Fortunately, they just thought Qin Sangyu's bag was fake. Now it seems that people can afford to buy another 100 bags like that. People only feel the burning pain on their faces. Wang Sha almost fainted in front of her eyes.

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A meal continues to continue in the subtle feeling, but under the aura of Qin Sangyu, everyone instantly feels that their whole body is full of a chill. Originally, in order to show off at the students' meeting, they also quietly took off the ring on their hands, and restrained their momentum in a proper manner.

At the end of a meal, everyone talked and laughed, but only Yang Jie was beside Qin Sangyu from the beginning to the end. In high school, everyone disdained to go with her, but now, they feel that they are unworthy of walking with her. This huge gap severely torments their hearts.

When we arrived at the door of the hotel, we saw Qin Sangyu's driver driving the car over. The string of 1 on the license plate almost blinded their dog's eyes. Someone covered his heart in time, so that his heart did not twitch.

"Well, that's it. I'm very happy today. I didn't come to the party before. I'm sorry. If there's such an activity in the future, you must invite me, otherwise others will say that I dare not come to the classmate party."

Qin Sangyu said with a smile, throwing the bag into the car, he also sat on it.

Everyone looked at the limited edition of the Maybach getting farther and farther away, and the things squeezed in their hearts slowly dispersed, "that... Do you think Qin Sangyu can still remember the events of high school, and then come to revenge on us?"

When she was in high school, she didn't dare to ask her if she was afraid of the weak. If she didn't dare to ask her if there was a good thing in her heart, she would not dare to ask her if there was a good thing in her mind.

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Everyone was crying in a hurry. Who knew that poor girls would become so rich and have such a rich husband at that time. The scene in the idol drama has come true.

This time the students' party left a lot of shadow in their hearts. It is estimated that many people will never participate in any classmate party in the future.

Qin Sangyu, sitting in the car, saw the faces of a group of people behind him through the mirror. He just felt extremely happy and laughed, "Mo Yu, you cooperated very well this time. Thank you. I will invite you to dinner when I go back."

Mo Yu is holding the steering wheel tightly. If he really goes to dinner with this man, the boss will kill him. He wants to live a few more years. "Miss Qin, don't use it. This is all I should do."

Qin Sangyu's smiling eyebrows and eyes bent, thinking of that group of people's face eating Xiang's expression, the depressed things in his heart instantly dissipated, and began to hum a ditty.

After returning home, it was afternoon. Lu Liangcheng had already come back from the company. She got off the bus happily. She was very satisfied with the trip. The corners of her mouth curved and said, "isn't it refreshing?"

Qin Sangyu complacently nodded, "you didn't see their faces, black as the bottom of the pot, ha ha."

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She said, and began to laugh, like a cat, "husband, I know now, money is really cool."

Lu Liangcheng raised his eyebrows and felt that it was not cool to have money, but to fan the enemy's face like this. He doted on Qin Sangyu's head and said, "you are happy."

Qin Sangyu suddenly looked at him with a look of joy. "I feel that I must have saved the galaxy in my last life, and I will meet you."

Lu Liangcheng's mouth slightly a hook, this person knows his good line.

They lead each other into the villa. Qin Sangyu's mobile phone rings suddenly. She looks at Lu Liangcheng conditionally, and her heart suddenly feels guilty. After su Mo left last time, she set a special mobile phone ring for Su Mo's letter. Just this news must have been sent by Su mo. is that person back to G city?

In the name of going to the kitchen to wash fruit, she took out her mobile phone and looked at it. She found that the news was indeed sent by Su Mo, and the other party warmly invited her to dinner.

Qin Sangyu's head hurts a little. In fact, she really wants to make su Mo a friend. After several contacts, she feels that Su Mo is a good person. However, Lu Liangcheng's temperament is that she wants to keep all the opposite sex out. If she and Su Mo go to dinner, she will kill Su mo.

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So she can only politely refuse, but Su Mo refuses to give up, like a coquettish child, Qin Sangyu feels that his head is more painful.

After leaving the kitchen, she finally found an excuse, "husband, there is no yogurt in the refrigerator. I'll go out and buy some snacks for myself. Do you want any snacks?"

Lu Liangcheng is attentively looking at the document in his hand and shaking his head. He doesn't see Qin Sangyu's guilty heart all over his face.

Qin Sangyu out of the villa, a long sigh of relief, sat in the car and drove to the hotel that Su Mo said. When she got there, she found Su Mo stretching her neck and looking outside. When she saw her, her face burst into a smile. "Qin Sangyu, I ordered a lot of things you like, walk around, go in."

Qin Sangyu's mouth twitched. It seems that every time he sees this person, he is in a very excited state, as if nothing can make him very sad. With such a person, life will become very interesting."Lu Liangcheng is still waiting for me at home. If I don't go back immediately, I will be scolded."

Su Mo's brow frowned, and suddenly some anger in his heart. The bastard even restricted Qin Sangyu's freedom. "He actually did this to you, Qin Sangyu. Do you need me to solve him for you?"

Don't know where Su Mo understood this meaning, Qin Sangyu heard him say this sentence, really want to scratch his ear.

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"No, my husband and I have a good relationship. He is in charge of me, and I'm willing to."

Su Mo felt that he had been fed dog food all over his mouth and sighed, "then eat it for 20 minutes, and then you go back. I won't stop you. The cook here is new. I believe you will like it."

Qin Sangyu saw his cordial invitation, but it was not good to refuse again, so he went in.

However, during the meal, she was always worried about Lu Liangcheng, always afraid that he would suddenly appear in front of her, just as she fled to the coastal city.

After eating absentmindedly for more than ten minutes, she looked down at the bowl that was flooded with vegetables, and only felt funny, "I don't need so much."

Su Mo picks eyebrow, "Qin Sangyu, when I see you for the first time, I feel very congenial. You are like my sister or sister. If Lu Liangcheng bullies you, you must tell me and I will help you."

Qin Sangyu a Leng, the heart is suddenly greatly moved, clearly she and this person's relationship is not much good, but he said these words from the bottom of his heart.

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