Lu Song is annoyed and has no way. Now the whole city of G is in a closed state. Because of the typhoon landing, it is said that it is the biggest one in nearly 100 years, so there are basically no pedestrians in the street. The police also roar outside with a high pitched horn every day. It is even more impossible for the plane to fly to the sky.

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"I'll ask my friends abroad to see him first. Don't worry."

He comforts Bai Yan and immediately calls to go abroad to inform his friends to take care of Lu Ling.

Bai Yan's face has been very bad, looking forward to the typhoon passing soon, so that she can go abroad to visit her children, perhaps her expectations have an effect, two days later, the typhoon finally left, the street returned to normal.

She immediately took a plane and went abroad to see Lu Ling.

Lu Ling had been rescued, but her leg was still in plaster. If it hadn't been for the best doctor in Europe, his leg would have been useless. Seeing Bai Yan's first eye, he cried directly, "Mom, you came to see me. This time I really thought I was going to die."

Seeing her skinny, skinny son, Bai Yan shivered with heartache. She sat in front of the hospital bed and hugged him. "It's mom who didn't protect you. After so many years, she hasn't let you go back to the Lu family. This time, I'll take advantage of this opportunity to get you back!"

Lu Ling was scared to death when he heard this. He was always afraid of Lu Liangcheng. He felt that Lu Liangcheng's breath was very gloomy. In addition, this time it was the other party's hand. If he went back to G City, he would be killed by Lu Liangcheng.

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"Mom, I don't want to go back. You know what, this time it's Lu Liangcheng who sent people to trouble me. I heard the conversation of those kidnappers. Lu Liangcheng didn't want me to go back alive, I didn't want to go back..."

then, he began to burst into tears.

Bai Yan's face is completely stiff. I didn't expect that Lu Liangcheng was responsible for this incident. She bit her teeth. Lu Liangcheng always pretended to be noble, but she did something like this behind her back. "Don't worry, mom will help you get justice. Since he doesn't want you to go back, but also moves his hand, you should stay abroad first. I'll send someone to protect you Home, I'll clean it up! "

Lu Ling was relieved, not so afraid. Thinking of Lu Liangcheng, his eyes turned red with hate. "Mom, you must kill him, or I will be killed by him sooner or later. He is the successor selected by his grandfather. If he really sits in that position, I will not be able to return to China."

Bai Yan comforted him all the time, and her eyes were cruel. Before, she was worried about the reputation of the lander. Almost all of them were small skirmishes. But Lu Liangcheng stretched out her hand so long this time that she almost died of beating her son. She would not give up.

After staying here for a few days, she rushed back home, thinking of a way to revenge the Lu family. It happened that Su Jiaoyang sent olive branches again. She did not refuse and accepted their suggestions.

In the evening, she slipped into the old man's study, replaced the incense with something Su Jiaoyang gave her, and then quietly backed out, shaking her hands and feet.

The next day, the Lu family was in a mess. Because the old man fainted, even the doctor didn't know the cause of the disease, so he had to put the man in the ICU.

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When Lu Liangcheng arrived, the corridor was very quiet. Shen Bizhi's eyes were swollen and she was sitting on the chair in the corridor, as if she had lost her soul.

"How are you, grandma?"

His voice was hoarse. After he heard that the old man had an accident, he was shaking in his heart. Although he didn't deal with his grandfather a lot, the two old people had been supporting him to this position. Whether it was family or kindness, he owed too much.

"I don't know. I can't find out the cause in the hospital, but the old man's condition is very serious, and I don't know how long he can last."

Shen Bizhi began to cry and her voice was hoarse. Seeing Qin Sangyu following Lu Liangcheng, she sighed and waved her hand, "you can stay here for a while. My body can't endure. Don't let the old man wake up. I'm in."

Lu Liangcheng nodded and sat down beside him. Qin Sangyu sat down next to him, trembling nervously, because she had already felt the unusual atmosphere of the Lu family. Either the old man could not hold on for long, or the Lu family had something important to announce.

Even Lu Xing and Lu Dongqiang came back. Lu Xing had been in the army before, but Shen Bizhi called him back.

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"Dad's situation is very bad, I guess..."

when Lu Dongqiang said this, he couldn't bear to go on. Although the old man had a rigid temperament, he was not bad hearted. Although he had driven him away, he had not lost his food and clothing in recent years. Moreover, he secretly protected Ruan Hongzhuang, and the master did not owe him any money.

Lu Xing nodded solemnly. His eyes were red. Everyone stood on the corridor without saying a word. The environment was as quiet as death. The nurses who occasionally passed by were numbed by the shock of the gas field, and even their feet relaxed.

After waiting for about three days, the old man woke up, but he couldn't open a word. He looked at the ceiling for a while and then went to sleep.

We still dare not to take it lightly and guard outside in shifts.Luliang City has not been resting for several days. Although his spirit is very bad due to the old man's affairs these days, he is still doubting the reason why the old man faints. The old man has been very good. How can he suddenly faint and even the doctor has not found out anything.

He asked people to go to Lu's house to check to see if there was anything to do, but it was OK.

Qin Sangyu was a little bit on the side of her head. Lu Liangcheng didn't sleep these days. She stayed up late. The woman's body was not as strong as a man. She felt that she could not keep going. She went to the rest room and slept on her back.


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Thunder sounded outside. When Qin Sangyu opened his eyes, he saw a dark shadow in the room. In the hand of the shadow, she had something similar to the needle barrel. She wanted to resist and struggle, but found it useless. Her strength seemed to be pulled away, like a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Take her away. Are you sure it's her? What we're doing recently is on her? "

"This is Murray's ward. Yes, take it!"

A group of people whispered, Qin Sangyu in this ward has a huge floor window, even if not open, as long as the window is cut, can be from the Lu family under the skin of God do not know the ghost to take people.

Besides, Lu family are concerned about the old man's body. Where can I pay attention to her? The nurse also told Lu family that she was resting, so no one will come to her for a while.

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