After leaving from Yunqian, Qin Sangyu sat on the sofa, waiting for landing in Liangcheng.

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Just now she has been supporting the strength to accompany Yunqian to visit. Now she only feels that she has been drained of spirit and lies on the sofa powerless.

This is what Lu Liangcheng saw when he entered the house. He picked up his thick eyebrows and hung his coat on the coat rack. He came over as he unbuttoned his coat

When Qin Sangyu heard his question, he immediately thought of this man's scene of frantically tossing about himself last night. His face was instantly red and he looked at him angrily, "do you still have the face to ask?"

Lu Liangcheng let out a low smile, Cello like voice let Qin Sangyu instant soft, she some spit on himself.

"Why went to the bar yesterday?"

Lu Liangcheng is still holding on to this matter. His eyes, like searchlights, are looking up and down on Qin Sangyu's whole body.

Qin Sangyu shrunk his neck and immediately felt guilty. "I just want to go inside and have a look. I haven't been to a bar yet."

Lu Liangcheng sighed, stretched out his finger and pinched her face. "I'm not that I don't forbid you to go to that place, but it's a newly opened bar with potential safety hazards. You're not only Qin Sangyu, you're still the little grandmother of the Lu family. Think more before you do something."

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Qin Sangyu lowered his head and knew that he was right, "not next time."

She made a stuffy promise. Lu Liangcheng held her in her arms. "If you want to go, take me with you, or go to the bar under my name."

Qin Sangyu knew that there were many shops and bars in Luliang City. He nodded and settled in his arms.

The two kept warm for a while, and the nanny brought up the food. Qin Sangyu took two mouthfuls of it, and felt uncomfortable in his stomach. With a white face, he took a look at Lu Liangcheng and quietly threw the rice in the bowl into the garbage can.

"Try this caviar."

Lu Liangcheng at this time to her vegetables, did not notice her abnormal.

Qin Sangyu smiles. Just about to move his chopsticks, she feels a nausea in her stomach. She gets up and goes to the bathroom and vomit.

Lu Liangcheng was startled, followed by into the bathroom, reached out and patted her on the back. Her eyes were worried, "is there something wrong? I'll take you to the hospital."

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Qin Sangyu looked pale and shook her head. She had a bold idea in her heart. Thinking of that reason, her heart began to jump wildly.

She took some water to wash, and then calmly looked at Lu Liangcheng, "it's just the stomach discomfort. I'll take two pieces of stomach medicine."

Lu Liangcheng will hold her, eyebrows have been locked, "no, must go to the hospital."

Qin Sangyu's heart trembled. She had to make sure that she could go to the hospital. "I really just feel sick in my stomach. Is there any stomach medicine at home? Can I have a pill for my stomach

Lu Liangcheng nodded, held her on the sofa, and then went to the medicine box. There were all kinds of things in the medicine box. After so many years of social intercourse, his stomach was often uncomfortable, so stomach medicine was always on hand.

He put two pills in the palm of his hand and poured a cup of warm water. "Take it. If it's still uncomfortable after half an hour, we'll go to the hospital."

Qin Sangyu nodded, a little warm in his heart. When he took the two pills, he was afraid that his guess would come true.

Lu Liangcheng didn't eat any more. She looked at her with a pair of eyes. It seemed that as long as she frowned, she would be sent to the hospital immediately.

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fortunately, half an hour later, Qin Sangyu said that she was much better. After taking the fruit and starting to eat, Lu Liangcheng was relieved.

In the evening, Qin Sangyu tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. She and Lu Liangcheng were together, and the number of times they had sex with each other couldn't be counted. Lu Liangcheng didn't want to wear a condom, and she forgot this matter carelessly. The vomiting tonight should not be pregnant, right?

This guess made her unable to sleep, she almost opened her eyes until dawn, the next day directly against a black eye ring.

Lu Liangcheng looked at her heartily, angry and angry, "what are you thinking about if you don't sleep at night?"?! Qin Sangyu, please rest at home today

Qin Sangyu would like him to give her a holiday. She promised. After leaving, she immediately went to the nearest drugstore and bought a box of pregnancy test paper.

In the heart of the frying pan, as if anxious to open the frying pan in the toilet.

After a while, two poles appeared on the top. Qin Sangyu opened her eyes wide and almost thought that she was wrong. She did not stop to measure two or three rods, and they were still two.

The sky is falling. She looks at the result with tears and panic. She remembers that two years later, she will leave. Under the pressure of her family, Lu Liangcheng will find another woman. Her poor child will soon become a thorn in her stepmother's eye.

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Qin Sangyu took a hard breath and hinted that she was calm. Now only she knew she was pregnant. As long as she didn't say it and quietly took the child away, everything was in the dark.Qin Sangyu looked down at her stomach. In fact, she liked children very much, but the child came at a bad time. She reached out and touched her stomach and sighed.

After returning to her room, she began to search the information about the flow of people on the Internet. She wanted to see which hospital was reliable. She could check it. Her heart became more and more anxious. All this was the fault of their adults. Why blame a child, and then kill a life like this? How can you bear it.

Qin Sangyu felt very anxious. She ordered a hospital at random. She couldn't help but tell her the news when she thought that she had only a friend like Yunqian.

What should we do if the clouds are shallow? I'm pregnant. Lu Liangcheng still doesn't know. I don't want this child. I want to beat the child. Do you know where the hospital is reliable and needs a hospital that does a good job in privacy.

When Yunqian received the news, she was still working in the company. She only felt that it was a bolt from the blue. Since ancient times, mother depends on her son, not to mention a large family like the Lu family. If Qin Sangyu successfully gave birth to a child, wouldn't even the Lu family start to recognize her?

A trace of malice flashed in her eyes. Knowing that Qin Sangyu didn't intend to have the child, her mouth was hooked. It seemed that she would be guided to go to the hospital for abortion.

Don't worry, sister Qin. I'll check the reliable hospital for you. Will the President be angry if you kill the child like this?

Qin Sangyu lenglengleng staring at this news, will Lu Liangcheng be angry? He should not forget that they will divorce two years later. This contractual relationship will end sooner or later. Why leave a child as a fetter to each other.

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