This time, Su Jiaoyang would not be reconciled to the failure of the plan, but she could not think of any other way in a short time. She was also afraid that Bai Yan's affairs would burn to her, so she was quiet for a few days.

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Qin Sangyu is very happy recently, because Ruan Hongzhuang's wedding is over and will go abroad soon. Qin Sangyu seizes every opportunity to get along with her and tells her about her future plans.

Ruan Hongzhuang sighed and held Qin Sangyu's hand. "I'm really sorry. I said I would manage AI sang together, but I left first."

Qin Sangyu took a piece of potato chips and put it into his mouth. "It's the same if you come back and join me again. Moreover, we can discuss with each other when you are abroad. It's not like we don't talk all our lives."

Although this is the truth, Ruan Hongzhuang still has some regrets in her heart. After all, the development momentum of the brand is very good. She wants to witness its glory with Qin Sangyu.

"I'm leaving tomorrow. Julio's parents have already gone home. His parents are waiting to see me."

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Ruan Hongzhuang's face was full of guilt, and suddenly patted Qin Sangyu on the shoulder, "why don't we all go out to dinner tonight and ask Shanglu Liangcheng and your friends to have a good get-together. Last time, it wasn't because of Lu Dongqiang's business. Did you leave in advance?"

Ruan Hongzhuang has now been able to calmly say the name of Lu Dongqiang, which means that she is really put down.

"Good." Qin Sangyu promised to come down and contacted Lu Xiao and Bai Jue. Besides Ruan Hongzhuang, her friends in G city are probably the only two.

We did say that we would like to have dinner together before, but because of Lu Dongqiang's business, several people went out to look for someone to have dinner together. Now when we are free, we all think of it.

In the evening, several people met in a famous hotel, but fate is really a magic thing. When everyone just sat down, Zhang Yi and Xiao Mo pushed the door in.

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Qin Sangyu looks at two people in surprise. Doesn't he say that he has gone abroad? How can it be here.

Zhang Yi's face was embarrassed. He took a seat and sat down. "I'm really sorry, because I happened to take Xiaomo out to eat. When I saw you here, I don't mind a pair of chopsticks."

People have said that. What else can Qin Sangyu say, they can only let the waiter take two more pairs of chopsticks.

Xiao Mo is sitting beside Ruan Hongzhuang, her excited body is shaking. It is clear that her temperament is somewhat lawless, but once covered by this person's aura, she seems to become a mouse afraid of cats.

Ruan Hongzhuang's heart is very complicated. She owes the child. When she was born, she didn't fulfill her duties as a mother. At this time, the husband sat on the left and the child she had with another man on the right. It was really hard for her.

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There was no discontent on Julio's face. When the dishes came, he put vegetables in Ruan Hongzhuang's bowl and told her to eat more.

"Xiaomo, tell your aunt what you want, and I'll clip it for you." Zhang Yi saw small ink drooping head, did not seem to notice that the dish has come up, quickly gently pushed him.

Small ink is like a dream, the whole face suddenly burst red, helpless looking at Zhang Yi, "sorry, Aunt Zhang, what did you just say?"

Qin Sangyu, sitting on the opposite side, saw Xiaomo's reaction. Some of them like the child. Besides, it's about adults. Why blame a child. "Xiaomo, is Xiaomo embarrassed? When I don't know how good it is, suddenly there is a piece of fish in the bowl, which is made by Ruan Hongzhuang." children are still growing up, and need more nutrition. "

Her voice is very gentle. Maybe Xiaomo takes a layer of filter to look at this woman. He thinks her voice is the most gentle voice in the world. Although Aunt Zhang is also very good, he can not feel the kinship flowing in the flesh and blood of Aunt Zhang.

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His eyes suddenly turned red, and the food in his mouth was not so delicious. Obviously, he liked to eat braised pork in brown sauce.

Zhang Yi was afraid of the child's gaffe, and quickly patted him on the shoulder, "come on, say thank you to miss Jie. Xiao Mo is really eccentric. She's called Ruan Hongzhuang little sister, and I'm aunt."

Small Mo quickly hoarse voice said, "thank you."

A child has never seen his own mother since he was conscious of it. Now Xiaomo Lian is busy to stop the tears in his eyes and put the braised pork into his mouth. He chews it with big mouth. Maybe it is the reason for his bad mood. He feels that the braised pork is a little greasy today.

Ruan Hongzhuang's face is also a smile, sorry to see Julio, Julio just pick eyebrows, did not say anything, as for the meaning, two people understand.

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