"Not yet. I don't know where people are going for the moment, like evaporation."

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Luliang City said this sentence, the eyes are a bit lonely, smoke also does not intend to smoke, directly into the garbage can, a faint sigh, slowly closed his eyes, now he even to see Grandpa's courage, fear of the sudden collapse of the firm things inside.

Bai Jue smoked his own cigarette, then went up and patted him on the shoulder. "There must be a road in front of the lane. What is the situation behind it? The truth will be white. Rest assured. My people will go out and find people. If Qin Sangyu is still in G City, we will find it!"

Lu Liangcheng got up and looked at the dark sky outside, and looked at Bai Jue. "Go out with me to find it. Now, Grandpa should be OK."

Bai Jue nodded and immediately followed him. After they got on the bus, they drove towards the crowded place.

The search of G City reached a horrible level, even the evil spirits felt hard, so at night, he took Qin Sangyu with him and came to the old house of Bai family.

Bai Yuan saw him, looked around first, and then closed the door. "Do you know that the people outside are looking for you. My grandson has transferred a lot of people from Bai family. During this period, you should be careful. You are wanted. You are arrested. I can't save you for the second time."

The evil ghost sat down in the chair, and Qin Sangyu was still in a coma. Because she was always in a confrontation with the instructions in her mind, she would have problems in the morning and evening, so most of the time, she was in a coma.

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"I know the seriousness of the matter, so I came to you. The search of Luliang City is terrible. There are people everywhere in the airport, including private airports. So in a short time, I am afraid I can't leave G city. You can find a place for me here and I intend to live here."

Bai Yuan nodded. If the evil ghost goes out, he is sure to be arrested. The evil ghost is arrested. His next plan will be destroyed and stranded. It is difficult to find a friend of the same aspiration. He doesn't want the other party to happen.

He soon arranged a place for the evil spirits, which is far from the main house, but it is also in the old house. So even if the search is outside, he will not search the old house of Bai family. The evil ghost is safe for a while.

But the white man ignored that Lu Liangcheng had suspected him long ago, so after three days of finding no one, he called Mo Yu to his side.

"Have you sent someone to white house to check it?"

He asked Mo Yu, and he was shocked directly. Who dare to take people to white house to make trouble at random? Don't say that the white man has not yet returned, even if he has retreated, there are many people who fear him.

"Boss, no, you suspect it's related to the white man? I remember you said that the evil spirits were released, but we haven't found the trace of the evil spirits recently. Are they hidden in the White House? "

"This possibility is not excluded."

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Lu Liangcheng squints his eyes. If the white man is the mastermind behind him, Bai Jue must feel very sad in his heart, because he knows that Bai Jue has always loved his grandfather, and grew up with each other since childhood. He is also a teacher and friend in the army.

"Don't stop the search outside. I'm going to the White House."

At noon, Luliang City met Bai Jue, saying that he had not seen the white man for a long time. Today, he wanted to go to the White House to turn around. His sight fell on Bai Jue, and gave each other a fist gently. "My sister's happiness is still in your body. I am a brother. Naturally, I have to make a good investigation."

It is unreasonable to go to white house at this time. After all, Lu's father is still in ICU, as a granddaughter, he can not only think about his own final event.

"Bai Jue, you call Lu Xiao together. I have bought the gift. Recently, Lu family has had a lot of things, and it really needs a happy thing to rush for."

It turns out that Bai Jue instantly dispels the doubts in her heart, tells Lu Xiao about Lu Liang City's idea, and Lu Xiao thinks slightly. It is really unfortunate that Lu family is really unlucky this year. If there is a happy thing, maybe everyone can be happy and happy. So, they dress up a little bit and come to Bai Jue's residence with a big bag and small bag.

Bai Jue picked up her eyebrows and took his brother and sister on the bus, and he didn't forget to call the old house of Bai family. So in a moment, the news that the young master wanted to take her girlfriend back was spread out in an instant.

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Mohui, as a driver, stopped at Bai's house, and drove it to the underground parking lot, and received the eye sign from Luliang City, and nodded quickly.

"Dark rain, you are here waiting for us, we will come out soon."

Lu Liangcheng has words in it, but Bai Jue and luxiaoxiao don't hear them.

Mo Yu stayed in place quietly, and waited until the figure of several people disappeared completely, then looked around, and then left the place and decided to turn around the old house.

Lu Xiao has been nervous. After all, she first came to see Bai Jue's family for the first time. She felt that her heart beat quickly to her throat, and held Bai Jue's hand tightly and smiled at him.

"This is Xiaoxiao. I haven't seen it for years, and I have grown more and more beautiful."Bai Yuan is sitting in the living room. When he sees baijue leading people in, his eyes are full of smile. However, under the smile, there is a trace of haze hidden. He doesn't think that Lu Liangcheng is here for his sister. He must have other things. Does this person suspect that the evil spirit is here? So by this time, I came to the White House for a visit.

"Grandfather Bai, your body is also very strong. Bai Jue said that you like to drink tea. This is the tea I bought for you."

"Keep it, keep it."

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Bai Yuan's face is smiling, pointing to several sofas in front of him, "you all sit down, the kitchen is already making dinner."

"Little town, you seldom come here. Today, you are blessed with Xiaoxiao."

Bai Yuan began to tease Liangcheng like his elders, but Lu Liangcheng didn't look around and didn't feel guilty at all. Bai Yuan had to wonder whether he thought too much?

"Grandfather Bai, where did you say that?"

Several people began to talk. Bai Yuan looked at Lu Liangcheng all the way, and didn't want him to go around other places. Lu Liangcheng was also very good. He never left his seat until dinner was served. Bai Yuan's heart was relaxed a little. It seems that this man does not suspect that evil spirits are here.

"Have a meal, Xiaoxiao. Xiaojue told me about you two days ago. I think this boy is serious this time. If you have any grievances in the future, please come and tell me, and I will not let him go."

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