Ruan hongmakeup patted their hands, and they were all in a panic. They were anxious to grab their bags, but the director had already left her bag quickly and stared at her face with both eyes.

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"Get out of here!"

Ruan hongmakeup stepped back, the dizziness in her head was getting worse and worse. She bit her tongue dead and feared that she would faint in the past.

Qin end out of the room, see Ruan red makeup assistant is still not far away, scornful smile, carrying his bag left here.

Coco Liu stretched his neck to see Ruan hongmakeup, but the door was closed soon, because the female star was easy to get involved, and everyone had gone almost. Why Ruan hongmakeup didn't come out, she did not worry about calling hurio and Qin Sangyu.

Unfortunately, Julio was in the hotel, and in less than five minutes he came over, and saw her standing out anxiously, frowning, "what's the matter?"

"Sister Ruan was trapped in the room, as if the actresses had left, but only she didn't come out, the waiter didn't open the door for me, and I couldn't make a call to sister Ruan. Those investors didn't come out, and I was worried about something."

Liu Wen's voice was shaking, and the waiter didn't open the door. It was certain that 100% of the accident happened.

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Julio's face was white, and he directly copied a plate of potted plants and hit the gate. Millions of gates were smashed into a hollow place in a moment. The waiter saw the situation and ran to stop it. But he could only swallow his mouth silently.

"Open the door!" Julio's voice was full of rage, and his eyes were glowing, and the waiter was looking at it.

The waiter shivered and took out the key, although he had been greeted before, saying that he should not open the door unless the people inside came out.

The door was soon opened. Julio saw the scene inside, and he ran into his head with anger. He took the chair and hit several men in the head.

"Fucking!! Brute!! "

Ruan red makeup clothes have been taken off half, revealing the sexy black underwear inside, the whole people have been unconscious, and the men's big hands are swimming in her chest, if not for Julio to come quickly, I am afraid the scene is even more ugly.

Coco Liu startled, coax his eyes to Ruan red makeup place, put her clothes on, then pinched her people, so that people can be brief awake.

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Ruan hongmakeup thought that his life was over, but when he woke up, she saw coco Liu's eyes red, turned his head and found that Julio was holding a chair and smashing it on the heads of those people.

"Coco Liu, let him stop and go down and kill."

Ruan red makeup strong support last strength, pushed Liu coco hand, Liu Wen hurriedly to voice shout, "Mr. Hu! Sister Ruan asked you not to fight! It will kill you! "

Julio, holding the chair's hand, saw that several men had blood on their heads, and the anger on his face did not subside at all, and he was biting his teeth tightly, as if to fight hard with these people.

But Ruan hongmakeup told him to stop. He listened to Ruan hongmakeup most. Julio bit his teeth, threw away his chair, and ran to Ruan hongmakeup and hugged her. "How are you doing? Is there anything wrong? "

Ruan hongmakeup shook her head, but was eaten a little tofu, but also thanks to the man came quickly, her eyes suddenly red, "thank you."

Once she fell into the abyss, but she struggled to escape. Today, she fell into the abyss again. It was the man who pulled her out. Maybe Ruan hongmakeup had been dark for too long. Now, she felt very warm when she met the light of this silk.

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Julio's eyes were red, and if he came late, he could not imagine the consequences, but he could only hold her up. "I'll take you home."

But the men lying on their back opened their mouths at this time, covered the wound on their head and stood up, and saw Ruan hongmakeup look like a bird, and then he laughed at it. "Ruan hongmakeup, what do you put on? When you were under me, you could not make a good call. Now you are famous. The rehearsal is getting bigger, right? Sao goods! What kind of Princess do you think you are

The man scolds the vigor son, looks Ruan red makeup in the eyes dissatisfied with the naked desire, completely does not put hurio in the eye, because in his heart, hurio will not look at Ruan hongmakeup such a woman, the corner of the mouth hook, continue to open.

"Mr. Hu, you shouldn't be fascinated by such a woman? She is with you, but because you can provide her with benefits. Do you think she really likes you? Ruan hongmakeup is not for me. Today, I wanted to ask these investors to taste the taste together, but I didn't expect you to jump out. "

Hurio suddenly tightened his hand with Ruan hongmakeup. He never investigated the past of Ruan hongmakeup, but he knew that a beautiful woman without background could go to this step today, and it is estimated that he has taken a shortcut.

When the truth was so ruthless to be opened, he felt his hand shaking. Ruan hongmakeup was always a goddess in his heart. He remembered her appearance in red dress like a queen, but such a mean and dirty man said Ruan red makeup was not for him to play.Why? Isn't Ruan Hong used to spoil it?

He took a deep breath, took out his mobile phone and called the police. His face was grim. "Today's matter, you go and tell the police, you can rest assured, I will let you never come out."

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No one knows who Julio is, but because of his identity as a violinist, everyone let him, and know that his circle is full of dignitaries. At present, several investors will be nervous. If the police come, they will be finished.

"Mr. Hu, it's his idea. It's none of our business. It's none of our business."

Julio held Ruan Hongzhuang in his arms, and his heart was filled with anger. He was distressed by Ruan Hongzhuang's experience. However, he despised her for having ruined her body. For a long time, he looked down at a calm woman and gave a faint smile.

"I'm not a good man. I'm a good match for you."

Ruan Hongzhuang's eyes suddenly red, eyes spread with a huge sadness, "what he said is true."

Her voice was hoarse and she tried to make herself less frightened. Although she had been hypnotizing herself, she was different from those women who were climbing up through the body, but in fact it was the same. She deliberately avoided the past and disguised herself.

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