It was a beautiful night. The next day, Qin Sangyu did not get up. When she squinted and sewed up, Lu Liangcheng was already gone.

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Qin Sangyu's mouth curled, trembling legs came downstairs, from the refrigerator out of a bottle of ice water to drink two, some skeptics sat down beside.

Luliang City, you beast!

She scolded angrily, knowing that she could not go to work today. The company had already had a lot of rumors about her. If she asked for leave at any time, I'm afraid everyone would really think that she's on the money.

She took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Yunqian.

I won't come to work today.

Cloud shallow looks at this news, if has thought, the finger moved.

If you're not feeling well, I'll come to see you after work.

Qin Sangyu just wanted to refuse, when she sent a message.

Sister Qin, it's settled.

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Qin Sangyu's heart is slightly uncomfortable, as if someone is trying to pry into her life, but she has left a scar on her body, and now there is no reason to refuse others.

Yunqian will go to see Qin Sangyu. It's not wine. She just wants to know what the boss's place is like.

Before she went, she thought a lot, but she didn't see it with her own eyes. She was shocked by the huge crystal pendant ceiling lamp, low luxury furniture, swimming pool, golf course and even ski resort. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she couldn't believe that Qin Sangyu lived in such a luxurious place.

Her heart filled with a huge jealousy, which almost drove her crazy, but she also had to suppress themselves.

"Sister Qin, I really envy you to live in such a villa."

She said sour, her eyes a little red, when she saw the spiral up the stairs, her heart slightly rippled, can imagine wearing a princess skirt, slowly down the stairs, all this is Qin Sangyu's, what means she tied up the boss.

"This is Lu Liangcheng's, not mine."

Qin Sangyu explained that she was about to ask Yunqian to sit down and saw her eager eyes. "Sister Qin, please take me to the room for a visit."

Qin Sangyu's heart again surged that kind of uncomfortable feeling, this person said to come to see his own?

"Sister Qin, it's the first time I've seen such a big house."

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Cloud shallow open mouth again, the tone is careful, all over the face is aggrieved appearance.

Qin Sangyu had no way, and took her upstairs, one by one, began to visit.

When visiting the cloakroom, Yunqian has been shocked by the limited edition clothes and bags. Many of them are orphans, which can't be bought in China. The price is even higher. But in this room, there are all the limited edition bought.

Great jealousy filled her heart one after another. Last time, she was still laughing at Qin Sangyu's clothes and bags in her heart. It turned out that people just didn't like to wear big brands. Her eyes turned red in an instant and was dyed red by the scene in front of her.

"These are all bought by Lu Liangcheng. Actually, I haven't worn them very much. It's said that they are very expensive."

Qin Sangyu said with indifference that she did not care about these things. Yunqian felt that she was slapped in the face.

She felt that she couldn't stay for a moment. She was so jealous of Qin Sangyu that her jealousy could not be suppressed. If she stayed any longer, she would be unable to help doing something to Qin Sangyu. Her calm attitude made her feel embarrassed.

"Sister Qin, the room has been visited. I don't think you have any problems. I have to go back."

She said with a pale face, holding her small bag tightly in her hand, and her nails have been deeply buttoned into the imitation leather. Compared with Qin Sangyu's bags, what she is holding in her hand is garbage, and she is living a life of garbage.

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"Don't go until you've had dinner. I've got the kitchen ready for dinner."

Qin Sangyu see her face is not good, think last night this person is also like this, should not be the body really what is wrong with it.

Yun Qian turned her head and forced her body down the stairs. After saying goodbye with a stiff face, she opened the door and left. She was afraid that if she stayed on, the darkness in her heart would be magnified infinitely.

"Wheezing, wheezing."

Running out of the villa far away, she held on to a tree beside her to gasp, clenched her fist, and smashed it to the tree, which made her blood dripping. The pain made her more conscious and knew what she wanted. She wanted to replace Qin Sangyu and live a luxurious life.

The scene in the villa obviously stimulated her. She wanted to squeeze Qin Sangyu away and move into the big house by herself. However, a message had been sent there saying that there was a long way to go. She did not know what the people behind her intended to do.

Yun shallow's mind is very chaotic, that jealousy like entangled shackles, want to pull her into the abyss of hell, she just saw Qin Sangyu's neck are all kissing marks, although the other side tried to cover up, but in her bow or bend over, the ambiguous kiss will be exposed.She and the president must have been very hot last night.

With a pale smile at the corner of her mouth, Yunqian felt that her body was a little hot. The president's figure was very good. I heard that he often exercised. He must have eight abdominal muscles, wide shoulders and narrow waist. The deeper she thought about it, the more hot her face was.

She took a taxi and couldn't wait to get home. After lying in bed, her head was full of kisses on Qin Sangyu's neck, which went down all the way to invisible places.

"Luliang City..."

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she whispered softly and stroked her finger on her neck. She imagined her finger as Lu Liangcheng's finger, and her face became hot and hot.

"Let me be your woman."

Her voice was hoarse and emotional, and she imagined the kiss marks on Qin Sangyu's body. She imagined landing on Liangcheng and lying on her body. After being pushed to the top for a short time, Yunqian looked at the ceiling blankly. Thinking of what she had just done, she threw her pillow under the bed.

Since when did she have such a strong desire for Luliang City.

Yunqian felt that she must be crazy. She wanted to kill Qin Sangyu as crazy. Her mobile phone rang at this time. She came back from the chaos and looked at the screen of her mobile phone. It was the message from there.

Don't act rashly, or you will bear the consequences.

The corner of Yunqian's mouth pulled. It seems that she has already known that she went to Qin Sangyu's residence today. Her life is monitored all the time, which is really boring.

She simply did not worry, want to see the people behind can fight Qin Sangyu.

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