Luliang City first heard that the original big warm man is this meaning, eyes are smiling, no longer talking, focused on looking at the newspaper in his hand.

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More than ten minutes later, a phone call came from the old house, saying that someone from the Su family went there, hoping that he could go back.

Lu Liangcheng's eyebrows immediately frowned. He already knew that Su Jiaoyang's grandmother was back. The one who went to the old house must be that difficult woman. Because he had seen each other when he was a child, he still knew that person was unreasonable.

"I don't have to worry about having my grandfather there. Tell him I don't want to go."

Then he hung up and ignored the surprise of the nanny.

When Lu Tian heard about Lu Liangcheng's attitude, his blood pressure was almost high. However, Liu Jiazhen had already brought people over. He was not good at this time. He could only meet people with a stiff face when he blamed the other party.

"I heard that you have been abroad for a long time. When did you come back, I don't know."

Although Liu Jiazhen has been very angry, but still dare not face in front of the old man, after all, the Lu family has a great influence in G city.

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"I just heard about some things and felt that my granddaughter had been greatly wronged. This time I came here to seek justice."

Lu Tian takes a sip of tea from his cup. He doesn't understand what it means to ask for justice. The Lu family doesn't owe Su Jiaoyang anything.

Liu Jiazhen thought that since the words had been opened, she didn't want to take into account any more, and said all the things she knew. "Since Lu Xiaozi has promised Jiaoyang, it's his fault to abandon everything. He shouldn't encourage his wife to bully Jiaoyang and rob the list of the Su family. That business is very important to the Su family."

Lu Tian thinks that it's because of this. He doesn't feel that his grandson has done something wrong. There is no apology on his face. "I think you should check what happened at that time. I know the temperament of Xiaocheng. He won't rob the list of the Su family for no reason. He is a man of principle. If you want to get justice for this, I will tell you clearly Support small cities. "

Liu Jiazhen was so angry that her nose was crooked. Now the Lu family is so arrogant. Her chest is stuffy and uncomfortable. "Even if the sun is wrong again, Lu Xiaozi is wrong to grab the list. Can't you apologize to the Su family? Now the whole city of G knows that the Lu family has robbed the Su family's list, which is beating the Su family's face. "

Her tone became tough, thinking that her granddaughter had already subdued the Rong family, a powerful ally. If she really fought against the Lu family, she would have the courage.

"Your Su family's face is face saving, so I'm not the Lu family. Why don't you think about what your granddaughter has done and what she did is beating the Lu family's face. It's a great tolerance that I didn't settle accounts with her."

When it comes to this matter, both sides have a little gunpowder smell. Liu Jiazhen's eyes are full of anger. Let alone go to the door to ask for justice. She is despised by the Lu family, and her teeth bite.

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"Don't you care about the friendship between the Su family and the Lu family for many years?"

Lu Tian didn't say anything. Maybe at the beginning he cared, but Su Jiaoyang did something to refresh his bottom line again and again, so now, he has no pity.

"I just have a deep friendship with Mr. Su, not a girl."

Liu Jiazhen heard that he described Su Jiaoyang as a girl. She immediately became angry and smashed the cup in her hand on the table. "OK, Lu Tian, you have to say that, right? Since you look down on my su family so much, we should not go back to the Su family again. We are not worthy of it!"

After saying these words in anger, she walked directly out of the gate of the Lu family. No one came to see her off. It seemed that everyone supported the old man's decision. Liu Jiazhen felt very angry in her heart and her body was shaking.

However, after getting on the bus, her face became incomparably fierce. The humiliation suffered tonight will be recovered some other day!

After she left, Lu Tian made a phone call to Lu Liangcheng in person. It was clear that he could get through at the beginning, but he turned off the phone when he called again. How could he not know that he was hiding himself and threw away his mobile phone angrily, "that bastard had better never come back!"

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No one dares to speak in the old house. We all know that the young master's temper is getting bigger and bigger now, and even the old man can't control it. But they also know that the Lu family will be entrusted to Lu Liangcheng in the future, so when the old man gets angry, they can only choose silence.

"Do you make grandfather Lu angry?" Seeing that Lu Liangcheng turned off the phone calmly, Qin Sangyu was still worried and asked.

Lu Liangcheng did not speak. He put his mobile phone aside and continued to read the newspaper next to him.

Qin Sangyu also feel helpless, but Lu Liangcheng is such a temperament, how can she do.

In the evening, Mo Yu comes back and says that Murray is awake. Lu Liangcheng immediately gets up and goes to the hospital.

This time, the hospital spent a lot of effort to save Murray. After rescuing the patient, the attending doctor fainted and was carried to the hospital for infusion.Mo Lei looks like Mo Yu, but more masculine. He sees Lu Liangcheng come in, nods weakly, and leans on the pillow, shaking his lips, and doesn't know what to say.


Lu Liangcheng asked these three words and looked at Mo Yu. Mo Yu nodded excitedly. At first, he was hopeless, but Murray himself had a strong desire to survive, so he soon woke up.

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"The shadow... Is very strong. You can't touch hard."

Murei trembled his lips, and then felt that fear was attacking his whole body. At first, when he went there to investigate, he was full of confidence, but after only staying there for a short time, he was detected by others. Then he suffered endlessly. Everyone inside was like a madman with super ability and abnormal temperament.

Lu Liangcheng nodded. He knew something about the shadow. Last time, it was official. He dared to rescue his own people from the border forces of a country. It was enough to show the courage of the shadow.

"You have a good rest. Don't think about it so much for the time being. We don't have any enmity with shadow. Your task was also assigned by the superior. If the shadow is to be investigated on us, we will make a good plan."

Lu Liangcheng's voice is very calming, and Murray is relieved. Because of his torment, he is afraid to relax now. But when he returns to this familiar place and sees the familiar people, he finally becomes more confident.

The doctor checked his condition and frowned, "you still need to rest now. You can't say too much, or you will lose all your efforts."

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