Lu Liangcheng has not been to the company for many days. People in the top office are very surprised when she appears. However, it is inconceivable that Qin Sangyu's salary is still empty. People in the financial department say that Qin Sangyu's salary is paid every month, but for so long, she has not been seen for a time. Everyone's heart is full of resentment.

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Why do some people get such a high salary if they don't do anything? Everyone gets together to discuss quietly,

"is there something wrong with the people in the finance department who think Qin Sangyu is still in the company, so they still pay her wages?"

"I'm really upset. Qin Sangyu only knows how to climb the dragon and attach Phoenix to her husband. She hasn't been to work for several times. Why should she get the same salary as us?"

"Who's going to talk to the president?"

Finally, we elected a representative, hoping that she could go to the president's side and tell Qin Sangyu a good thing. The representative was very worried. It was the first time that she entered the president's office because of this matter. She knocked on the door politely.

"Come in." Lu Liangcheng's voice was very cold, without any emotion, and he didn't even raise his head.

The representative felt that her legs were very unproductive and somewhat soft. She regretted that she had become a pioneer, but she had to say, "president, I just want to reflect one thing. Qin Sangyu has not come to work in the company for a long time, but we find that the financial department is still paying her salary. I wonder if the financial department is wrong?"

Lu Liangcheng's brow frowned. How could he not know the person in front of him, Xiao Jiu, "what do you want to ask me about the financial department? Do you think I'm free? "

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The representative's face was white. She hesitated and didn't know what to say. Her hands and feet were cold. How could she not find that the president's power was so powerful that she wanted to go home to find her mother.

"Well... I'll ask the finance department..."

she said, shrinking her neck. She was so regretful that she almost ran out of the office door, and the people outside immediately surrounded her.

"How about it? Did the president say he would dismiss Qin Sangyu? "

The representative shook his head, sighed, and repeated his words in the tone of landing in Liangcheng. Everyone was quiet in an instant and returned to their positions. Anyone who is not blind can see that the president is leaning against Qin Sangyu.

They were surprised. What did Qin Sangyu do to the president and let people like him directly favor her.

Where does Qin Sangyu know that everyone has begun to guess that she is Lu Liangcheng's underground lover? In the afternoon, her body is a little better, and she wants to go to the company to see Lu Liangcheng.

However, when she arrived at the top office, she found that the atmosphere here was very wrong. Everyone looked at her with strange eyes. Qin Sangyu felt as if she was standing on her back. She went to Lu Liangcheng's office and felt relieved when she closed the door.

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"Their eyes are so terrible that they feel like they are going to eat me alive. I don't seem to have provoked them recently?"

Qin Sangyu looks at Lu Liangcheng and says that she has already looked up at her. Her face is filled with a smile, "husband, it's hard. Are you hungry? I've brought you the cookies I made myself

Lu Liangcheng raised her eyebrows and took the small box in her hand. She found that she had carefully made the biscuit into the shape of love. With a hook of her mouth, she kissed her lips. "It's hard."

When Qin Sangyu saw the smile on his face, she found that she had become extremely degenerate. As long as Lu Liangcheng smiles at her, she can roll up her sleeves to do anything. The power of love is really magical.

"Honey, is it delicious?"

She blinked her eyes and asked. Seeing the satisfied color in Lu Liangcheng's eyes, she lifted her chin triumphantly. "I learned from the video again, knowing that your stomach is not good, and specially adding something to nourish your stomach. In the future, if you feel uncomfortable with your stomach, you can eat this."

Lu Liangcheng only felt that his heart was melting. He took her hand and saw the blisters on it. He frowned. "Don't do it next time. There are servants at home. Why do you do it yourself?"

Qin Sangyu wanted to take his hand back, but found that Lu Liangcheng held it tightly. He could only curl his mouth and say, "I was so excited that I forgot to wear insulation gloves, so I was scalded. It's my own stupidity. It has nothing to do with biscuits."

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When Lu Liangcheng heard her explanation, he thought he couldn't laugh or cry. "Pay attention next time. If you get hurt again, don't go into the kitchen."

Qin Sangyu quickly nodded, yawned, moved the sofa closer, leaned on Lu Liangcheng's shoulder, and his head began to gradually.

Lu Liangcheng changed her position and put her head on her legs so that he could continue to work.

Qin Sangyu has really gone to sleep. She was really tired last night. She spent so much energy on making so many biscuits today. She felt the breath of Lu Liangcheng by her side. She was very relieved to sleep in the past.

Half an hour later, the door of Luliang City's office was pushed open, and more than a dozen high-level people came in one after another, all holding the documents needed for the meeting.

After the president came back, he issued a series of orders that they should come to the office to hold an emergency meeting today.It's just that when everyone was sitting in a critical position, they found that their iceberg president actually had a woman on his leg. Look at me, I look at you, and I don't know what happened.

Let's see if the woman put her head on the boss's lap. Are they...

when the senior officials think of this, they can't get dirty any more. They look at each other, and finally they lower their heads down.

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Lu Liangcheng's face was completely black when the high-level people came in. How could he forget that when he came to the company today, he told the senior management about coming to the meeting, but now Qin Sangyu is on his lap, so it is impossible for him to hold a meeting.

His face is stiff. If you look at it carefully, you will find that the tip of his ears is quietly red, and he is shy from the sole of his feet. He doesn't know how to react, especially when he sees the meaningful expressions on the faces of the senior officials, and knows that everyone wants to be crooked.

The senior executives are also helpless. Looking at the stars and the moon, they dare not look at their president's face as black as the bottom of the pot. They just feel that there is a nail under their buttocks and it is difficult to sit and stand.

Someone carefully said, "president, do you think this meeting is still open?"

Lu Liangcheng took a hard look at him. It's really hard to see. Why don't you just roll out at this time? Gritted his teeth and growled, "the meeting has moved to the evening! Get out of here

When you hear this sentence, if you are granted an amnesty, you only wish you didn't have a leg, and you have fled this land of right and wrong.

We all feel uneasy. We have broken the peach blossom affair of the president, and we don't know whether the other party will hate them. Really, we knew that we would not go to the office today. At most, it was just a matter of salary deduction.

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