Qin Sangyu didn't wake up at this time, and she didn't know what happened. When she was asleep, she found that her world was turning upside down. When she turned around, she saw that Lu Liangcheng was carefully covering her quilt.

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"You, didn't you just have a meeting?" She rubbed her eyes and asked, because she just woke up and her voice was very hoarse. She glanced at the office and found that the high-level people seemed to be absent. Strange, was it just her illusion?

Lu Liangcheng rubbed her head. "The meeting is moving to the evening. If you are sleepy, you should sleep for a while."

Qin Sangyu nodded and lay down without any doubt. However, outside the office, everyone was already whispering, because the high-level people brought out a strong news that a woman was lying on the president's leg?

Everyone began to guess the identity of the woman and took a look at Qin Sangyu's position. If they remember correctly today, Qin Sangyu seems to have come to the office and also to the president. The woman, 200% of whom is Qin Sangyu, began to wonder whether Qin Sangyu had long been in collusion with the president, so the president was there You prefer her.

"I think it's true. Qin Sangyu can get a white-collar salary even if he doesn't come to work. He is definitely the underground lover of the president."

"Who doesn't want to be the president's underground lover? If you give me a chance, I will choose Qin Sangyu's road decisively."

There are whispers in the office, but they don't dare to make too much publicity. Qin Sangyu is now the president's woman. She can kill them with a finger. It's better to be restrained.

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Qin Sangyu sleeps comfortably inside, but the people outside feel that they are in purgatory. They stretch their necks to see the situation in the office. But from the afternoon, the door of the office has been closed, so we can only scratch our ears and wait for people to come out.

Even when they get off work in the evening, there are still a group of people who fix their buttocks on the chair and look at the office door directly. If they don't catch the picture of Qin Sangyu coming out of it, they will not be reconciled.

Several high-level people came for a tour and found that the working atmosphere in the top office was very good today. Everyone felt that they were working overtime and their spirit was good.

"Very good. It seems that we need not worry about the performance of this month."

Quite satisfied with the job, but also stabbed at the door.

Finally, half an hour later When the door opened, a leather shoe stretched out from the inside. It was the long leg of their president. Everyone almost stretched their necks, and their eyes were glued to the back of Lu Liangcheng. The emperor did what he wanted. A woman's figure stepped out of it. Everyone's pupils shrank. Qin Sangyu put his hand on the president's elbow, a little woman's posture.

The people with the mentality of catching traitors are like Lei chop. How dare the underground lovers be so bold? They dare to hold hands with the president in front of them.

Qin Sangyu pretended not to hear the people around her. She originally wanted to wait for all the people to leave before she came out of it. But today, it's like a ghost. How come everyone's enthusiasm for work is so high that no one has left at 8:00 p.m., so she simply shows Lu Liangcheng with great generosity.

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Anyway, you don't want to see it. Look, look, this is my man.

When she and Lu Liangcheng are far away, the top office personnel are waking up from a dream and rubbing their eyes one after another. Only ten minutes later, there is a burst of scream, and then secretly pokes in the heart of YY, an overbearing chief executive.

When Qin Sangyu arrived at the underground parking lot, she felt helpless. She got on the car with some headache. Now everyone knows her relationship with Luliang City. In the future, this Tiancheng is still rare.

"What's the matter?" Seeing her rubbing her head, Lu Liangcheng immediately stretched out her cold fingers and rubbed them in her temples.

"How can everyone's gossip factor be so powerful? In normal times, they have already gone."

Lu Liangcheng's eyes are smiling, don't say, his group of employees are quite lovely, stretched out his hand and pinched Qin Sangyu's nose, "don't worry about these, just be yourself."

Qin Sangyu nodded, put his head on his leg, closed his eyes and began to think about his own affairs.

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The sudden brake let her head up hard, faint hear Lu Liangcheng's stuffy hum, her face was white, that is the most vulnerable place for men, "husband, are you ok?" She asked, then will look at the front of the head, "ink rain, what is going on?"

Mo Yu heard his boss's stuffy hum, only feel that the dog's head is not protected, "just past a stray dog, almost hit."

The corner of Qin Sangyu's mouth twitched. Seeing the color of Lu Liangcheng's face, he wanted to reach out and rub it. But he thought that it was a sensitive area. He could only stop his hand and said, "OK? Is there any impact? "

Lu Liangcheng's face was completely black, and his soul flew out of the pain. It hurt more than a few knives on his body. How could he be ok.

"Not bad."

He tried to calm the swelling pain and try to make his face look less ugly.Qin Sangyu is relieved. If it is really damaged, she can't take responsibility.

In this strange atmosphere, the car finally came to the villa, Qin Sangyu jumped out of the car, the body is very flexible, when she turned her head, she saw that Lu Liangcheng was still in place, frowned and frowned, "here, get off."

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Lu Liangcheng took a deep breath and wanted to get up, but the severe pain made him sweat. He thought that something was really wrong. He pulled his mouth and said, "Qin Sangyu, i... I may need a doctor."

Qin Sangyu's face is puzzled. What kind of doctor does she need? Her eyes suddenly aim at some place in Luliang City. Her face is white. Can't it be really damaged?

"You wait, I'll get the doctor right away!"

More than ten minutes later, the doctor finally arrived. Seeing Lu Liangcheng's face, he did not dare to make a decision. He had to ask them to send people to the hospital first.

Qin Sangyu was nervous all the way. Lu Liangcheng is a strong man. He certainly won't go to the hospital because of a little illness and pain. This time, he must be unbearable.

To the hospital, after a check-up, the doctor youyou said, "a little serious, need to stay in the hospital for a few days."

Qin Sangyu whole body an exciting spirit, quietly pulled the doctor to the corner, full of embarrassment, "doctor, can he this good?"

The doctor looked at her closely, thinking whether the woman was waiting for someone else to get better, and left directly. He saw more of this situation, and snorted coldly, "it's hard to say, it depends on God's will."

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