Bai Jue coughed twice again, covering her eyes with loss. She felt warm and sour in her heart. "No one can study it. I have accepted my life. Liangcheng is like this. I never know where my destiny will stop."

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Lu Liangcheng lost his voice and let him go. He sat down on the sofa beside him, his face gloomy.

Qin Sangyu did not say anything. Last night, the doctor probably saw the relationship between Lu Xiao and Bai Jue, so they said that Bai Jue was simply hypoglycemia and malnutrition. When Lu Xiao left here, they solemnly told the truth. Qin Sangyu and Lu Liangcheng only felt a bolt from the blue at that time. They were silent until this morning, until baijue woke up.

Lu Xiao quietly listened to their conversation outside the door, and her heart ached. She tried her best to cover her mouth. She did not let her cry come out. Her body was shaking against the wall, and her face was pale and bloodless.

They didn't know that Lu Xiao was outside. Several people thought she was still sleeping, so they didn't worry about talking.

"Is there really no way? You are only 26 years old. Even if you can live for four years, you are only 30 years old. You should not end like this when a man is in his thirties. "

Lu Liangcheng said with a complicated face. His heart was throbbing. Some frustrated people pulled the quilt on the hospital bed and looked at him with red eyes.

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Bai Jue felt nothing at all. Now he had nothing to worry about. Anyway, he didn't care about anything. He turned around to look at the scenery outside the window. He felt a little sad. But in front of his two friends, he still held back.

"I'll send someone to study it right away." Lu Liangcheng frowned and said that he knew several professors in medicine. If they could agree, there would be one in ten thousand chances.

Qin Sangyu stretched out his hand to hold Lu Liangcheng, indicating that he should not be so excited. Bai Jue's heart must also be very uncomfortable. Besides, he still has people who can't let go. Now, this situation is just a strong support. I don't want them to be too sad.

she wanted to pull up and land in Liangcheng to leave first, and all of them recovered their emotions, but turned around and saw Lu Xiaozai standing outside, furious and sad at the bottom of her eyes, but all of her emotions finally turned to foam. She moved away from her body and indicated that Lu Liangcheng and Qin Sang Yu went out first.

Qin Sangyu looked at her with some worry. She just thought of a voice to comfort her. But she didn't know what to say for a moment. She could only pull her lips, pat her shoulder and leave here.

In a twinkling of an eye, there are only Lu Xiao and Bai Jue here. They look at each other quietly, and no one speaks.

Bai Jue wants to make a smile on his face, but no matter how hard he tries, it seems that it is too difficult to smile. He can only lean on the pillow, "do you hear me? Xiaoxiao, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to provoke you. In fact, I'm such a short-lived person, I should stay away from girls. "

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The more he said, the more the sadness in his heart could not be hidden. Finally, he closed his eyes very tired.

Lu Xiao came over and sat in front of him. "It's not you who provoked me. I took the initiative to provoke you. I've been following you. I'm very grateful for your presence. You won't die."

She didn't know how she would be calm at this time. She suddenly became so light.

Bai Jue wanted to reach out and hold her hand, but she thought of something. When she reached half of her hand, she suddenly stopped and took it back. "I don't have any worries, Xiaoxiao will find a man who loves me very much. As for me, I am just a passer-by in your life. I thought I would accompany you for a long time. At least I can walk for another four years. But I know you won't forgive me now, so we have to say goodbye in advance

The last time the man asked him whether he wanted a boy or a girl, he prayed silently that he would have a girl in the future so that the child would be healthy. But when he heard Lu Xiao say that he wanted a boy, his heart was tight and his smile was very reluctant. However, at that time, Lu Xiao did not find anything wrong.

Lu Xiao did not speak, suddenly took her hand, she did not care what syndrome, this is her man, she will not let him die, "you don't talk, good health, and then we go home, we do not play temper, baijue, I am very sad, but also very calm, very weak, I will think of a way."

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Bai Jue's heart was very painful. She looked up at her with a smile on her face. "We'll live a good life in the future. Xiaoxiao, I won't make you angry."

When Lu Liangcheng and Qin Sangyu came back, everyone was in a calm mood. Baijue took some medicine and stayed in the hospital for a few days. She couldn't wait to go home with Lu Xiao.

Lu Liangcheng saw that he was in a hurry. It was not easy to stop him. He told him to take good care of his body. He said he would try to find a way. Baijue hugged him hard.

"Good brother." He thumped his shoulder and said, and then he followed Lu Xiao's side, saying that he would eat braised pork tonight.

"Let's go to the supermarket to buy vegetables when we go back. You should make up for it. It seems that you have lost weight these days."

Lu Xiao is holding his next door. They look very harmonious.

Qin Sangyu and Lu Liangcheng looked at each other in the back, smiling on each other's faces. "Let's go home, too. There are a lot of things to do."Qin Sangyu nodded, and after they got on the bus, they nestled together.

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The weather has gradually become hot, now you can only wear a thin sweater to go out, the street seems to be lively, not as dull as winter.

The news of Su Jiaoyang's death has been popular for many days. Several versions of her death have been circulated on the Internet, but all of them have been rejected by the Su family. Mr. Su announced the bankruptcy of Su's company and sued some marketing numbers that were rumored on the Internet.

When Qin Sangyu saw an old man fighting for the last trace of dignity of his granddaughter, she suddenly felt that Su Jiaoyang was very unfilial. That night, the old man bought his ticket. As long as he waited for another hour, both of them could go abroad and live a stable life. However, Su Jiaoyang wanted to make her own way. It seemed that freedom and survival were in her eyes Value.

Qin Sangyu felt sorry and thought about whether he would go to Su Jiaoyang's funeral, but when he hesitated to attend Su Jiaoyang's funeral, news suddenly came from outside. The old man died of illness overnight and did not leave a last word.

Qin Sangyu's heart shook twice. She didn't feel sad when Su Jiaoyang died. However, when father Su died suddenly, she suddenly felt that she was carrying a huge sin in her life. If she didn't let Su Jiaoyang go to prison, maybe things would not be like this...

many people surrounded Su's family, Su Jiaoyang's parents finally returned home, no matter what happened to the Su family before Disaster, two people are indifferent to the state, in the old man's death news spread out, two people scramble back to play filial son.

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