"Thank you." She said from the bottom of her heart. She tried to finish the dishes in the bowl. It has been 25 minutes since she looked at it. Thinking of the three words of Lu Liangcheng, she still dare not delay. "We'll make an appointment another day."

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Su Mo nods. He doesn't intend to cause any trouble to Qin Sangyu, and it seems that Qin Sangyu really likes Lu Liangcheng, so he doesn't want any problems between them.

Qin Sangyu left the hotel and got on the bus. Thinking that she was out to buy yogurt, she stopped the car at the gate of the supermarket. However, I don't know if it was because of her bad luck that she met people who were in the way.

At the end of the Qin Dynasty, seeing Qin Sangyu driving in a luxury car, her teeth trembled. This woman is really getting better and better. She has endured so long plastic surgery time abroad and left the doctors to play tricks on her face. She really hates Qin Sangyu and everything Qin Sangyu has now.

As soon as Qin Sangyu put the yoghurt into her hand, she felt that her body was hit by someone and fell directly to the commodity rack beside her. She didn't notice that Qin Mo was here in advance, so it was unexpected to be pushed. All the yogurt in her hand fell on the ground, and a large amount of blood was rubbed on the knee cap.

She looked up and saw the haughty end of Qin. Her face was blue in an instant. This woman is really not a long lesson.

"I'm really sorry, Qin Sangyu. I didn't notice you. Look, your knees are injured. Are you ok?"

Qin Sangyu slapped her hand and felt disgusted at the end of Qin's face.

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Around this time surrounded a lot of people, everyone began to point to Qin Sangyu.

"It's just that they're not careful. The woman's heart is really small."

"I didn't expect to be so stingy."

Qin Sangyu's face flushed with what they said, not embarrassed, but angry. It was clearly her who was wronged. Why should these people stand in the perspective of onlookers and give her directions?

"Qin Sangyu, can I help you to see a doctor?"

At the end of Qin Dynasty, she came over with a weak posture of Liu Fufeng. If she had been a man, I would have loved her in my arms.

But standing in front of her is Qin Sangyu. Qin Sangyu is not afraid of anyone now and doesn't want to be wronged as before.


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A slap in the face of the end of Qin, she saw Qin Mo's surprised expression, know that this person I'm afraid she will suddenly start, the corner of the mouth hook, "sorry, my reflex nerve just had a little problem, your face is swollen, do you need me to send you to the hospital?"

At the end of Qin Dynasty, her face turned white, and she scolded Qin Sangyu's ancestors for 18 generations. However, her image in front of the public was weak, so she could not only scold Qin Sangyu, but also pretended to be a pathetic gesture to win the sympathy of the people around her.

Her tears splashed down, covered her face, and seemed to be at a loss. How could some of the onlookers bear this? A burst of heroism suddenly came into being and took a big step forward, standing in front of the end of Qin Dynasty.

"Don't go too far. People want to apologize to you. You are a vicious woman who slaps you in the face."

Qin Sangyu picked up the yoghurt on the ground, looked at the man lightly, and hooked the corner of his mouth, "you said right, I am vicious."

A light sentence, instantly blocked all the next accusations of the man, the other people present were also stunned for a moment, the woman actually admitted to the square? What does this make them curse again?

After a slap at the end of the Qin Dynasty, Qin Sangyu was in a good mood. He went to the snack shop and bought himself two big bags. Then he went home.

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Lu Liangcheng has been waiting for Qin Sangyu in the living room. Seeing that she hasn't come back to buy something for such a long time, she can't help but want to go out and find someone. But just out of the villa, he sees the familiar car driving in. The whole person stops at the same place for a moment, and finally he puts his heart down quietly.

"Husband, look what I bought?"

Qin Sangyu was carrying several bags and jumped out of the car. Lu Liangcheng rushed up to take the things in her hand. She found that it was too heavy. I really don't know how this man was able to walk like a flying horse with these bags.

"It's all night snacks, chicken feet, dried bean curd, melon seeds, chicken legs..."

the more she said, she felt the air around her became more and more quiet. What she thought of, she quickly put the snacks behind her, "husband, you have to believe me, I'm not going to eat them all at once. So much, at least for a week. "

She vowed to promise by patting her chest, but Lu Liangcheng didn't believe this man. He thought Qin Sangyu's stomach was bottomless, and he could eat a lot of snacks when he looked so small.

Qin Sangyu was just too elated, and forgot that Lu Liangcheng generally did not allow her to eat these messy snacks.

Lu Liangcheng rubbed his temple and sighed, "you can do it yourself. If you have a stomachache, you can never eat it next time."

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Qin Sangyu's face lit up in an instant, nodded fiercely and moved several big bags of snacks into it.Because Lu Liangcheng has been watching, she really didn't dare to eat too much. She simply chewed a few chicken feet, and then put down the snacks and went back to the bedroom with a sigh.

As soon as she left, Mo Yu stood up from the side and put the information he found respectfully in front of Lu Liangcheng. "Boss, the man's man seems to be checking Miss Qin, and it's related to Miss Qin's life experience. The master should realize that Miss Qin's life experience is not right."

Lu Liangcheng frowned fiercely. At the beginning, he realized that Qin Sangyu's identity was wrong, but he didn't take care of it. Because in his heart, Qin Sangyu was Qin Sangyu. But once the old man stepped in, everything would be different. If Qin Sangyu's identity was very sensitive, I'm afraid it would be more difficult to get the approval of the old man.

"Before grandpa finds out her real identity, you need to speed up and find out her identity."

Mo Yu nodded, thinking of what, still respectfully opened his mouth, "recently a new company wants to enter G city. It seems that it is the Su family from abroad. Shall we stop it?"

Foreign Su family Lu Liang Cheng has heard about it before. It is quite different from Su Jiaoyang's now. But hasn't Su family been developing abroad? Why suddenly want to enter the domestic market?

"No need for the time being. They suddenly move to China. There must be a lot of people who want to make obstacles. The company will not be able to develop in the short term. Let's just wait and see what happens."

As soon as Mo Yu left, the expression on Lu Liangcheng's face was not so relaxed. As long as it was related to Qin Sangyu, he felt extremely irritable.

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