The news on the Internet is still fermenting, but Qin Sangyu doesn't expect to pull the end of Qin down through these news, but she won't let the end of Qin live peacefully for the time being.

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She told the paparazzi about what Qin Mo Mo had done before, and released the original photos of the end of Qin Dynasty. Now everyone began to discuss it. In addition, Qin Sangyu intentionally or unintentionally burned the fire on the body of the late Qin Dynasty, so the end of Qin quickly became the object of public suspicion.

Because of this gongdou drama, which is now a legitimate red flower, it has naturally become the object of envy of many female stars. Many people secretly bought the water army to make a rumor. Therefore, the online speculation about the end of Qin became more and more obvious. Finally, the end of Qin Dynasty was directly promoted to hot search.

Naturally, the end of Qin Dynasty would not let his reputation be so ruined. He immediately sent a lawyer's letter from his studio, saying that he wanted to sue the rumor maker. However, people in the entertainment industry all know that this lawyer's letter will fool ordinary people who don't know the law. In fact, it's useless. But seeing that the news on the Internet has been calmed down, it's not good for people to fight against the end of Qin in the face They all gave up.


At the end of Qin's anger, she directly waved all the cosmetics on the table on the ground, and gnawed her teeth against Qin Sangyu. Although the news on the Internet has gone down, in many people's hearts, she is the one who committed the crime, and this black material will follow her all her life.

"Bitch!" At the end of the Qin Dynasty, the chest fluctuated up and down, the nails were deeply embedded in the meat, the teeth were clenched, and the ground was in a mess.

When Su Jiaoyang pushed the door and came in, she saw the skin care products all over the floor. She couldn't help but sneer, "what's the use for you to get angry here? Qin Sangyu is still held by Luliang City."

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At the end of Qin Dynasty, he felt that Su Jiaoyang had gouged out his heart, but he had to admit the fact that Qin Sangyu's luck was so good. Lu Shao held Lu Shao in the palm of his hand.

"What do you say I should do?" She can only rely on Su Jiaoyang, who is her last straw.

Su Jiaoyang sat down beside her, her eyes full of malice. "You can't move Qin Sangyu, but you can move Ruan Hongzhuang. Isn't Ruan Hongzhuang going to cooperate with you immediately? That director is a famous old lecher, and he likes to play with several people. If you can destroy Ruan Hong's makeup, you can also break Qin Sangyu's hand. "

A glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of the late Qin Dynasty, and she did not like Ruan Hongzhuang. Ruan Hongzhuang was so beautiful that as long as she was there, other people would turn into green leaves. In the entertainment circle, there was even a hearsay that she should not take a picture with Ruan Hongzhuang, or she would be turned into slag by the other party.

"But Ruan Hongzhuang is now ganging up with Julio, whose power is no less than Lu."

As soon as her words were finished, Su Jiaoyang sneered, "is that playboy Julio? Didn't you play with him? I don't know his temperament. I just like Ruan Hongzhuang's leather bag. What's more beautiful than Ruan Hongzhuang's is that Julio is tired of playing for a while. How can he protect her all the time? "

The end of Qin nodded and secretly made a resolution in his heart. His eyes were full of angry flames.

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The next day was the day when she and Ruan Hongzhuang met. Because the shooting of the new play was about to start, all the actors had to be in place. After the opening ceremony, she went to drink with the director and the producers.

Ruan Hongzhuang came to the crew early. Qin Sangyu said that she wanted to see the opening ceremony, so she followed. But she didn't go to see the actors, so she found a place beside her and waited in peace of mind.

After a while, Ruan Hongzhuang came out, and her face was a little ugly.

"What's the matter?" Qin Sangyu asked anxiously, afraid that this person is in trouble.

"I can't go shopping with you. All the actors have to go to the hotel to meet with investors. If I don't go, I'm afraid I'll have to say I'm a big card."

This is where the stars are helpless. Many times they can't help themselves, and laughing and drinking are common things.

Qin Sangyu looked at her sympathetically and turned to her car. "Poor, I'll go shopping first. If you have anything to do, call me directly. It's dangerous for a female star to drink with him. You can take the assistant there."

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Ruan Hongzhuang didn't intend to bring an assistant, but after Qin Sangyu's reminding, she still listened to her words and made a phone call to her assistant.

What Ruan Hongzhuang doesn't know is that she should be glad to hear Qin Sangyu's words, otherwise this trip will ruin her whole life.

A group of actors sat in the car and were taken to the hotel. The decoration of the hotel is magnificent. We all know that investors are big money now. Many small actors in the 18th line want to take this opportunity to take a chance, hoping to find one or two gold owners.

Ruan Hongzhuang was a little impatient since she came into the arena. What she disliked most was this kind of scene. Everyone seemed to be wearing masks and sitting in the corner in silence. Compared with her silence, the end of Qin Dynasty seemed to be very good at being human, making everyone giggle.

Originally, she is already in the red now, so she doesn't need to come out and mingle with the little stars.

"Sister Qin has no airs. She looks so gentle."

"That is, compared with Ruan Hongzhuang, she really knows how to be a person. Ruan Hongzhuang has been sitting there by herself from the beginning, and nobody pays attention to her. She is very tall."Several young actors began to whisper. Of course, Ruan Hongzhuang heard it. She looked up at the end of Qin Dynasty, and just looked at him. She felt vaguely that there was something wrong in the eyes of the late Qin Dynasty. However, after careful study, she could not see anything. She could only drink a glass of wine in front of her.

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Several investors came soon. They exchanged greetings with each other, and then sat down one after another. During this period, their eyes intentionally or unintentionally stayed on Ruan Hongzhuang. However, Ruan Hongzhuang was anxious to leave and did not pay attention.

At the end of a meal, the director asked the unknown actors to go first. Qin Mo was dizzy. He took his bag and said he would go to the bathroom for a while. He looked at the director, and both of them had a smile in their eyes.

Ruan Hongzhuang also wants to leave with her when she gets up, because there is only one woman left here. If she spreads it out, her image is not good. But just after she gets up, she feels dizzy in her head. She holds the table beside her and shakes her head vigorously.

"Miss Ruan, are you not feeling well? May I help you to have a rest?"

Several investors immediately came forward to offer hospitality. Ruan Hongzhuang was shocked and knew that she might have been hit. As soon as she wanted to take her mobile phone, the director robbed her bag.

"How to be famous and start to dress high, Ruan Hongzhuang, when you just entered the entertainment industry, didn't you throw yourself in your arms?"

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