It was supposed to be a happy dinner, but everyone didn't dare to talk. Qin Sangyu saw that Zhang Yi was putting vegetables for Xiaomo. He thought that the man had said he would go abroad last time. He left before his third uncle was discharged. How could he come back so soon?

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"Are you going abroad to play? Last time you said you took Xiaomo abroad, I was surprised for a long time, thinking you would never come back. "

He still didn't accept the foreign ink painting, but he didn't accept it. He didn't want to take a look at it before he came back from abroad

So it is, Qin Sangyu subconsciously looked at small ink, found that the child is indeed a few pounds thin, looking like a small poor.

After a meal, everyone had no other communication. When he walked out of the hotel, Xiaomo still held Zhang Yi's hand, which was like the last straw that an isolated person grasped.

"Ruan Hongzhuang, what time is your flight tomorrow? I'll see you off." Qin Sangyu suddenly remembered that Ruan Hongzhuang was going to leave tomorrow, and how she should send it.

As soon as she finished this sentence, Xiaomo quietly pricked up her ears. In fact, Aunt Zhang just lied to them. He was not acclimatized to the local conditions, but really wanted to meet his own mother. He felt a little sorry.

"At nine o'clock in the morning, don't come. I can't stand the scene of parting. I'd better go quietly." Ruan Hongzhuang is really saying this sentence, she does not want Qin Sangyu to send her, or she will be more reluctant to give up.

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Qin Sangyu can only pat her on the shoulder, "I'll see you in a few years. I hope you can take your children back home at that time."

She sighed for a moment, forgetting that Xiaomo was still nearby. She did not speak through her brain at all. Until Lu Liangcheng pinched her wrist, she was sorry to cover her mouth.

Xiao Mo's face really broke down. Her eyes were red. She lowered her head and held Zhang Yi. She was like an abandoned child. She was still trying to suppress her emotions when she was eating. But at this time, those grievances, like the dam breaking through the dike, suddenly broke through her reason and began to reach out and wipe her eyes with the back of her hand and sobbed in a low voice.

The child's world is fragile and clean. When he knows that adults don't want him again, he looks like a milk dog.

"Woo Hoo." The voice of the children made everyone feel uncomfortable, but Ruan Hongzhuang's husband was standing beside them. As outsiders, they could not say anything.

Ruan Hongzhuang is also very distressed. In the final analysis, she is sorry for the child, "Xiao Mo, you should grow up quickly and live a good life with Aunt Zhang."

She finally spoke, crouching in front of Xiaomo and touching his head, "things happened before me and your father are very complicated, which is not what you can imagine. When you grow up, you will understand me. I welcome you to play in my new home now."

Small Mo's eyes a bright, cut a look at Julio, as if in humble begging, he knows, everything still depends on the meaning of this man.

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"I don't mind." Julio shrugged his shoulders. He would not be too stingy to see a child. When he did, he would tell his parents that Ruan Hongzhuang was the dry son.

Zhang Yi sighed and looked at Ruan Hongzhuang. "Let's start with you tomorrow. Xiaomo hasn't got along well with his mother for so many years. I hope you can give him this opportunity. I will take good care of him abroad."

"But you just said that he was not acclimatized..."

Ruan Hongzhuang frowned and went abroad together, but if Xiaomo was not feeling well, she would not agree to this proposal.

"I lied to you. He just wanted to see you." Zhang Yi said sour, thinking that he could not compete with men for Ruan Hongzhuang, and now fighting for children can't fight Ruan Hongzhuang. It's really a failure.

"OK, let's do it together."

Ruan Hongzhuang's eyes are all smiling. She kisses Xiaomo on her cheek. Xiaomo instantly feels her blush and moves away from her eyes.

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Qin Sangyu looked at their communication, and suddenly found that there was a child who was very good and quietly held the hand of Lu Liangcheng.

Ruan Hongzhuang and Zhang Yi agreed for a time. After saying hello, they left with Julio. Zhang Yi took Xiaomo's hand and got into his car and told him to fasten his seat belt.

"Zhang Yi is really a gentle woman, but the third uncle is not so lucky." Qin Sangyu couldn't help joking, watching the car disappear in sight, and then turned to see Lu Xiao and Bai Jue, who were the same as transparent people from the beginning to the end.

"What are you looking at? We're going on a date. It's still early."

Lu Xiao grabs Bai Jue's hand and walks to the cinema on the other side of the street. Qin Sangyu raises her eyebrows and thinks that she is really old. At this time, she only wants to sleep and has no energy to do anything else.

"Let's go back." She pulled the landing car in Liangcheng and began to yawn.

After returning to the villa, Daxiong is waiting outside, shaking his head and tail. His posture is very much like a dog. Qin Sangyu has been looking at Daxiong's flattery to Luliang City.

"It's fattening up again. It's in the basement all day and doesn't go out to play."Lu Liangcheng touched Da Xiong's head and took a light look at Qin Sangyu. "Do you think it's eating around every day and waiting to die? When you see it in the mountains, you don't have time to catch it in the mountains

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Daxiong seems to understand Lu Liangcheng's praise. He is proud to raise his head, swing his tail, and occasionally move his ears. It's really damned cute.

Two people walked in, Qin Sangyu immediately collapsed on the sofa, do not want to get up, knead his neck, always feel the neck there sour.

"What did you say about Xia Ying's death last time? Did you blame me?"

Suddenly thought of this, she pulled Lu Liangcheng to her side and sat down.

Lu Liangcheng shook his head, stretched out his hand and pinched her face. "It's not your fault. The housekeeper has been jailed, and Xia Ying has also been punished. Unfortunately, there are many secrets about her that she has not been clarified. It's really cheap for her to die like that."

Lu Liangcheng's eyes twinkled with a deep light. If Xia Ying were still there, he would be able to dig out the secret from her mouth. What a pity.

Qin Sangyu got up and pinched his shoulder. "Xia Ying is your colleague, which shows that your superiors trust her very much. It's really terrible. You didn't know she was a bad person at first. Your task sounds very dangerous. Pay attention to safety in the future. Just as you told me, no one should believe her."

Lu Liangcheng's mouth bent, turned to kiss her forehead, "you can rest assured, I have a sense of propriety, Xia Ying is an accident, the research institute also solved the people, the matter is over, don't worry."

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