Lu Xiao's heart a burst of moved, suddenly probe to the front, "Qin Sangyu, after you are my idol, who against you can not! And Lu Liangcheng, you must not bully Qin Sangyu in the future

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Qin Sangyu's eyes are smiling. She knows that Lu Xiao has always been very simple. Everything is shown on her face. She stepped on the accelerator. "Sit down, your face is scratched by glass fragments. You have to go to the hospital to deal with it."

Lu Xiao retreats to the back. She is really tired after the chase. Now she has a hard rest. She leans against the window and her eyes begin to feel sleepy. She soon sleeps. Bai Jue doesn't receive more than a dozen phone calls.

The car soon arrived at the hospital. Lu Liangcheng and Qin Sangyu were waiting outside. They were relieved to see that the doctor had treated Lu Xiao's wound.

Just at this time, baijue also arrived. Seeing Lu Xiao in distress, her eyes turned red, and she held her tightly in her arms. "Who is it?"

Lu Xiao felt the beating heart of the man's chest. He felt the warmth in his heart and pulled his lips lightly. "I don't know, but don't worry. Isn't it ok now? Thanks to Qin Sangyu, if she hadn't come in time, I would have died. "

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Bai Jue turned to look at Qin Sangyu and nodded her head lightly. Other words of thanks could not be said because his voice had been blocked. All his thoughts were like a ball of cotton, which blocked his throat and made him lose his speech.

Lu Xiao was quickly picked up by Bai Jue. Before leaving, she did not forget to hold Qin Sangyu. "I will always remember your kindness. If there is any limited amount in the future, I will be the first to think of you."

What she likes most is to buy and buy, so it seems that Qin Sangyu's status in her heart is indeed improved.

After they left, the smile on Qin Sangyu's face gradually faded, and he gently held Lu Liangcheng's, "what do you think of this time? When Lu Xiao called me, I found it strange that she was always with baijue. How could she be chased and killed just after she left baijue, and it happened that Bai Jue's phone still couldn't get through. "

Lu Liangcheng's eyes were always gloomy, and he pulled her to the car. "Grandfather Bai can't hide for long. If he does something, I believe with Bai Jue's intelligence, he will soon be aware of it."

Lu Liangcheng really guessed right. On the way back, Bai Jue had been thinking about a problem. His grandfather suddenly asked him to go back today without any reason. He said that he wanted to have tea and asked him to buy a bag of tea. He also said that Zhengshan Xiaozhong was good last time.

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But he remembered very clearly that he had brought a large bag back, and it was impossible for him to finish drinking so quickly. As soon as he left, Lu Xiao had an accident. He did not know whether there was anything in the middle, so he was kept in the dark.

Now Lu Xiao has fallen asleep in his arms. If he doesn't find out the truth about this matter, how can he be worthy of the woman he loves, especially when he knows that Lu Xiao almost died this time, and his heart aches.

When did Lu Xiao, a little girl, take such a heavy position in his heart? Before, he had never paid attention to this little girl who always followed him. All his eyes were on Su Jiaoyang.

But after experiencing all the things, he suddenly found that, in fact, the little girl is not stupid, she just has always had a heart, standing in the same place silly waiting, believe that he will always find her good, and then embrace her in his arms.

"Is it here?"

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Lu Xiao narrowed her eyes. The wound on her cheek had been treated, but Bai Jue still felt uncomfortable. Thinking that things might be what she thought, she would like to go back to Bai's home to have a good investigation.

"Well, here it is. I'll hold you down. When your injury is healed, you can go back to the Lu's home and have a rest for a while. I'm busy for a while, and I'll pick you up when it's over. Do you agree?"

Lu Xiao skillfully put his hands on his neck, and his face was full of happy smile. "Today I am very happy. I know you care about me, Qin Sangyu also cares about me, and my brother Lu Liangcheng. I always thought that he probably didn't care about me, but when he went there, he carefully inspected my wound, and I saw that his muscles were tight, I really care about me

Bai Jue holds Lu Xiao's hand for a moment. He remembers that Lu Liangcheng is not good at words and can't say some good words to please women. Maybe he can do it in front of Qin Sangyu, but in front of other women, he often becomes a mute.

"I asked him when I was drinking with him before. He said that you are the Qingliu of the Lu family. Even if Lu Song and Bai Yan really did something to him, he would not attack your sister."

Lu Xiao's heart is warm. At the beginning, she always spoke evil words to Lu Liangcheng. In order to attract the attention of the other party, she deliberately said some ugly words. At the same time, she was very aggrieved. After living together for so many years, how could he completely ignore his own existence? Now she understood that it was not neglect, but a disguised protection Protect.

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Bai Jue put Lu Xiao on the bed and told her to sleep well. Then she took her hand and sat down beside her. "I won't go. I'll accompany you here."He knew that Lu Xiaogang had just experienced all this, and his heart must be restless.

"Well." Lu Xiaoying said, closed her eyes, and immediately went to sleep.

Bai Jue saw that she was asleep and began to think about what he had been thinking about. This time, it was too coincidental. Moreover, the previous doubts seemed to spread to his chest. For example, he went to another villa in the old house, heard the voice of a woman, and the several bodyguards with panic faces. At that time, he did not study the reasons carefully, but now one of the reasons is that Once you have doubts, you feel that everything is wrong.

What is hidden in the old house? Did grandfather do something behind his back? He felt it necessary to go to his old house.

Bai Jue's eyes are deep. Last time Qin Sangyu disappeared, he was found in the Bai family. His grandfather didn't say anything about it, and Lu Liangcheng didn't question him. This makes him feel very strange. Lu Liangcheng has always been protecting Qin Sangyu. It's impossible not to investigate the situation to the end. There must be some secret in the investigation, so he stopped temporarily Come on.

The more Bai Jue thought about it, he felt that his heart was beating wildly. He had a good relationship with Lu Liangcheng. Did Lu Liangcheng find out the secret of Bai family, but because of the relationship with him, it's not easy to investigate?

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