Lu Liangcheng and Lu Xiao's faces are still a little dull. Their wedding ceremony was made like this by the third uncle. What's more, it's the third uncle's fault.

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Several people continue to wait here, because the doctor said that Lu Dongqiang's mood is unstable, and everyone dare not leave at will. They intend to do psychological work for the man when he wakes up.

In the morning, Zhang Yi comes with Xiao Mo, and they sit quietly on the chair outside. Xiao Mo is very good. Maybe he still doesn't know what happened. Only Zhang Yi's hand is shaking slightly. He is relieved when he hears that Lu Dongqiang is out of danger.

It was not until the evening that Lu Dongqiang woke up and saw that he was staying in the hospital. Knowing that he had been rescued, he waved the flowers in front of the table on the ground, struggling to get up.

"Not enough shame?"

Lu Liangcheng pushed the door and walked in. He didn't mean to comfort people. He sat down on the chair beside him with a straight face, holding his hands and looking at Lu Dongqiang.

Lu Dongqiang's face was instantly blushed. He felt that what he had done seemed unreasonable. He slowly took a breath, "where's the small ink?"

He was very worried about this child. Even at the last moment, he regretted his decision and felt a great guilt in his heart.

"So you still remember Xiaomo." Lu Liangcheng's tone was sarcastic. He didn't want to look at the man and clapped his hands. The door of the room was opened. A child came in, which was Xiaomo.

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Xiao Mo was silent at this time. He sat down on the other side of Lu Dongqiang. He didn't speak. His eyes were red. It seemed that he had already cried.

"I have told him all about your suicide, uncle. As for whether your son will leave a shadow in his heart, it depends on you."

Lu Liangcheng does not feel that he has done something wrong. Anyway, Lu Dongqiang dares to do it. How can he be afraid of being said by others.

Lu Dongqiang's face was instantly full of shame. He wanted to open his mouth to comfort Xiaomo, but he didn't know what to say. After a long time of dullness, he finally shook his lips, "it's me that I'm sorry for you. We'll live together well in the future, and Dad doesn't want anything else."

Small Mo still did not speak, full of gloomy face, did not want to forgive Lu Dongqiang meaning, suddenly opened his hand, hand is a card, he has been saving pocket money.

"I want to live with Aunt Zhang in the future. I don't want you to be my father any more. This is the money you gave me. I didn't move a cent and gave it back to you."

In recent years, Lu Dongqiang's father's love for Xiaomo seems to be measured by money. Because he doesn't know what Xiaomo likes, he always gives him money to buy by himself. He thinks that as long as Xiaomo has a good life, Xiaomo will be happy. But unexpectedly, he lost his qualification to be a father.

"Xiaomo, don't do this?"

Lu Dongqiang's face was full of pain. He didn't know what to say. He lost his beloved woman, and now his son doesn't recognize him.

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But small Mo has stood up, did not look at him again, "Aunt Zhang said to take me to the field, today's flight, I have to go."

He seems to have completely forgotten that Lu Dongqiang is his father, and his tone of voice is extremely indifferent. Lu Dongqiang wants to get up to stay, but he is weak and has no strength, so he can only support the edge of the bed.

"Dad knows that you've been neglected these years, and I hope you can give me a chance."

"Bang." The answer to him was a loud sound of closing the door. Outside the door, Zhang Yi squatted down and touched Xiao Mo's face, "have you really decided? If you go there, you'll see Dad less often

Small Mo nods, he really does not want to stay in such decadent a man's side.

Zhang Yi took Xiaomo, looked at Qin Sangyu beside him and sighed, "then we'll go. When Lu Liangcheng comes out, you can tell him."

Qin Sangyu is eager to talk but stops. What the third uncle did is really wrong. But if the only son wants to leave him, will it be too cruel? But think about this is Xiaomo's own choice. Others have no right to intervene, so they can only nod, "if you have any difficulties, you can call us."

When they left, Qin sang Yu sighed. He heard a man's voice of remorse. He pursed his lips. He was about to sit on one side and have a good rest. When Lu Liangcheng opened the door, he said, "let's go home."

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Qin Sangyu a Leng, the third uncle's situation is very not strong now, can they leave like this?

"If he really wants his own son, he won't die. Leave him alone."

Lu Liangcheng was a little agitated. He would have slapped him if he hadn't been his elder.

"Brother, that child really left. At least it's the Lu family. Don't we care?"

Lu Xiao has been leaning on Bai Jue's shoulder. She fell asleep just now because she didn't sleep all night. Now she hears two people talking and rubs her eyes.

"Zhang Yi has been taking care of Xiaomo all these years. I believe Zhang Yi will not take care of her, which is worse than that of the Lu family. I will make a sum of money in her account every month as compensation."

Lu Xiao didn't say anything. Now it seems that there is only one like this: "my grandfather is very angry, but I have already called him. Please tell the third uncle that he should not go back to his old house recently. Neither old man wants to see him."Lu Dongqiang's single moths have aroused public anger. Now he is in hospital. In addition to the younger generation who came to see him, the others did not come. Even Lu Xing said that he deserved it.

A group of people say goodbye at the gate of the hospital. Qin Sangyu yawns when she gets into the car. Because Ruan Hongzhuang is going abroad, I'm afraid she won't come to Assam in recent years, so she needs to change her layout.

"You go back now and have a good rest. Don't think about the rest."

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Lu Liangcheng saw Qin Sangyu's silence and knew that she couldn't be busy, so he hugged her with heartache, "sometimes I hope you are the first Qin Sangyu, lazy every day, eating and sleeping, sleeping and eating."

Qin Sangyu thought that he was so miserable at the beginning. He took a look at Lu Liangcheng and settled down in his arms. After returning to the villa, he really had a beautiful sleep and directly slept until the night.

"Luliang City?" She called and found that there was no one on the second floor. She could only go downstairs. Strangely, there was no one downstairs.

"Where has he gone?" She held a glass of water and asked the bodyguard next to her.

"Mr. Lu is still working overtime. After you fall asleep, Mr. Lu goes to the company."

Qin Sangyu nodded and immediately called Lu Liangcheng, "why do you work so late? Have you eaten yet

The telephone is silent, Qin Sangyu's brow frowns for a moment, "Lu Liang Cheng?"

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