Whiskers coming to G city?

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He took a look at Qin Sangyu and found that the other party was still complaining. Suddenly, he was worried. Did those people aim at Qin Sangyu again, so he asked Lu Ling to knock on the door. If Qin Sangyu was a little softhearted at that time, he might have disappeared at this time.

"That's it, husband. Are you listening to me?" Qin Sangyu waved his hand in front of Lu Liangcheng, and saw that he had fallen into meditation and fell into his arms.

Lu Liangcheng just reacted to it. He caught her and rubbed her face. "You'd better stay with me this time. I'll send more people to the villa. If you can, try not to be alone."

Qin Sangyu knew that something might have happened and listened to his arrangement.

"The last time I went to rescue the second uncle, a bomb was implanted into his body. It was a micro bomb. The first thing researched out was that the beard used it on the human body. So I'm afraid Luling was threatened by the beard this time. They aimed at you again."

Lu Liangcheng's eyes are dark. He still remembers how embarrassed she was when she found the missing Qin Sangyu last time. She would never allow such a thing to happen again!

Qin Sangyu also took a breath. Her beard left a big shadow in her heart. If possible, she really hoped that she would never see that man in her life.

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"I'll listen to you."

Lu Liangcheng nodded, took her in his arms and gently patted her back, which was a consolation. "Don't go out. There's no need for isan. I'll report the news of whiskers entering G city to my superiors. He's still on our wanted list."

Lu Liangcheng reported the appearance of whiskers in G city that night. After Nightingale incident, the state has put whiskers on the wanted list. Therefore, upon hearing the information provided by Luliang City, the authorities immediately launched an action to find people in G city on a large scale.

"Ghost, the weapons they use this time are very advanced, the highest level face recognition system, even if we can't muddle through the crowd, we can't hang out on the street in a short time."

A man looks at his computer, and there are many red dots on the computer. The red dots are the distribution of cameras in G city. These cameras will upload the faces of pedestrians to the human body information database, and then get the identity. If they don't pay attention to being photographed, the old people will be turned over.

"My face is just Zhong Han. Even if they take pictures, they just know the identity of Zhong Han. It's you. Don't stay in G city to damage my business."

The man's face is puzzled, I really don't know what this man is going to do and when their plan will start. "The Nightingale has not been settled. We can't focus on other things, or the deal with shadow will be over."

Zhong Han suddenly took out a gun and put it on the man's forehead. His face was full of cruelty. "I hate other people's finger pointing. If you say one more word, I'll kill you."

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The man's face is sweat, the body stiff for a while, and then closed his mouth, no longer speak.

Zhong Han put the gun away, bent his mouth, and sat on the chair beside him. "The missile over there has long been aimed at G city. As long as you get the activation code, the whole G city will be a ruin. And the people of this country have not realized that they are going to face a catastrophe. It's really stupid."

Zhong Han now looks at everyone in G city from the perspective of God, because he knows that soon everyone here will become a corpse.

The man who was frightened by him didn't speak. He always knew that things were crazy there. He didn't expect that this time he didn't come to get Nightingale, but to get the boot code of the missile.

"But if chaos happens, I'm afraid it will involve the shadows." After all, they still have cooperation with shadow. If the shadow is pushed to an irreparable position because of this, they will not only be hanged internationally in the future, but also be dealt with by the shadow side.

"You don't have to worry about that."

Zhong Han's eyes narrowed for a moment, and he was disgusted that people asked so many questions. I heard that the password was in the white family, but the guard of the white family was too strict. He sent several waves of people, but they failed to penetrate.

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In the evening, Lu Liangcheng received a call from Bai Jue, saying that he would go to Bai's old house.

The relationship between the Bai family and the Lu family is not very good, so this is Lu Liangcheng's first visit to the Bai family's old house.

The old man of the white family sat on the sofa and put a file bag in front of him. "Foreign news has come that the missile that was lost in China a few years ago has been found. It is said that it has been installed by lawless elements. Now there is only one power on password. However, the target of the missile is G city. I originally asked the researchers to secret it today The code came back, but the researchers were attacked and the code was stolen. "

The old man's face is dignified, this is not a joke, a careless, the whole G city will become a ruins.

Luliang City is rigid. Missile attack is a nightmare in everyone's heart. Once G city is doomed to disaster, no one will step on this place in 100 years. It will become a dead city."Who took the code?"

"It's not clear for the time being. All the surveillance at that time were tampered with. We didn't even see the murderer's face. Lu family boy, my people have been sent out. Because of the Nightingale incident, G city has fallen into a state of complete blockade recently. I believe that person has not brought out the password, and the network communication will also be intercepted by us. You also ask your people to check this matter."

Lu Liangcheng nodded. After leaving the Bai family, he suddenly felt very strange. Why can the other party easily take away the password? Is there a traitor on their side?

Thinking of this, his eyes narrowed, eyes are gloomy, such a traitor and treason is no difference.

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Back at the villa, Lu Liangcheng immediately let his people melt into the whole G city to trace the whereabouts of the password. He called Mo Yu into his room and asked him to use the network to block the network communication of the whole G city.

"Boss, there are several military firewalls, the level is the top."


"Hacker dens in G city."

Mo Yu's eyes stare at the screen for a moment. Lu Liangcheng pulls him to the car and goes directly to the place where the superior stays.

"This operation is under my command. We must find out the man within three hours."

There are hundreds of computers in the hall. Many elites are sitting in front of them. This is the monitoring center of the whole city of G. all the people who can work here are specially trained talents.

Several old antiques stand beside Luliang City, without any dissatisfaction. They all know the ability of Luliang City.

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