Bai Yan glared at him fiercely. What does it mean to leave the old house? This person never thought carefully, "Lu Song! You are a loser

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After scolding this sentence, she angrily began to go upstairs to clean up. Lu Song's face was lost and followed her, completely without her own ideas and ideas.

There are only three people left on the table in a twinkling. Lu Xiao is scratching her ears. Grandma wants them to get out. What about her? Does she have to get out of here?

Shen Bizhi seems to have seen her idea. With a smile on her face, she took a crab and put it into her bowl. "You live here. If you live with them, the things in your hands will be robbed quickly. Luling has come back. You should be well evaluated in their hearts."

Shen Bizhi is telling the truth, and Lu Xiao really doesn't want to go with her. After all, her mother has already started to play the playground in her hands. "Grandma, you're still good."

With that, she lowered her head and took a mouthful of rice without going to the quarrel on the floor.

Bai Yan has been crying in her own room. If people outside know that she has been expelled from her old house, everyone will laugh at her. The two old men are biased towards Luliang City. At this time, they are still biased towards Luliang City.

"Wife, dad didn't give us several villas. It's good to go out. I have to be careful in my old house. I don't feel like home at all."

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"What do you know?"

Bai Yan throws a cup directly to Lu Song. The cup knocks out a blood hole on his forehead and begins to bleed.

Bai Yan seems to have not seen the same, full of anger, "living in the old house is a symbol of identity! Do you think it's really for the sake of our husband and wife who used to give us convenience? It's all in the face of the old man, if you know that he doesn't like us any more! It's even harder for us to go out! "

Bai Yan is very regretful now. If she knew that she had just been at the dinner table, she should not have talked too much, or she would not have made the old lady angry. It's too late to say anything.

Lu Song didn't say anything, but he wanted to go out. At this time, he felt sorry for his parents. For so many years, he did not do anything for the Lu family. His position was also requested by his father. The wife he married would only make the two old people angry.

Thinking of these, he is a little tired of Bai Yan, but read in his original sorry for her, can only put these small emotions all put away.

Although Bai Yan is not willing, but there is no way, immediately put their things away, at noon called the moving company to come over, and move their own and Lu Song's things.

"Xiaoxiao, come with us. Don't disturb your grandparents here."

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If Xiaoyan has something to do with her son on the playground.

Lu Xiao is sitting on the sofa next to Shen Bizhi. Hearing this, she pretends to be innocent. "Mom, you'd better hurry. As for me, I think I'll stay in my old house. Now that my brother is back, you certainly don't need me."

Bai Yan was a little anxious, "Xiaoxiao, what are you talking about? My mother has never been partial. How did I treat you these years? Have you forgotten?"

Lu Xiao did not speak, eyes straight at the TV screen, how could she forget, because she did not forget, she did not want to follow Bai Yan.

Bai Yan couldn't persuade her. She was worried, but Shen Bizhi was sitting here. She couldn't say anything else. She had to bite her teeth and leave.

When she arrived at her new home, Bai Yan covered her chest with one hand. She only felt that she was hurt by anger. Her husband didn't strive for success. Her son would only cause trouble. Her daughter's wings are hard now. Her life is really miserable.

"Mom, Dad, what's wrong with you? Why so much luggage? Are you here to accompany me

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Lu Ling opens the door and sees that Lu Song and Bai Yan are both outside. Their faces are excited. They think that they were moved out of their old house because of him.

Lu Song's mouth pulled a bit, do not want to say more than what, "after the three of us live here, you do not give us trouble."

Lu Ling's face was moved, and quickly replied, "parents, don't worry. I've been studying business recently, and I don't have time to go out and make trouble."

The moving company moved their luggage into the house. Bai Yan sat down on the sofa and drank a mouthful of warm boiled water. Only when she felt that the depressed things in her heart dissipated more.

"What shall we do now? The income of your position is not high. What the old man gave us is real estate. There is no chance to do business. You and I don't know anything about business. If we just sit on the mountain like this, we will go begging sooner or later. "

In the Lu family, the housekeeper used to transfer a large sum of money to their bank account every month. This is the welfare of living in the old house. But since they have been expelled, the welfare is naturally gone.

Her bag is worth hundreds of thousands of yuan. Her clothing, food, housing and transportation must be the best. Her cosmetics are more than one million yuan. If she does not have a source of income, she will soon sell those houses.

Lu Song saw Bai Yan's thoughts in her heart, and her face was full of displeasure. "The house given by my father can't be moved. Bai Yan, your life should be saved. A dress is hundreds of thousands. If you don't go out to work, who can afford you?"When you hear Lu's words, you can't help but say, "the first time you want to kill Lu Tianyan! What does that mean?! Don't you think I spend a lot of money?! Lu Song! Explain it to me today! "

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When Lu Song sees Bai Yan's hysterical appearance, her heart is even more uncomfortable. If it were not for this person, could they be expelled? I don't reflect on myself, I only know to blame others for my mistakes.

"Crazy woman! Stop it

Lu Song's face soon got a lot of nail marks, looking at some funny, he endured again and again, finally raised his hand, directly gave Bai Yan a slap, "stop! Crazy woman! Look at your shrew now! Bai Yan! You're getting worse and worse! "

Bai Yan was stunned by this slap. After returning to her senses, she began to cry, "Lu Song! This is the first time you hit me! You were the first to apologize to me! Sorry for our love! And had illegitimate children with other women! What qualifications do you have to teach me? "

Maybe today's blow is too big. Bai Yan is shaking with tears. The more she thinks about it, the more she feels aggrieved.

Lu Song also came to anger, "because of the illegitimate child, I let you everywhere these years, but what did you do? The Lu family provided you with food and clothing. You also put your idea on my father. If it wasn't for timely rescue, he would have been killed by you. Do you think they really don't know? "

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