Murray stopped talking and fell asleep with his eyes closed.

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Lu Liangcheng and Mo Yu did not stay here to continue to disturb. They exchanged a look and left the hospital.

After returning to the villa, his heart was a little heavy. First, the old man began to investigate Qin Sangyu's identity. The second was that the shadow side pursued him closely. Murray had something they had studied for many years, so they would not give up Murray, but when they would come over is still unknown.

The days went on like this. November was the busiest time for his work. He was almost too busy to touch his feet. So he had no time to think about these problems, so he could only put them on hold for the time being.

Qin Sangyu has never been to the company again. Last time, her relationship with Lu Liangcheng has been open. Even if she doesn't go, no one dares to say anything.

In the evening, her mobile phone received a MMS, and the conditioned reflex turned on. When she saw the bloody scene inside, her face turned white and she screamed and threw the mobile phone far away.

After calming down, she took a deep breath. Her eyes were gloomy. She got up to pick up the mobile phone. There was a child covered in blood. The child's eyes had been cut out. She didn't know whether it was p's or what. If she put it in front of any woman, I'm afraid everyone would scream.

She immediately sent the number to Mo Yu, hoping that Mo Yu could help check it, but she was disappointed. This card is temporary and has been cancelled, so she doesn't know who the owner is.

In the next few days, Qin Sangyu could receive these disgusting photos, which made her have no appetite for eating and lost several pounds in an instant.

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"Haven't you had a good rest recently? Why do you look thinner? "

During the meal, Lu Liangcheng looked at her face carefully and found that it was not really his illusion. Qin Sangyu was really thin and her face was not as round as before.

Qin Sangyu lowered her head and poked at the white rice in the bowl. She knew that Lu Liangcheng was very busy recently. She didn't intend to tell her about it, so she could only make an excuse casually.

Every time I send a message, I get a strange mobile phone number, and I cancel it in time. I can't find anyone at all. If she goes on like this, she will feel crazy.

"Miss Qin, why don't you tell the boss?"

Mo Yu stood in front of Qin Sangyu, because the man did not allow him to say anything to his boss casually.

Qin Sangyu shook his head. "I'll just change my number. If the other party knows my new number in a short time, it's necessary for us to go to the trouble of the mobile company."

Mo Yu nodded and immediately made a new card for Qin Sangyu.

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Miraculously, the next day after the new card was completed, Qin Sangyu received a threatening text message. She took several bodyguards and went to the headquarters of the mobile company angrily. Now she is absolutely sure that there is someone who maliciously divulges her information, otherwise no one will know her new number in such a short time.

This trip went smoothly, and soon the company gave a list of the people who leaked the news. Qin Sangyu took those people to his villa and interrogated them one by one.

Only by asking this question can we know that we do that because we have collected money. They are all small fish and shrimps, and the real big fish are still hidden behind.

Qin Sangyu beat down one by one and changed her number again. After several days of stability, she dared to tell the people who cared about her new number.

"Can't you tell me Qin Sangyu's telephone number?"

Liu Jiazhen's tone is very strong. Last time she suffered a loss in the Lu family, she must find a place. Instead of starting from the Lu family, she can only start from Qin Sangyu, who is a little weaker. Unexpectedly, this is only comfortable for a few days, and people there don't even give her news.

Her face directly black, indignant will hang up the phone, now know Qin Sangyu is also some means, no wonder before the scorching sun will suffer losses.

"Grandma, you know the attitude of the Lu family now. I just want to make the Lu family upset. Bai Yan and Lu Song are a good breakthrough. It's said that her favorite son is abroad. If we can start from his son and plant the loot to Luliang City, I'm afraid the Lu family can't even maintain the peace on the surface."

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Su Jiaoyang's face is full of malice. Since what happened that night in horongjiu, she has no more scruples. Anyway, it's just a life. If you don't take the Lu family to the next level, she's really unhappy.

"Scorching sun, you can do whatever you want. Grandma supports you."

Liu Jiazhen expressed her attitude. She still loved her granddaughter from the bottom of her heart. Naturally, she didn't want her to be wronged.

Lu Ling, who was far away from home, did not know that he would be in trouble. When he passed the alley, he was directly put in sacks by a group of people and took him to a strange place. He was beaten and kicked. He could hear the group talking.

"This time, Mr. Lu said that he must not be let go, killed directly, and then thrown to the cemetery."

"Yes! What can I do to fight with Mr. Lu for the position of successor of the Lu family? I have to kill him today! "

Lu linghen's teeth are almost bleeding. Needless to say, they must have Lu Liangcheng in their mouth. He was expelled from the Lu family. He thought it was bad luck. But these years, Lu Liangcheng has been suppressing him, making him feel uncomfortable abroad. This time, he killed him directly!Damn Luliang City!!

When Luling was in a coma, she scolded Lu Liangcheng all over, thinking that if she didn't die this time, she would have to look good.

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The news that he was hospitalized soon returned home. Bai Yan was such a son. After hearing that the doctor had written a critical illness book, she almost fainted and cried in her old house.

The old man just felt irritated and didn't want to stay at the Lu family. He knew that Bai Yan was careful. He just wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to bring Luling back. He didn't allow it!

"Wuwuwuwu, Lu Song, look at Dad's attitude. Lu Ling is his grandson at least. Now the hospital has written a critical illness. If Luling has something wrong, I don't want to live..."

Bai Yan cried bitterly. This time, she was really afraid. She was afraid that her son would leave like that. However, according to the recent weather report, typhoon hit immediately Lu, all flights have been cancelled. She can't go abroad at this time.

Lu Song couldn't bear to see her lost heart posture. She immediately began to comfort her in a soft voice, "in recent typhoon weather, all flights have been cancelled. Even private planes can't fly. You wait. When the typhoon weather is over, we'll go to see the children together."

Bai Yan pushes him away, wait?! She's been waiting for so many years! When are you going to wait!

"That's our only son. I don't believe you don't care about his life and death...

at all

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