Bai Jue's voice was humble and hoarse, like a dull hammer. When it struck Lu Xiao's heart, she felt that she was extremely uncomfortable, and her whole body was shaking.

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Bai Jue is already asleep, but she still holds her hand tightly. It seems that she is stuck by glue. No matter how hard Lu Xiao tries, there is no movement.

She sat down on the sofa and sent a message to her.

If it was Lu Liangcheng who had a relationship with Su Jiaoyang, would you forgive him?

She is now at a loss like a child, can only find the answer here in Qin Sangyu.

When Qin Sangyu saw the news, her heart suddenly shrunk. They all hated Su Jiaoyang, and their men and their disgusted people went to bed. This feeling was 100 times worse than men's cheating.

I know I will always be soft to him. Although my heart is not comfortable, the rest of my life is so long. Why should I torture and love each other for a dead man.

In fact, when Qin Sangyu made these remarks, she was a little empty in her heart. She had a plan to make Lu Xiao and Bai Jue reconcile. If it really happened to Lu Liangcheng, she thought that she might forgive him, but she would not forgive him so soon.

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Lu Xiao looked at the news without speaking, eyes full of complexity, put the phone down, looking at the ceiling began to daze.

Baijue suddenly woke up, staring at her side face, eyes are repressed yearning, "Xiaoxiao, are you hungry, I'll cook for you?"

He got up, propped up in a drunken body, and intended to enter the kitchen, but left the sofa, his mind suddenly blank and fell flat.

"Baijue!" Lu Xiao is struggling to support people, and suddenly a great panic comes out of her heart. That kind of panic tightly strangles her neck and makes her unable to move.

She even reached out to test the tip of Bai Jue's nose. She could feel the hot gas. Her eyes were red in an instant. She trembled and took out her mobile phone to call Qin Sangyu.

When Qin Sangyu and Lu Liangcheng arrived, it was half an hour later. When they saw Lu Xiao kneeling on the cold floor, they quickly helped her up and said, "it's cool on the floor."

Lu Liangcheng immediately helped Bai Jue to the hospital. When he heard the doctor say that it was just malnutrition and hypoglycemia, everyone was relieved. I think it was because of the recent events that I was not in the mood to eat.

Lu Xiao's eyes turned red, and he leaned close to Qin Sangyu. He seemed to be leaning against this man, so he didn't have to be so afraid.

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"Do you hear me? It's just hypoglycemia. It's OK. Just take a few days off. "

Qin Sangyu patted her on the shoulder to comfort her, but Lu Xiao's body was still shivering. She nervously clenched her lips. Her eyes were sour. Finally, she stood up and supported the wall to the next ward to rest.

"I'm sorry, I'm very unstable now. I'll have a rest first, Qin Sangyu. Thank you."

Lu Xiao's voice was trembling, as if he had just experienced a disaster, and his back had lost a lot of weight.

Qin Sangyu sighed and looked at Lu Liangcheng, who was also standing in the corridor. "It's not a way to go on like this. What do you think we should do? If these two people continue to torture each other, I don't know what will happen. "

Lu Liangcheng came up and hugged her. Seeing that it was very late outside, he wanted to shout for the other party to leave. But he thought that baijue had no other friends except him. If he left like this, no one would stay here.

"You go back and have a rest. I'll wait for him to wake up."

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He pinched Qin Sangyu's face, and found that Qin Sangyu's brow was frowning, a little angry.

Lu Liangcheng's desire to survive was very strong. She pulled her to sit down together. "I think it's boring for you to go back alone. Otherwise, you can wait here with me. If you are sleepy, you can rest on my shoulder."

Qin Sangyu thought about it, nodded with satisfaction, yawned and rested on his shoulder.

Bai Jue woke up the next morning and was still pale. Seeing that there were only two of them in front of the hospital bed, she was a little disappointed. She tried to stretch her neck to look behind them, like a goose with its back neck pinched.

Qin Sangyu felt a little funny, sitting next to him to peel fruit, "she was resting next to her, last night she was scared, see we can't say a complete word."

White Jue is happy again, it is guilty again, the face is complicated to hang down his head finally, "thank you."

Qin Sangyu cut the cut fruit into a small piece, put it on the side of the plate, and then put it in front of him, "take good care of your body, the doctor said you have hypoglycemia, it is estimated that this period of time did not have a good meal."

Qin Sangyu said with ease, but Bai Jue suddenly coughed violently and seemed to cough his lungs out.

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Lu Liangcheng and Qin Sangyu looked at each other with worries that others did not understand.

"In fact, I understand that this disease has been pestering me for a long time. You don't have to hide it from me. I'm 26 years old now, and I can live about four years. I knew that earlier."Bai Jue's eyes are light and his eyelashes are clear. It's a matter of life and death, but it's as light as goose feather when she spits out from his mouth.

Qin Sangyu and Lu Liangcheng's hearts are very dignified, also have no mind to cut what fruit, "since you know, still so practice their own body?"

This is a genetic disease, nothing in women, but this disease seems to be deliberately targeted at men, each person with this disease can only live to 30 years old, when the symptoms begin to appear, the body will get worse and worse, and finally die quietly.

"Feynman's syndrome, I have known since I was an adult. No one in the medical field has developed any treatment drugs. I am very open to my life and death, that is Xiaoxiao. I wanted to give her happiness in my limited life and let her remember me..."

the more Bai Jue said, the more depressed she was. Finally, she closed her eyes and refused to talk State.

Lu Liangcheng was a little angry and grabbed his collar. He really wanted to hit him in the face. "Why don't you tell me?! Now that I am an adult, I know I have this disease! If you had told me earlier! I can get them to study! In eight years, I don't believe that no one can overcome it! "

Lu Liangcheng was a little excited. After all, he was his only brother. When he knew the news, he tried hard to suppress his temper and whitewash his peace. However, seeing the man's indifference, he felt that his heart was like a big hole in his heart, which was very painful.

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