"Hello, Lu Liangcheng."

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Qin Sangyu leaned aside and took time to say a word. Mixed with the light above her head, she saw the man's face blushed and felt suddenly thirsty, so she closed her eyes and left the rest alone.

Beautiful night, she pushed the next person, feel the weight of each other, breathless.

"Luliang City."

Is it time to get up at this time? However, she pushed several times, Lu Liangcheng still did not have any reaction.

Qin Sangyu felt something wrong. When he touched his forehead, he got out of bed and dressed in a hurry.

"Ink rain! Ink rain

She called two times and put on Lu Liangcheng's clothes. She was so anxious that tears almost came out.

"What's the matter, Miss Qin?"

Mo Yu hears Qin Sangyu's voice downstairs and comes up immediately. He just knocks on the door and dares not come in.

"Luliang City, he fainted!"

Qin Sangyu flustered to open the door, two people partnership will be sent to the hospital.

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Mo Yu didn't have to think about it. He knew why his boss fainted, pulled the corners of his mouth and raised the speed to the maximum.

When the doctor saw that the man came to the hospital again, he had a headache. Every time he came, everyone had to tremble for fear of something wrong.

He carefully inspected Lu Liangcheng's body, and found Qin Sangyu with tears on his face beside him, frowning. "Crying, crying, what's the use of crying? When you left, I told you not to be so violent about sex. After one day's discharge, he came back again. It's really killing me!"

The doctor has been scolding, far away can still hear his voice, "now the young is really difficult to manage!"

Qin Sangyu was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a way to get into the room. She apologized all the time. She was relieved to see that the doctor had entered the room of Luliang City. However, the eyes of the little nurses around her were always gossiping at her, which made her blush.

Lu Liangcheng hung the bottle again. Qin Sangyu stood by and did not dare to go anywhere. Thinking of the doctor's accusation just now, she felt uncomfortable. So many people heard about it. She really wanted to never come to the hospital again.

"It's all your fault. I told you that you can't do it. You can't do it. You just don't listen."

She murmured, thinking that it was herself who was scolded, and Lu Liangcheng fainted and didn't care about anything. She felt more and more oppressed.

Mo Yu is also a little embarrassed, can only try to reduce his sense of existence, quietly find an opportunity to quietly leave the hospital.

Qin Sangyu kept watch until the evening. Lu Liangcheng finally woke up. However, he felt embarrassed and refused to speak.

"Luliang City, I told you last night. Look at you. Here comes the hospital again. What can we do if we disturb the Lu family?"

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Qin Sangyu can not let him go, a cold face, in the sight of Lu Liangcheng cover mouth cough, the voice of some gentle.

Lu Liangcheng felt really embarrassed. He even fainted in bed. Would Qin Sangyu feel that last night was very unpleasant, and he is holding his breath now?

Men are strong in that respect. They can't tolerate slander. Lu Liangcheng is no exception.

He is now recalling Qin Sangyu's expression last night, wondering whether she is satisfied with his performance.

"It was an accident last night, Qin Sangyu. You know, I'm very good at that."

Qin Sangyu is cutting the apple. When he heard Lu Liangcheng say this, he couldn't help crying or laughing. At this time, he was still thinking about it.

Lu Liangcheng observes her expression, can't guess her meaning, can only frown.

Qin Sangyu will cut a good fruit into his mouth, his face has been red can drip blood, "all day there is no serious."

Seeing her blush, Lu Liangcheng felt a little relieved. He leaned back on the bed and opened his mouth to wait for Qin Sangyu to feed him. He looked like a bird crying for food.

Qin Sangyu is also a little sad and laughing. Lu Shao of Tiancheng has become so naive here.

She had no choice but to feed him fruit with a fork. After half an hour of feeding, Lu Liangcheng turned his head, which means he was full.

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Qin Sangyu quickly cleaned up the fruit peel next to him, went out to throw away the garbage and came back to find that Luliang City was already asleep, so he tilted his head against one side and didn't even cover the quilt.

She stood in front of the door and looked for a long time. Then she warmed her heart to him and laid him on the bed. No matter how high Lu Liangcheng was in the eyes of others, in her eyes, he would always be an ordinary man.

She lay down beside the bed and fell asleep. When she woke up, she opened her eyes and saw the ceiling. There was no one nearby. She was flustered and wanted to get out of bed to look for Lu Liangcheng. As soon as she opened a corner of the quilt, she saw Lu Liangcheng standing by the window, as if standing for a long time.


Lu Liangcheng turned around and looked at her tenderly with the tea in his hand.

"Leave the hospital. I don't like the white in the hospital."He said that he was going to pull Qin Sangyu out, but Qin Sangyu still remembered the man's bad behavior and threw his hand violently.

"I think I'd better stay until it's all right."

Lu Liangcheng knew that the man was still angry. When he woke up to go to the bathroom, he heard the gossip of the nurses. When Qin Sangyu sent him, he was scolded by the doctor. Qin Sangyu was thin skinned, and he must have wanted to find a way to get in.

"I promise it's the last time."

Qin Sangyu looked at him suspiciously, and now he was in front of her, there was no trust at all.

Lu Liangcheng pulled at the corners of his mouth, and suddenly felt subdued, "Qin Sangyu, do you really believe me?"

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Qin Sangyu snorted coldly and walked out of the ward. "I don't believe you, but I don't believe your lower body. Men are animals that think about the lower body."

Lu Liangcheng looked down at one of his parts, secretly blamed it for not striving for success, and raised his feet to catch up with her.

"Not tonight."

Anyway, Qin Sangyu finally agreed to be discharged from hospital. It was still Mo Yu who came to pick them up.

Mo Yu's face was full of teasing expression, and his face was ambiguous. Qin Sangyu's face turned red again and looked out of the window.

Lu Liangcheng's face was getting darker and darker. At last, he said, "Mo Yu, since you are in such a good mood, go to Africa for a business trip tomorrow. There is just something wrong with the company there."

At the foot of the dark rain, the conditions are the hardest in Africa. Many places don't even have a toilet. In addition, the environment is so bad that business trip is almost like prison.

"Boss, I'm just glad to see you out of the hospital."

He tried to explain, but Lu Liangcheng closed his eyes, a non-negotiable attitude.

Mo Yu was crying and looked at Qin Sangyu with a cry in his eyes.

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