There suddenly sounded a light smile, is a woman's voice, the voice with a trace of charm, "Qin Sangyu, last planted in your hands, I am very unhappy."

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It's Xia Ying's voice. Isn't Xia Ying arrested? How can she come out.

"What do you want to do?" She asked with vigilance on her face. She didn't notice that someone was behind her. The nanny quickly stabbed a pillow into Qin Sangyu's neck. Qin Sangyu only felt the whole person numb and fell down.

The nanny's mouth is smiling. Suddenly she opens the door of the bathroom. Xia Ying, dressed in a red coat, walks out of the room. "You did a good job."

She looked at the nanny with admiration, and suddenly threw a card in front of her, "30 million, you'd better leave now."

The nanny kneels on the ground and thanks a lot. She didn't mean to hurt Qin Sangyu, but Xia Ying saved her family before. In order to repay her kindness, she had to do so. Xia Ying was willing to give 30 million yuan to help her leave G city and live a good life in other places.

The nurse took the money and left immediately.

And all the bodyguards are outside. I don't know what happened in the villa. Since the last time the beard was caught, the bodyguards who were not sent to the villa were taken back.

Xia Ying kicked Qin Sangyu and stepped on her face. She had never suffered such a big loss in her life. This time Qin Sangyu fell into his hands. She wanted to torture people more than death.

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Although Qin Sangyu was unconscious, she could still feel the pain from her body and frowned.

Xia Ying took her mobile phone and looked at it with a smile in her eyes. She sneaked into the villa unconsciously. When Qin Sangyu was sleeping, she changed the phone number of Luliang City in her mobile phone and changed it into her own name. Therefore, once Qin Sangyu called Lu Liangcheng, she actually called herself.

Her mouth hook, disdain to look at Qin Sangyu, she is an excellent agent recognized by the entire research institute, not to mention some people in the Research Institute, but she has countless ties with ah, in the second night was released.

Originally, she planned to go abroad directly, but thinking of Qin Sangyu's complacency before, she couldn't swallow her breath. She came to this villa and wanted this woman to pay the price.


She slapped Qin Sangyu in the face, but it was skin injury. She really didn't feel happy. She thought that there would be a ship going to sea at the wharf tonight. There were women missing in bed recently, all of them were sold to red light districts in other countries.

Her mouth a hook, from the pocket to take out a similar to smoke bomb like things, and to quickly take the antidote, throw the thing out, the smoke immediately dispersed, all the bodyguards smelling the smoke rolled their eyes, dizzy on the ground.

Xia Ying holds Qin Sangyu and goes outside quickly. She gets on the car that she stops not far away.

All the way, the car drove towards the wharf. Xia Ying's face was full of excitement. She imagined that Qin Sangyu was being played with by other men. She was very happy and accelerated her speed.

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Qin Sangyu felt her throat hurt and wanted to sleep in the dark, but her strong will supported her to wake up. She knew that if she could not wake up, she would never return to Luliang City.

Open eyes, ear is a light music sound, seems to be in the car, and the car is driving at full speed, the scenery outside quickly retrogress, the light and dark halo makes her squint.

It was Xia Ying who was driving. After confirming this, she noticed under her seat that there was a tool for repairing the car. Her eyes lit up. She held a small hammer in her hand and looked at Xia Ying's head. Then she rushed up and hit Xia Ying's head.

Xia Ying only felt her mind vibrated violently. Her face was pale, and the red blood flowed down her forehead. The car ran into the guardrail nearby in an instant.

"Bang!" The car broke through the guardrail and fell into the sea directly

Xia Ying screamed, and then the whole car was quickly submerged in the sea. Qin Sangyu was filled with the surging sea water at the moment of entering the sea. She held her breath, opened the door quickly and swam to the sea.

Xia Ying was knocked a hole in her head. Now she is in agony. Seeing Qin Sangyu want to escape, she reaches out and grabs her wrist and wants to go. Ha ha, let's bury them here together.

Her face is crazy, and she clings to Qin Sangyu's ankle. The sea water in winter is really cold. For a moment, Qin Sangyu thinks that she will die here.

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She pedals Xia Ying with all her strength, knowing that Xia Ying will not be able to get out because she still has a seat belt on her body. In a short time, the seat belt can't be released at all.

She felt her lungs were squeezed fast, and she couldn't breathe. She tried to milk her feet and pushed Xia Ying out of her hand. Then she swam toward the sea crazily. She could hardly hold back. If she could not breathe the air, she would die.

Seeing Qin Sangyu escape, Xia Ying suddenly twisted her face and pulled her seat belt angrily. However, the buckle of the seat belt seemed to be buckled to death. She couldn't pull it off. She was anxious and angry, and a string of bubbles came out of her mouth."Er, er, er..."

the turbulent sea water kept pouring into her mouth, and she suddenly felt difficult to breathe. The world suddenly became silent. The car was still falling down. She was suffocating. Help...

Xia Ying felt that the world in front of her suddenly became dark, and the weak light disappeared from her eyes.

After Qin Sangyu swam to the sea, he found a bridge above his head. He thought that he should have come down from that bridge and swam towards the edge.

She's almost exhausted. She's still struggling with her legs. She doesn't even have the strength to swim one meter.

"Help, help!"

She fluttered in the water, feeling as if she was about to fall into the boundless hell, panic like the spread of vines, her whole person is firmly entangled.

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"Somebody's falling into the water. Come on! Someone fell overboard

The bridge did not know who called, suddenly several people jumped off the bridge and fell into the sea water.

Qin Sangyu vomited several saliva, found that his body was held by two people, and finally had a focus, "thank you."

After being rescued ashore, she gasped for breath, and found that her rescuers were familiar.

"Qin Sangyu?"

"Second uncle?"

Qin Sangyu's mouth trembled to spit out these two words. Hearing the hustle and bustle of the crowd suddenly became quiet, he looked up and saw Lu Liangcheng running over with a lot of people around him.

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