Bai Yan's face is even whiter. When she thought of it, the old lady said something and wanted to do something for her. The old lady knew it.

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"Lu Song, you are so kind to me now..."

Bai Yan looks very pitiful, but she has endured Lu Song for so many years. Now, she is like a serf singing. Her words are merciless, "you say I am a loser, Bai Yan. What have you done in these years? The only thing you've ever done for the Lu family is to have a son. As a result, the son has been driven out

Lu Song felt some revenge. He snorted coldly and went upstairs.

Lu Ling was so scared that she didn't dare to say anything. When Lu Song's figure completely disappeared, he went to Bai Yan and said, "Mom, did your grandfather drive you out? What should I do? We will be starved to death... "

Lu Ling was so sad that she had no idea. She never dreamed that her parents would be expelled.

"Mom, you don't go to the old house to make a mistake. If we continue, we will certainly drink from the West."

Bai Yan's face was angry, "what's the hurry? We still have some savings in our hands. Can we starve to death? Xiao Ling, during this period, you should learn to do business. When the time comes, mom will buy you a small company. As long as you can make the small company bigger, we will not worry about food and clothing. "

Lu Ling saw that she was full of confidence, and her anxious forehead was covered with sweat. He had been eating and waiting for death in foreign countries for so many years. How could he have time to study business? I just said that just to sell well in front of them.

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"I can't learn how to do business in ten days and a half months, mom."

Lu Ling's face was even more bereaved. Bai Yan looked at him and felt that he was going to be angry. "Lu Liangcheng can do it! Why can't you! Lu Liangcheng is just a bastard! You are the real inheritor. If you don't learn how to do business, how can you rob the Lu family of everything in the future? "

Lu Ling wants to say something more, but seeing Bai Yan's face full of anger, she just agrees to come down for the time being.

The news that Lu Song and Bai Yan were expelled from the Lu family was soon known by Lu Liangcheng. Lu Liangcheng did not respond. He scooped a spoonful of porridge in the bowl and put it lightly in front of Qin Sangyu's mouth.

Qin Sangyu opened his mouth and ate, and his face was full of novelty. "I thought they would stay in the old house all their lives. It seems that this time is completely irritating grandma."

Lu Liangcheng nodded, "grandma is usually a very harmonious person, but once it is related to the health of her grandfather, she will be very angry. It is estimated that Bai Yan said something and made her grandfather angry."

Qin Sangyu narrowed her eyes, and Bai Yan did not lack the means behind her. Now that she is driven out, is she going to give her a big gift?

"What do you want to do?"

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Seeing the smile floating on her face, Lu Liangcheng felt cute inexplicably and reached out to point the tip of her nose.

"I was thinking, before Bai Yan took care of me so much, I want to give her a big gift."

Lu Liangcheng's brow frowned, "you are still injured and it is not suitable to move. Don't worry about this in advance. You don't have to read the news on the Internet recently. I will take you back this afternoon, and then you can have a good rest at home for two months."

Two months later, it's Chinese New Year. Qin Sangyu nods. She knows why Lu Liangcheng doesn't let her read the news on the Internet. Now she must have been reviled by the whole network. After all, she killed other people's children.

After the porridge, Lu Liangcheng picked her up and turned to walk outside.

Several nurses began to read fragmentary in the back, "it's her, the murderer who pulled down the pregnant woman. I really don't understand. What kind of woman Lu Shao can't find, how can she fall in love with such a vicious person?"

"Maybe Lu Shao was just cheated. Qin Sangyu looks harmless to all animals. She pretends to be miserable in front of Lu Shao. Maybe Lu Shao forgives her for everything."

Lu Liangcheng, who was holding Qin Sangyu, heard it. He looked down at Qin Sangyu and motioned her to cover her ears, "don't listen."

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Qin Sangyu pick eyebrows, do not care about a lower lip, "this degree of injury I do not care, mouth long in their body, let them say it."

Lu Liangcheng took her to the car and motioned for Moyu to drive. Qin Sangyu saw the dark rain, which had disappeared for so long and finally came back.

The car drove all the way to the villa and finally stopped.

Lu Liangcheng still holds Qin Sangyu in his arms. He goes into the living room, goes upstairs, and puts people on the bed. "I'll let people bring up the food and drink for you. You can spend the two months in this room. If you are bored, I will accompany you more and prepare several game machines for you to play games."

Qin Sangyu saw Lu Liangcheng's detailed instructions in Zai Zai, and felt a little sad, "in fact, I don't care what they think. As long as you believe me, I don't feel sad."

Lu Liangcheng's hand with the game machine was stiff. "But I'm afraid you're sad. I'll deal with the affairs of the Su family. It's said that Su Jiaoyang committed suicide several times. Since she can set that bureau, it must be something. I'm waiting for her to come to her door."Qin Sangyu took the game machine and turned it on skillfully. "It would be troublesome for my husband. If you are willing to help me solve the problem, I'm naturally happy. But Bai Yan there, I'll still use a little bit of small means. You shouldn't stop me?"

Lu Liangcheng shook his head, reached out and rubbed her head, "you are not allowed to go out, you are not allowed to be injured, others, let you toss."

Qin Sangyu's face bloomed with a smile and sighed regretfully, "it's a pity that I'm not in good health now, or I'll meow on you."

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Suddenly, a rogue's words made the atmosphere in the bedroom rise instantly. Lu Liangcheng's face turned red. He really thought whether Qin Sangyu's time in hospital was bad, so he moved his eyes in frustration.

"I have something else to do. I'll go first. If you're hungry, you can tell the nanny."

Qin Sangyu nodded cleverly, waved his paws, and then moved his sight to the game machine in his hand.

When the door of the room was closed, she took out her mobile phone and put it aside to recharge. Lu Liangcheng thought that her mobile phone had fallen off, but in fact, it did not. She wanted to deal with Bai Yan, but still had to rely on it.

After charging, she called Ruan Hongzhuang.

"Qin Sangyu?! What's the matter with you?! Is the news on the Internet true? Is Su Jiaoyang that mean woman playing tricks again! blamed! You wait for me to come back! My afternoon flight

Ruan Hongzhuang hasn't come back in Suzhou yet. When she sees the news on the Internet, she thinks she is dazzled. Until she finally confirms, she calls Qin Sangyu in a panic. However, Qin Sangyu's mobile phone has been turned off, which makes her lose sleep in the past two days.

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