The corner of Lu Xiao's mouth was a little bitter. Even if she cared about it, she couldn't put down her resentment and walk with each other without scruples. As long as she saw this person, she would think of the video and the days when he and Su Jiaoyang were in bed.

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There was no room for sand in her eyes, especially in love. In this relationship, she always felt that it was very unfair, because it was her hard pursuit that baijue was moved by her, and the two people could be together. In her subconscious, she felt that her original pursuit had already laid down all her dignity. She was Miss Lu's family and could not have been for a man People, one after another, put down their dignity.

"Baijue was drugged by his grandfather, and he was helpless. I don't know how to say between you. Anyway, you can live on. If you can't, don't drag on. It's good for all of you."

Qin Sangyu in the side gave their own opinion, after all, two people are still young, if really can't go on, don't delay to look for the next spring.

But Lu Xiao's face suddenly became ugly. She couldn't imagine Bai Jue and other women together. As long as she thought of that picture, she felt a burst of angina pectoris, like being pricked by a needle.

To let her go like this is really not reconciled to ah, so hard to catch up with the people, have not yet in the hands of the heat, should be lost.

She didn't know what this feeling was. It seemed that the feeling had become tasteless, but it was a pity to abandon it.


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Bai Jue was not far away from home. She took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of her mouth. Lu Xiao remembered that handkerchief. She had a whim at the beginning. She embroidered a handkerchief like those girls. Because of the poor craftsmanship, the embroidered words were crooked and twisted. But baijue seemed to like it very much. As soon as she took it with her, she even put it in her suit pocket even when she went to the parties.

Lu Xiao's heart suddenly fierce a shock, don't open their own head, "let's go."

She said to Qin Sangyu, but Qin Sangyu's feet were squatting in place, staring at the two women who wanted to climb to baijue.

"Are you really leaving like this? I don't think the two women are kind-hearted

Lu Xiao then looked back and found that two women had come to the bar door. They had been holding baijue. Bai Jue wanted to struggle, but he was drunk and had no strength. He was angry but helpless.

"Young master Bai, come home with us. We will serve you well."

"Young master Bai, we like you a long time ago."

The two girls who were good-looking had been taking the initiative and were about to kiss Bai Jue's face.

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"Get out of here

Bai Jue angrily pushed away people, dizzy and dizzy, bumped into his car, but look at his state, if you really drive, there will be an accident.

Lu Xiao couldn't sit still. He got on the bus with him. He left Qin Sangyu aside and squeezed the steering wheel. "Can you drive like this? Do you think your life is too long

Bai Jue's brain was in a daze, and he felt that he had a auditory hallucination. But when he looked up, he saw Lu Xiao's face. Although the face was very cold, it was enough to make him excited.


He was anxious to hold each other in his arms, but because his feet were unstable, he almost fell out of the car. Fortunately, he was held by Lu Xiao, otherwise he would have to have his head broken and bleeding.

Lu Xiao looked at him angrily. He didn't know what was going on with this man. He gritted his teeth and helped him to the co driver's seat. "You're right here. I'll drive the car."

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Baijue looked at her stupidly, and suddenly laughed, "Xiaoxiao, am I dreaming? Now I feel my body floating lightly. I'm dreaming. You hate me so much, how can you appear here?"

He said to himself, and suddenly turned his head to look out of the window. The whole city was full of lights, but none of the lights were for him. The strong sense of belonging before seemed like a sudden, and he became a lonely soul floating in the city.

Lu Xiao's heart is very sad, two people who clearly love each other, but at this moment, they have been tortured. It's really funny.

She tied up his seat belt and stepped on the gas pedal to leave. The two women who were left in the same place swearing and swearing left. It was obvious that they first took a fancy to Bai Shao, but finally a Cheng Yaojin appeared.

They went to the street, saw Qin Sangyu still stay here, thought Qin Sangyu and their purpose is the same, can not help but began to sneer, "what to see is, people have been robbed, really bad luck."

Qin Sangyu pulled the corners of his mouth, shrugged, said he didn't care, and then turned to his car.

The two women stayed in the same place for a while and found that she was in a luxury car. They had been immersed in bars for a long time. Naturally, they could see that it was not a luxury car.

"Shit, it turned out to be a rich woman. Nowadays, even the rich woman has come to compete with us for business."

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The two women are swearing, jealous of Qin Sangyu's car.However, Qin Sangyu had already left. When she thought of Lu Xiao and Bai Jue, she was worried. Her heart was too deep. She had some sympathy for Su Jiaoyang and died like that, but when she saw the crimes committed by each other, she suddenly felt that it was really cheap for her to die like that.

When she got home, she found that Lu Liangcheng had not come back. She probably worked overtime in the company. She took out her mobile phone and wanted to make a call to Lu Xiao. But when she saw the number, she was silent. She wanted to give them a time to be alone.

At this time, Lu Xiao had already sent baijue home. She opened the door of the room skillfully. She saw that there was a lot of wine in the room. She knew that Bai Jue was drinking in the room and worried about his health. However, she seemed to have no position to say anything about them.

She put baijue on the sofa and turned to leave, but she suddenly stretched out her hand and took her wrist. Her face was full of attachment. "I know this is unforgivable. I'm wrong. Xiaoxiao, I know you are wronged, but what should I do? If I leave you, I don't want to do anything. I've cut off the relationship with the Bai family. I suddenly feel that I'm really homeless. This room is cold and full of your taste."

Bai Jue said and began to sob. The voice was heartbreaking.

Lu Xiao wants to reach out and pat him on the head, but his hand reaches to half, shrinks back, sighs and breaks off his hand a little bit.

"Xiaoxiao, don't go away. Stay here with me. I won't do anything to you. I just feel too lonely...


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