health is fine. She is worried about Lu Liangcheng. If they go to the hospital because of their bed exercise, it is estimated that the doctor will point to her nose and scold her.

"I'm ok, but you're not. The doctor has ordered me not to have sex recently."

When Fang Sheng was discharged from hospital, he didn't know anything about it.

"It doesn't take much effort."

Lu Liangcheng said vaguely that the kiss had fallen down and turned Qin Sangyu's two hands behind her, which could not tolerate her any struggle. The two people's clothing materials rubbed against each other, and the skin temperature gradually became hot.

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