"Qin Sangyu, i... help me..."

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Lu Ling's voice was full of tears, her fists were tightly clenched together, and her big sweat rolled down her cheek.

Qin Sangyu's mouth is sneering, save this person? It's possible that she was about to close the door, but Lu Ling suddenly knelt down in front of her. "Qin Sangyu, they said if you don't help me, my body will explode immediately. They put a bomb in my body. Please, Qin Sangyu, I don't want to die."

If Lu Ling was not too frightened, Qin Sangyu would not believe him at all.

But what if she believed it, she would not put herself in for a Luling. "You've come to the wrong place, you should go to the police station. I'm a man of no strength, how can I help you dismantle the bomb."

Lu Ling was about to cry. Those people were so terrible that he saw a living person directly blown into two pieces. If he didn't listen, as long as the other party pressed the switch, he would die immediately.

"Qin Sangyu! I'm the Lu family anyway! If grandfather knew I was dead because of you! Guess what he'll do! He will never be reconciled to you becoming a little grandmother of the Lu family! "

Lu Ling's cheeks were flushed and she was shivering. He felt his body getting hotter and hotter. The bomb seemed to explode.

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Qin Sangyu's face was stunned. The last time she kicked Lu Ling, the old man expressed his dissatisfaction. Before leaving, he also warned her that Lu Ling was Lu's family, and that her attack was really black. If the old man knew that Lu Ling was dead, he would never admit that she was a granddaughter-in-law.

She took a look at Lu Ling and wanted to know if there was a bomb in this man's body. If so, once it exploded, both of them would die.

"How do you want me to help you?"

Finally, she still asked this sentence, her face was chilly. If this person was not Lu's family, she would have left far away from here immediately, so as not to hurt herself when the bomb exploded.

Lu Ling wiped her tears. Her voice was not so choked. "You follow me to a place. Someone wants to see you."

Qin Sangyu took a deep breath, and did not say who she wanted to see. What if someone else killed her in this trip, Lu Ling clearly asked her to exchange her own life for his life.

A bite of teeth, the door slammed shut, "excuse me!"

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Lu Ling saw that the door was closed, and her face was full of despair. Hysterically, she rushed to the door and began to smash the door with force, "Qin Sangyu! You can't be so selfish!! Qin Sangyu! If grandfather knew, he would not let you go

Luling is very scared now. She is afraid that she will suddenly become a pile of meat. She cries hoarsely. She has no strength and falls asleep in front of the door.

Qin Sangyu listened to Luling's shouting and scolding all morning upstairs. At last, there was no noise. She was relieved. Hearing the nanny say that Luling was asleep in front of the door, she immediately called some security guards to throw people out and told the guard that they would never let Luling in.

Qin Sangyu takes out her ears. It seems that Lu Ling has a bomb on her. Otherwise, the bomb has not exploded in the morning. The other party clearly wants to use Luling as bait to lure her out.

Luling had been thrown into the street at this time. A black car stopped by the side of the street. The people on the car saw Luling's unpromising appearance, and the corners of her mouth were hooked up. "She really didn't follow out, just like you think."

The man said, his eyes moved to the person in front of him, sitting in front of him with a full face of whiskers, can not see his mood, but from the eyes you can see that he is in a good mood.

Zhong Han appreciates Qin Sangyu very much. At least, he doesn't have the heart of the virgin. They caught Lu Ling before and let him watch the scene of a man being blown up. Lu Ling has always been a playboy waiting to die. When he saw such a situation, he was scared to cry.

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They did not install a bomb in Luling's body because they knew that Luling could not support him and did not want to waste his energy.

"Ghost, it's abnormal that you care so much about Qin Sangyu." The man driving in front of him suddenly turns around and stares at Zhong Han.

is as like as two peas. He just thinks Qin sang Yu is very special. And he owes that woman. So he meets his eyes exactly like he does.

"I owe someone. If I can, I hope I can use my life to compensate her. Qin Sangyu's eyes are very similar to her, not only her eyes, but also the outline of her facial features. I wonder if they are sisters or relatives of other relationships."

When Zhong Han said these things, his eyes were bright. He had been aloof and proud for a long time. No one or anything could stir up the waves in his heart. But the woman was different, so Qin Sangyu was not the same.

The man sitting in front did not speak. He always knew that the code named devil was not constrained by anyone and could only start the car. "You can make your own decisions. Now we are in G City, which is the territory of Luliang City. No matter how you want to come, we must not make a big deal. Last time because of Nightingale, we have become wanted criminals."Zhong Han sneers. Those wanted notices are bullshit in his eyes. Now there are many wanted notices for him in the world, but he is still out there for so many years. Those criminal police can't even touch the corners of his clothes.

They quickly left here, and Lu Ling, who was left in the street, was already awake by this time.

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He touched his body and found that he was still in good condition. His face was full of surprise. The two men said that the bomb would explode in two hours, but now it has obviously been two hours.

He even doubted whether it was a dream of his own. In fact, there was no bomb. He turned pale. Seeing that people around him were discussing himself, he quickly stood up and sat in his car.

"Qin Sangyu! bitch! I can't help you

He beat his steering wheel and scolded Qin Sangyu fiercely. Thinking of that woman's hateful face, he was so angry that he could not wait for the other party to go to hell!

Lu Ling angrily drove the car away from here, and the crowd scattered.

Qin Sangyu was still thinking about Lu Ling's bomb. When Lu Liangcheng came back, he simply told the other party the news, "do you really think you can put a bomb in your body? I think Luling is scared to look like that. It doesn't feel like it's fake. "

Lu Liangcheng heard her words, suddenly raised his head, body bomb? Isn't it something from the second uncle?

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