He was cold all night, and his memory began to soak in the cold water.

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Mo Yu was in a coma completely, and there were bloody wounds on his legs. When he jumped off the cliff, he was hit by the bullets of those people.

Lu Liangcheng's head was dizzy with pain. Seeing several houses getting closer and closer, his strength seemed to be losing faster. He took a look at the sky above his head. It was almost autumn. The sun was not so strong, but now the dazzling light still made him unbearable.

Finally, under the tree, he put down the ink rain, and he also fainted. He really had no strength to climb up again.

"Over there! Catch up

According to the blood, the people behind quickly locked their tracks. When they saw that Luliang City and Moyu had fainted, they burst out a burst of laughter. They really had to come without any effort, "take the people away!"

Yell such a sentence, everyone will go up to look for people, but soon, surrounded by a lot of troops, with the most advanced guns, the black muzzle cold at them, "don't move! Put the gun down

The majestic officers and soldiers are more powerful than those who are in a mess now. Everyone is completely frightened by this scene. It is only at this time that some people react that they have illegally entered other countries with guns and ammunition. They will certainly be misunderstood.

The leader quickly stepped forward to explain a few words, but his head soon reached a gun, "move again, the bullet is not long eyes."

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The man's face was stiff. These people couldn't hear any explanation at all. It seems that they were defeated this time.

"Marshal, what are you going to do with these people?"

The leader of the army grinned, turned the gun in his hand for a few times, and said carelessly, "all of them are locked up. Each of them has a gun, so their identity is not so simple."

The men in the army handcuffed these people, but when they saw the comatose Lu Liangcheng and Mo Yu, they frowned. How could they feel that they were familiar with each other.

"Marshal, this seems to be from the Lu family in G city."

Rong Lang a listen, eyes flash a trace of doubt, stretched his neck to see, found that the coma is Lu Liangcheng, his mouth instantly blew a whistle, "Yo, this is not our Lu Shao." The last time the man played him mercilessly, but he still remembers now.

"Take them into the room and let the doctor see them."

Several soldiers quickly started to lift Lu Liangcheng. However, although Luliang Cheng was in a coma, he was still on guard. He grabbed the man's throat and was sweating. He tried to open his eyes and saw a smile on the side. His eyes were stunned and he fainted at ease.

The corner of the mouth of Rong Lang smoked, what meaning is he so at ease faint past? Are you sure you will save him? Cold hum a, "hurry to send people in, looking at is really eye-catching."

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Many people at the scene knew that the commander-in-chief had suffered a great loss, and the name of the person who suffered from the loss was Lu. Now everyone saw his face and knew that the comatose man was Lu's family. They thought about it one after another, and someone obscenely gathered together and said, "marshal, why don't we vent our anger for you?"

"Go away."

Rong Lang pushed people away. His face was a little embarrassed. It was a shame for him. The damned Lu Liangcheng was in his hands.

All of us are laughing and holding their heads, they carry Lu Liangcheng and Mo Yu into the room. The doctor soon comes over and carefully checks them. After taking out the bullet from Mo Yu's leg, he puts some medicine on his hands.

"Their injuries are not serious. They have not hurt any bones. They will probably wake up tomorrow."

When the doctor finished, he saw a sinister smile on ronglang's face, and his scalp felt numb. Everyone knew that the man had bad water and did not know who to start with now.

"Will you wake up tomorrow? Just in time, I have an account to settle with Lu Liangcheng. "

His eyes were full of obscenity when he looked at Lu Liangcheng with his legs dangling. At that time, Lu Liangcheng threw him to a group of hungry women, which made him lose face. This time, he wanted to return a tooth for a tooth and an eye for an eye.

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However, the location is very wrong. In addition to a group of great men, some women who come from here call in several men outside the door with a bite of their teeth.

"You, when Lu Liangcheng wakes up, that's it." With that, he quietly attached several people's ears and said his plan.

Several men's faces are white, this person may not want to face, but they want face ah, if this matter is spread out, how can they marry their daughter-in-law in the future.

"Marshal, I can't do it. You also said that this is the Lu family in G City, or the successor of the Lu family. When he recovers, I'm afraid we won't have a good life."

"You think you will have a good life if you refuse my proposal. I tell you, if you can't do it, do as I say!"

His eyes and eyebrows are proud, his hands behind his back, swaggering out, his heart is quite satisfied, he can finally a snow before shame.When Lu Liangcheng woke up, his head still hurt. He looked at the surrounding environment and vaguely remembered that he saw ronglang's cheap face before he fainted, so he was relieved to faint. Now it seems that he and Moyu are saved.

"Lu Shao, are you awake?"

Lu Liangcheng's face turned black. He had a bad feeling in his heart. When he looked up, he saw several great men coming in from outside and looked at him one by one.

"Marshal asked us to serve you, saying that we must make you want to die tonight."

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Say, a few men's hands touched the thigh of Lu Liangcheng, Lu Liangcheng's face was stiff, Rong Lang that villain who took advantage of the danger!

He kicked hard on the leg, kicked one of the men's hands away, took the broom aside and began to drive people out.

Who could have thought of the way Lu Shao was driving people out with a broom. Everyone was stunned. Before they could react, they got a solid slap on their face. The pungent dust choked them and began to cough.

They wanted to retreat, but the marshal gave a death order. Lu Liangcheng must suffer, or they would suffer.

"Lu Shao, don't do this. We're just chosen by the marshal to serve you."

"You don't have to struggle. You still have a wound. The wound will split again later."

Although several people were beaten in the face, but in order to allow Lang's order, Leng did not run out of the room.

Lu Liangcheng's face was as black as the bottom of the pot, and he kept waving the broom. After a while, the whole room was full of smoke.

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