"Ruan Hongzhuang, have you seen my third uncle? The third uncle left a suicide note and then disappeared. We are all looking for him now. If you see him, you must persuade him. "

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Ruan Hongzhuang heard Lu Liangcheng say so, suddenly felt her whole body blood was cold. Just now she saw Lu Dongqiang. She thought that the man was here to do damage. Unexpectedly, he left a suicide note.

She looked pale at the side of Julio, reached out and grabbed his wrist. "Lu Dongqiang left a letter missing. Everyone is looking for him now. What should I do?"

Julio's face was unhappy, but he also knew that if Lu Dongqiang was really dead, he and Ruan Hongzhuang's children would not be taken care of. He took Ruan Hongzhuang and walked outside the hotel. "That Lu Dongqiang is really a troublesome spirit. Has he not thought about what to do with his children after his death? Red makeup, you are right to leave such a man. Now you know how good I am

Although the situation of his rival in love is very worrying now, Julio can't help but sneer at Lu Dongqiang. If he exchanged their positions, he would never choose this road.

They quickly went outside the hotel, but Lu Dongqiang had already left. Ruan Hongzhuang told Qin Sangyu where he had just met Lu Dongqiang. Several people quickly came to Qin and began to look for people around the hotel.

At this time, Lu Dongqiang nests in an alley, which is cold and humid. His clothes and trousers have been wet.

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Now it's the season to melt snow. It's even colder than when it snows. He shivers and shivers. He finds a dry place to sit down, takes out his prepared knife and looks at his wrist in a daze.

He knew that he was a failed man. It was the biggest mistake he had done to leave Ruan Hongzhuang at the beginning. However, it was true that he liked Ruan Hongzhuang. When he thought that Ruan Hongzhuang had been married as a wife, he would like to end his life immediately.

He also knew that he was an irresponsible man. It was a last resort decision to give Xiaomo to Zhang Yi. Because he could not take good care of himself and how to take care of the child, he also said clearly in the will that he would give all his property to Zhang Yi, which was a kind of compensation for Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi was crying in the villa and shaking her hand holding the suicide note. She really didn't understand. She scolded Lu Dongqiang hard last time. How could he make the same mistake so soon? This man is really self-sufficient. He always feels that his ideas are right and he doesn't think about it for others.

Xiao Mo stood next to Zhang Yi. He didn't know what happened. He didn't know all the words on the suicide note. Besides knowing that it was written by his father, he didn't know anything else.

"Aunt Zhang, what happened? Is Dad missing? Shall we go to him? "

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Children's innocence is very distressing, Zhang Yi suddenly cried and hugged him, touched his head, "no, someone has gone to him, we wait for the news at home, Xiaomo, the beautiful sister you saw last time is your biological mother, she doesn't want you, but the things between adults are very complicated. Even if you grow up, you can't complain Hate her, you know? "

Xiao Mo nods his head vaguely. In fact, he has already guessed the result. The last time he heard the quarrel between Aunt Zhang and his father, they mentioned Ruan Hongzhuang. That beautiful sister happened to be named Ruan Hongzhuang.

Xiaomo's face is shy, suddenly timidly stretched out his hand to hold Zhang Yi's sleeve and looked at her askew, "although I like Aunt Zhang very much, I still hope to see that beautiful sister, or can we go to see her several times a year?"

Zhang Yi is suddenly very distressed for this child. It is clearly a matter between adults. Why should he gamble on a child's future.

Zhang Yi hugged Xiao Mo on the sofa beside him and said seriously, "don't worry, you will often see that elder sister in the future, but you should be obedient. You can't tell others that you are her child. No matter who asks you, you can't say, otherwise you will bring trouble to her. Should you answer Auntie?"

Xiaomo is a very obedient child. She is clever and smiles on her face. "Aunt Zhang, don't worry. I'll call her beautiful sister. I've grown up. I don't know anything. You must like my father very much, and I like you very much. If you can be my mother, beautiful sister doesn't like father. I can see that, so, It's good for her to look for her own happiness. I'm also very happy to see me once in a while. "

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Children are so simple and naive that they don't want too much. Zhang Yi looks at the sensible child and kisses him on the cheek,

"I will tell that beautiful sister what you want, and I believe she will agree with it."

Xiao Mo nodded, suddenly felt a little sleepy, lying down next to the sofa, holding Zhang Yi's hand, "well, we'll wait for Dad to come back here." His tone is childish, do not know what happened to his father.

Zhang Yi sat down beside him and could only wait helplessly...

on the other side, Lu Dongqiang had taken out his prepared knife and cut it hard on his wrist. Watching the red blood flow out slowly, he drew a little bit from the corner of his mouth, and finally got rid of it. As long as he had spent the night, he would not have to live in pain. After a sigh of relief, he opened He began to close his eyes and felt a little guilty about Zhang Yi. The woman had been around him for so many years, but he couldn't respond to anything until he died.He is really a coward.

Lu Dongqiang's mind is very confused, a blank, he vaguely heard someone call his name, he tried to open his eyes, found that there were several people running in the alley, but he could not see who was running, and he was dark in front of him and completely fainted.

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"Uncle! Third uncle! How are you doing? Blind, wake up

Lu Xiao and Lu Liangcheng have already arrived here and rushed Lu Dongqiang to the hospital. Everyone is waiting anxiously in the corridor of the hospital.

Ruan Hongzhuang and Julio also arrived. When they heard the doctor say that Lu Dongqiang had lost too much blood and needed blood transfusion immediately, they shivered and relieved. At least, their life could still be saved.

Several people wait until midnight until the doctor pushes Lu Dongqiang out. At this time, Lu Dongqiang is completely unconscious and looks like a piece of paper.

"Julio, let's go." Ruan Hongzhuang suddenly grabbed Julio. She really didn't want to see this man again. Just like Julio said, she was really glad that she didn't come to the end with this man.

Julio nodded and said hello to several people waiting here, then took Ruan Hongzhuang and left.

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