Although he had tried to slow down before landing, the violent impact still made the helicopter shake a few times, but fortunately, no one fell from it.

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With a long sigh of relief, he turned his head and looked at Lu Liangcheng. He found that although his face was pale, he was not hurt at all.

"Boss, it's dark outside now. They can't find us for the time being. We have to find a safe place to hide before the day comes."

Lu Liangcheng rubbed his still aching head and took a look at the man he was holding. He had passed out. There was no trauma on his body. He should wake up soon.

"Let's go."

He got out of the helicopter, climbed the tree to climb down, ink rain followed him carefully, both of them had a reflex to forget the man, after all, they did not have the energy to take people.

After Lu Liangcheng got down to the ground, he felt more dizzy. He reached out and patted his head, "those people should not have thought that we would make a forced landing. Now as long as we don't turn on the lights, they can't see us in the air. First find a place to hide and then play with them slowly."

Mo Yu nodded and followed him. Fortunately, they put Murray on another helicopter. Otherwise, it would be worse for them to take a wounded person.

They groped for a long time, but there was nothing in the forest except the big trees in the sky. It was hard to find a place to hide.

"Boss, this is the border of our country. There will be border officers and soldiers stationed here. If you look carefully, do we have an impression of this place?"

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The trees here are so special that you can't see the end at a glance. The trees are very tall, but the lower part is bare. You can't climb up if you want to climb. There are no shrubs in the forest, and the things on the ground are almost clear at a glance.

Lu Liangcheng's eyes are shining. They really did make complaints about the situation. At that time, he still Tucao such an environment is not suitable for guerrilla warfare. After all, there is no hiding place. "I know where I am, go, go and find the mark we made at that time."

His eyes were full of smiles. It was the first time that he came to this place with Mo Yu. Because all the numbers were almost the same, he was completely lost. Finally, he made a mark with a small stone. As long as you follow the mark, you will find the troops stationed here.

But the day is almost dawn, the forest is full of fog, the helicopter hovering in the sky did not leave, has been searching for their figure.

Lu Liangcheng and Mo Yu are exhausted. They feel that the sky is already shining. They know that the group of people will soon find them landing. They look at each other and continue to look for the original mark.

"Over there! Catch up! Lu Liangcheng must not be let go

"If necessary, shoot directly!"

Many people rushed into the forest, still sleeping in the forest was immediately awakened by the noise, birds also began to chirp, but in such a beautiful morning, there are countless murders.

Lu Liangcheng and Mo Yu are exhausted. They still don't see the original mark. They are worried. The forest is so big that they can't finish it in one day. What's more, they have no time now.

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"Ha, find you, and run! I see where you can go

In front of Lu Liangcheng and Mo Yu, more than 30 people appeared. In their escape, their guns had already run out of bullets, and they had to step back step by step. However, behind them was the cliff, and retreating again was death.

"Luliang City, the leader still told me to take you back. Your life is very valuable."

Lu Liangcheng didn't care what the man was calculating. He looked back, clenched his fist, and whispered, "Mo Yu, there is a lake under the cliff. I came to inspect it at that time. The lake is not far away from the military base, but now we are injured. We don't know whether it is life or death. Do you dare to jump?"

Ink rain a Leng, what dare he dare, the corner of his mouth slightly hook up, "boss, fall into their hands, we will die, jump down there is a ray of life."

Lu Liangcheng nodded and quietly stepped back a little, "let's jump together."

With that, he jumped up and fell directly to the cliff behind him, and the ink rain also followed closely.

"No! Stop them

The group of talents realized what they were going to do, but it was too late. Seeing the two people who had disappeared, everyone felt remorse and fired several shots at the bottom of the cliff.

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"Find out if there is a way to go down. This time, it's hard to force Lu Liangcheng into a desperate situation. He must not be allowed to run away!"

Everyone put down their guns and began to look for paths around them.

G city.

Qin Sangyu always felt flustered. She had been back home for a day. Lu Liangcheng didn't call her. He clearly said that he would call back every day. Finally, she couldn't help but make a phone call.

"Hello? Lu Liangcheng, what are you up to? Why don't you call me? "

"Qin Sangyu, I have something to do now. Please be good and talk slowly when I come back."Qin Sangyu's questions are blocked by his gentle voice. Is it because he is too thoughtful? Her face immediately filled with a smile, "well, when you come back, we'll talk slowly."

"Good, I'll hang up."

There came a gentle voice. If Qin Sangyu didn't know that it was Lu Liangcheng's voice, I'm afraid it would have been doubted at this time. After all, every time he called, Lu Liangcheng would try to prolong the time, and then the two people chatted on the phone. But today, he hung up so fast that he didn't bother to say more with her.

Qin Sangyu's brow frowned for a moment. Although she was not comfortable in her heart, she thought that this person was still busy, so she could only stuffy and say, "well, you..."

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before her words were finished, there were beeps inside, indicating that the person had already hung up the phone.

The corner of Qin Sangyu's mouth smoked for a while, is this person today what stimulation? After thinking about it, she felt uneasy and sent him a short message.

What's the matter with you?

She thought she was going to wait for a while, but the man replied quickly.

-- it's OK. Don't worry. Take good care of yourself. I can't leave now. I'll come back to you after I finish my work.

Qin Sangyu found that his tone was still as gentle as before, so he completely put down his heart and replied sweetly.

Good night, husband.

But there was no reply. Qin Sangyu's mouth was crooked and she should be shy. She put her mobile phone under her pillow and recalled the tenderness of landing in Liangcheng, and soon fell asleep.

Where did she know Lu Liangcheng's current situation? She was completely blinded by the phone call and SMS.

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