——I don't know if he's going to be angry. It's my own reason. I don't want this child.

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Yunqian is just cheering in his heart. There are so many women in G city who want to give birth to the boss. Qin Sangyu is such a lucky person. However, the other party doesn't know good or evil and wants to kill the child. As expected, God is helping her.

Yunqian wants to laugh wildly. After taking a look at the position of the president's office, the arc of the corner of his mouth is even more powerful.

Sister Qin, when are you going to go, I will accompany you.

Now she has to ask Qin Sangyu to kill the child as soon as possible, and she must hide the news. She can't let anyone know that Qin Sangyu is pregnant and has many people. If the president knows, it will be bad. If the president likes Qin Sangyu so much, he will certainly leave the child.

Qin Sangyu thought carefully for a while, but she didn't know when to go. But according to the information she just got online, the sooner the better. Otherwise, it would be more difficult to register.

Just this weekend. You can go with me.

After sending the news, she felt that she had no strength all over her body, like a wooden doll who had been drained of strength. Her eyes turned red and she felt like crying. How could she have been so careless about having a baby.

Yunqian received her message, her eyes were excited, and she closed the chat window with her. She was just about to tell the news to the people there, but when the mouse arrow was placed on the send button, she hesitated.

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The people over there are mysterious and mysterious. They don't know who they are and they are very procrastinating. I'd better do it by myself this time. I can't tell them the news.

She closed the chat window, sorted out her thoughts a little, and began to go back to work as if nothing had happened.

After Qin Sangyu sent these news, the whole person was in a state of impatience, occasionally touching his stomach and occasionally pounding the sofa.

She didn't sleep because she thought about it last night. Now she has the result. After a short period of anxiety, she directly sleeps in the past. In her dream, a child crawls down the floor into her stomach, crying for her mother and asking why she doesn't want him.

Qin Sangyu immediately woke up, shaking hands to pour himself a glass of water, after drinking a few drinks, curled up on the sofa, thinking whether the child knew he was going to the hospital, so he purposely asked for her dream, hoping to stop her.

Qin Sangyu felt that she was extremely contradictory. She wanted the child, but her engagement with Lu Liangcheng was still there. The child was doomed to be unhappy. She did not want her child to live with her stepmother's face.

Her body is full of cold sweat and greasy. Seeing that Lu Liangcheng has not come back, she goes to the bathroom to take a bath and returns downstairs in her pajamas. As soon as her buttocks are next to the sofa, the door lock of the living room rings, and Lu Liangcheng changes shoes at the porch.

Qin Sangyu didn't want to cry, but the moment she saw this man, she felt that her throat was blocked by something. Sayaz began to run towards landing in Liangcheng and plunged into his arms.

Liangcheng was hit by her strength, the top of the back two steps, some doubt looked down at her, "what's the matter, do you have a nightmare?"

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Qin Sangyu's heart is very complicated. She wants to tell him the truth, but because of the existence of the Lu family, she can only hold the secret in her stomach and shake her head.

Lu Liangcheng hugged her, and they all the way to the sofa. He pressed her on the sofa, and suddenly approached and crouched. He carefully observed her expression.

Qin Sangyu doesn't dare to look up at him, because Lu Liangcheng's eyes are very deep. It seems that if you are not careful, you will pry into her inner secret. However, Lu Liangcheng now surrounds her on the sofa with both hands, and she can't avoid it.

"Have you done something wrong?"

Lu Liangcheng frowned and said this, reaching out to lift her chin, forcing her to face himself, and his voice was hoarse, "did you do something wrong and dare not let me know?"

Qin Sangyu wants to say that this person is really the truth. This week she is going to kill his child quietly. If he knows, he doesn't know how to deal with her.

"No, just dizzy."

This sentence blurted out, when she said it, she was also shocked, she can now face not red heart do not jump to lie.

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Lu Liangcheng just let her go, sat down beside her, and unconsciously put his hand on her stomach.

The stomach is a sensitive existence for Qin Sangyu now. She almost subconsciously patted off his hand and carefully protected her stomach, staring at him with vigilance.

"What's the matter with you?"

Lu Liangcheng feels more and more strange. Isn't he usually so intimate with this person? There's something wrong now.

Qin Sangyu was also asked about this sentence when he felt that his reaction was a little excessive, and quickly stroked the fat broken hair beside his ear as a cover up.

"I just had diarrhea, and now my stomach hurts."

"Did you take the medicine?"

Lu Liangcheng left early this morning. There were several meetings held in the company. Moreover, he was informed that he needed to go abroad for a flight later. Now he comes back to give Qin Sangyu something else.But such Qin Sangyu really let him worry, he planned to cancel the flight tonight, but the person in front of him suddenly got up and rubbed his stomach, "I'm not a child, I'm just a simple diarrhea, take the medicine. If you have something, you can do it yourself."

Lu Liangcheng breathed a sigh of relief, got up and held her in a gentle tone. "You should be good at home. I'll go abroad and come back in a few days. Call me if you have something."

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Qin Sangyu's heart is a little lost, after a few days can be the weekend, she wants to kill the child, as a father of Lu Liangcheng but do not know, will be too cruel?

"Well, you go."

She did not have any expression on her face. After saying this, she felt a little tired. She forced her to send him outside. When she saw him get on the car, she leaned against the pillar beside her and felt chilly.

It was windy at night, and there was a light rain in the evening, so it was a bit cool. She blew the wind for a while and felt that she had figured it out. Don't tell Lu Liangcheng the news for the moment, but go quietly to beat the child. As for the rest, let's talk about it in two years.

She sighed, turned back to the living room, cleaned it up, and went to the bedroom upstairs. When she was about to go to bed, she found that Lu Liangcheng had sent a message.

Go to bed early. Good night.

He should have arrived at the airport by now, Qin Sangyu immediately returned the news, then leaned on the bed and fell asleep.

Lu Liangcheng is not here. She doesn't want to get up early or go to work. She dawdles to the gym. Suddenly, she remembers that she is pregnant with a child and can't do any vigorous exercise. She goes back to the living room frustrated.

She felt that she was sad and afraid. At this time, Lu Liangcheng went abroad again. She felt as if she had lost her heart and soul.

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