Lu Xiao's face is shy. She has never had any contact with the old man of the white family before, but she has heard that the old man of the white family is quite indifferent. I didn't expect that when I saw it today, it was not like this. People were obviously very enthusiastic.

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"Baijue is very nice to me."

Because of this topic, the relationship between several people seems to be closer. After dinner, they talked with the old man for a while before they came out of the old house.

Bai Jue took Lu Xiao's waist. "My grandfather seems to like you very much. It seems that our marriage is a matter of course. If you don't want to get married, we can get engaged first."

When Bai Jue said this when he landed in Liangcheng, Lu Xiao was still a little shy. He slapped the other side's hand and got on the parking car angrily. Mo Yu still sat in it and made eye contact with Lu Liangcheng. However, the two people who were immersed in love didn't notice.

"I think it's OK for me to get engaged. When my grandfather wakes up, we'll come to Bai's house for dinner. It's also an engagement."

Lu Liangcheng opened his mouth next to him. Lu Xiao felt a little strange. When did this man care so much about his marriage, he felt a little warm in his heart. "Well, when my grandfather wakes up, we'll come to dinner together. Anyway, it's just an engagement. Don't make it too heavy. Just eat for the relatives on both sides."

Several people immediately arranged the trip. Mo Yu first sent Bai Jue and Lu Xiao back to their residence, and then drove to the villa in Luliang City.

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"How?" Lu Liangcheng's voice suddenly became low, and his eyes were sharp. If there was no trace of evil spirits in the Bai family, he really didn't know where to look for someone.

"Boss, the old house of the Bai family is very big. I turned around everywhere and found that there were two places where the guards were very strict. I always felt that there was a secret inside, but I couldn't get in, so I didn't know what was inside."

Two places?

Lu Liangcheng's eyes are full of smiles. Two places are enough. If he doesn't guess wrong, Qin Sangyu's assassination of grandfather must have something to do with evil spirits. As for the tactics used by the other side, we should find the person first.

"When my grandfather wakes up, our two families will discuss the engagement. We will have dinner together and go to the two places by the way."

Mo Yu nods, but he is still worried. If Miss Lu knows that her engagement banquet is just for Miss Qin, I don't know how angry she will be. And then there is young master Bai. If master Bai has anything to do with all this, his friendship with the boss will be damaged. Everyone knows that young master Bai respects his grandfather.

But now the Bai family, Bai Yuan and other people left, a little suspicious, let the guard inside the old house come in, solemnly asked, "is there anyone around the old house today?"

The bodyguards looked at each other and shook their heads in succession. "Master, we are watching very closely. There will be no one. And today, the young masters and others will come in."

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Bai Yuan was completely relieved. It seems that he has been worried too much. However, it is not a way to leave the evil spirits here. What if he is finally found out, he gets up and goes to the place where the evil spirits stay and let people guard outside.

"What's the matter? You're mysterious." The devil was eating, and it was the babysitter of the white family who brought it to the door.

"Lu Liangcheng came to me today."

Bai Yuan sat down beside him and said faintly. The devil stopped his chopsticks and looked up at him. "Did he begin to suspect the white family?"

"No, it's about his sister and my grandson, but I'm still worried. At this sensitive time, when he comes to the White House, I have to suspect that you still don't go out and live in it. This villa is very big. I'll send someone to cook for you. It's better not to leave this room at all in the last month."

The devil's mouth pulled, nodded lightly, finished the rest of the meal, pointed to the nanny next to him, "take the portion just left to the lady upstairs, and be sure to watch her finish it."

Nanny nodded, quickly sent things up, Bai Yuan looked at all this, some discontent on his face.

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"Why, you are now in charge of Qin Sangyu's daily life? You're not like that before, devil

The evil spirit was slightly guilty, but still straightened his neck, "since I take her with me, I can't make her hungry. I can't easily find a satisfactory toy. Before I get tired of it, I won't let her have an accident."

Bai Yuan Leng hum, feelings can only bind people's hands and feet, so he never valued any feelings, only the grandson, still has some status in his heart.

"You can do it yourself. Don't forget what we have to do in the end. If Qin Sangyu has any delay in the end, I will kill her personally."

Although the evil spirit did not speak, he was angry when he heard that he was going to kill Qin Sangyu. The anger was inexplicable. Even he felt incredible. He was afraid that he would be too rude, so he could only wave his hand to cover up.

"Don't worry, she's just a toy in my eyes."

Bai Yuan ordered some things, and then left from here, while the evil ghost sat on the sofa, thinking, and saw that the nanny had not come down, he got up and went upstairs."Miss Qin, why don't you eat something? You haven't eaten for two days. You can't stand it if you go on like this."

As soon as the evil spirit stepped into the room, he heard the nurse's earnest words. After a pause, he looked up and found that the food in front of Qin Sangyu had not been touched. His eyes were a little angry.

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"What's the matter with you? Didn't you say you want to eat braised pork yesterday

Qin Sangyu didn't speak. There was always a voice in her mind telling herself that if you want to listen to evil spirits, you can't disobey each other. However, there is a force in her heart pushing her to resist such orders. She felt that she was trapped in a huge mystery, and she could not see herself clearly.

"I don't know. I can't eat it."

The evil spirit sighed, picked up the chopsticks and put a piece of braised pork in front of her. "Eat it quickly. You didn't eat anything yesterday. You've lost a lot of weight."

Although Qin Sangyu still has some resistance, but saw that others have already done this, frowned and ate the braised pork.

There was a smile on the ghost's face, and he took another piece to her.

Qin Sangyu looked at his slightly curved corner of the mouth. After eating the braised pork, he slowly opened his mouth. "In fact, you should laugh more. You look good when you smile, but usually you always have a straight face and some gloomy."

The smile on the ghost's face was stiff and helpless. He was spoiled, but he had not found it.

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