Bai Jue picked up the ring and wanted to call him now to ask him. But at the moment of the call, he immediately hung up again. What was there in Bai's house, he would better go and have a look at it in person. If there was someone in there who attacked Lu Xiao, he would not give up.

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Lu Liangcheng has already seen Bai Jue's call. As soon as he wanted to answer the call, he saw that the other party hung up, frowned for a moment, thought of something, and hooked his mouth. This person is not a fool. I guess he has some doubts in his heart. I want to find him to prove it.

He is very confident in Bai Jue. If he is determined to investigate, he will dig out the secrets of the Bai family.

The next time, Lu Xiao was very quiet at home to heal her wounds. The wound on her face was not deep. After a few days' rest, she was completely healed. Bai Jue made an excuse to let her go back to the Lu family, because he did not know who was behind her. Going to the Lu family was a kind of protection for Lu Xiao.

In the afternoon, he drove back to Bai's home.

Bai's living room.

Bai Yuan looks at the man who appears in front of him. He has spent some energy sending him abroad before. How can this man come back now? What does he think? His face becomes ironic.

"Isn't it my last photo that irritated you? Devil, you didn't look like this before

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The devil still had a cigarette in his hand. That photo really stimulated him. But in front of Bai Yuan, he would not admit it. He was lazy and ran his cigarette into the ashtray.

"I'm just here to see how your experiment is going. Finally, we have to rely on you to do a big thing. If you make any mistakes, everyone's expectations will be in vain."

Bai Yuan snorted coldly, knowing that the man was too hard to admit, "I hate beautiful things. Seeing Lu Liangcheng and Qin Sangyu together, I really want to destroy them. My grandson, as well as my grandson, seems to be completely fascinated by the girls of the Lu family recently. Women are evil and dirty. I don't want the rest of his life destroyed by women."

The evil ghost knows why Bai Yuan hates women so much. Because of his first love, he wore a high green hat to him. At that time, he was only in his twenties. It was a good time when he suddenly found that the woman he couldn't bear to touch was hanging out with several men in private. It was strange that he could feel better.

"You've been tormenting yourself with those things for many years. Now it's time to put them down, and I've heard that you've stripped that woman of her skin? Can't we get rid of the resentment. "

When Bai Yuan heard him say this, his fist suddenly clenched. What does this man know? He has loved that woman for ten years, and they are childhood sweethearts. He has even thought of thousands of scenes of their marriage in his heart. However, when a long-distance relationship flies to see each other, the landlord's eyes will never forget.

It was a kind of pity in his eyes. He was the successor of Bai family who had been announced early. When was he seen with that kind of eyes.

"Young man, you are the girl's boyfriend. You have to bear with it. The girl has lived with me for so long, and the men brought back every day are different. I look very pure, but I didn't expect that the back is really dirty."

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Bai Yuan always remembers the scene when he pushed the door open. The air was full of his familiar smell. Every time he dreamt back at midnight, when he sketched the woman's body in his heart, he would wake up and find those traces on the bed sheet, which was the smell.

He has always been a favorite woman. He has known the goddess whom he has been reluctant to touch for ten years. He is sandwiched between two men, like a sandwich biscuit. In a moment, he goes mad and directly beats the two men to death.

"You are her boyfriend, ha ha ha. We have been wearing green hats for such a long time. When she was on May Day holiday, she lied to you that she was going to travel. In fact, she came to see me. During that time, I did her every day."

For a man, these words are fatal. Bai Yuan killed two men at that time. Seeing the panic in the eyes of the woman, he felt a lot of anger and disappointment in his heart, and he put his hand on the other side's neck.

He doubted his feelings, and suddenly felt that the feelings of ten years were really dirty. When a woman was dying, she peed in her pants. He hated her and felt disgusted. Later, he took off her skin and made it into a carpet, forever stepping on her feet.

Because of that, he felt that all the women were the same, and there was dirt in their bones. When he saw those loving lovers, he wanted to break up two people immediately. He didn't believe that there was any bullshit love in this world!

"I said Bai Lao, it has been so many years since it happened. You should put it down. It's really torture yourself."

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The ghost drank a sip of tea lightly, with a smile on his face.

Bai Yuan's face was full of anger. Now he recalled the scene at that time, but he still felt uncomfortable. Even if he later made the fake woman into a carpet, he still felt uncomfortable, so at the end of the development, he began to experiment with women.

"Young master, you are back."

Outside the door sounded this sound, Bai Yuan suddenly regained consciousness, immediately let the devil hide, put the things in the ashtray into the garbage can.The devil had just gone behind the curtain when he heard the door of the living room opened. It should be the young master of the white family coming in.


Bai Jue called. Before, when he came back, he would say hello to this person in advance, but today, he deliberately did not call, and came quietly.

"Well, why did you come all of a sudden?"

Bai Yuan's face is faint, but if you look closely, you will find a trace of worry. He knows that his grandson is not stupid. He is afraid that the other party will find something in the living room.

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"Don't you want tea? This time, I brought a big bag, which was brought by my friend from the countryside. It was all spring tea and could not be bought in the market. Because of our friendship, people gave me a package. No, I thought of you immediately

Bai Jue put the tea on the tea table and sat down on the sofa. He smelled a trace of smoke on the tip of his nose and frowned slightly. No one in the Bai family smoked. Now he is the only one who smokes. Obviously, there are outsiders in this living room.

"Has anyone been here today?" He looked around and felt like he was being watched by a pair of eyes.

"No, you know that I haven't been involved in G city for a long time. No one will come to visit me."

Bai Jue's eyes flashed for a moment. It was clear that there was a smell of smoke in the living room, but grandfather said that no one had come.

"Bang!" Suddenly, a voice came from the window. Bai Jue got up and ran to see that the potted plants behind the window had been broken, which should have been accidentally trampled on.

"Grandfather, there was someone here just now."

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