Fenghua was very amused to see him like this. He took the bank card and touched his head, "mom knows you are a little money fan. I will keep this card for you. When you are 18 years old, I will give it to you again, OK?"

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Sheng Sheng's eyes suddenly lit up and nodded desperately. Just at this moment, Su Mo came in from the outside, "ordered a restaurant outside. Shall we go out to eat tonight?"

A big and a small are very happy, followed by Su Mo, Su Mo was originally still a little sad for the old man's things, but saw two people like this, also restrained their own mind.

He didn't get a call from Su Hua. He didn't know what Su Hua thought about it. He had a talent in business and should carry forward the Su family. With this idea, he didn't worry much. He also knew that his life might not have any intersection with Su Hua, because Su Hua said that he would not come to G City in the future.

Speaking of it, Su Hua is also his brother. Although the birth of this elder brother is criticized, he only blames him for a moment in his heart. What's more, he is distressed. If he is born like this, he may be more distorted than Su Hua. At least Su Hua has not done anything harmful to nature, at least in his heart A little bit of conscience.

Su Mo takes Fenghua and Shengsheng to the restaurant and tells Qin Sangyu the news of his grandfather's death.

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Qin Sangyu thought of the dream he had last night. Maybe he knew why. Maybe it was the old man. He didn't treat him very much subconsciously, so he dreamed of a strange old man.

Her feelings for the old man are very complex. No matter what, it's all my grandfather. She can't say that she hopes the other party will die soon. But because of what he did, she can't miss him at all. She just sighed in her heart and then took it as if it hadn't happened.

The man who came in on that rainy night was still lying on the sofa. The wound had been bandaged, but he didn't wake up because of blood loss. After Qin Sangyu and Qin Sangyu had breakfast, the man finally woke up and looked at them blankly.

"Who are you?"

Qin Sangyu drank a mouthful of soup, and then said in a leisurely manner, when the man saw her, there was a short-term excitement in his eyes, but soon, this kind of excitement was suppressed.

"Don't you remember?"

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His words made Lu Liangcheng misunderstand. What kind of riddle are they playing? Or is this Qin Sangyu's old lover who came to him specially? There was a sneer in his mouth, and he looked at two people lightly.

Seeing Lu Liangcheng's expression, Qin Sangyu knew that the man had misunderstood him. He immediately began to explain, "I don't know him. Today is the first time we met."

The man's face suddenly realized, and finally nodded, "I know, before they gave you an injection of something, you will forget one of the memories, think you are a normal person."

The man has been murmuring over there, but his words make Lu Liangcheng very concerned. What is this man talking about? Is there any secret in Qin Sangyu's body?

"Qin Sangyu, don't you think your body is a little strange? You are a miss of the Qin family who is not favored. But when you were in the hospital, did you suddenly find that you could use a gun and that the shooting technique was very good. What's more, you were in the hospital that time, In fact, there are two waves of people who assassinate you. One wave is sent by the master of the Lu family. However, the old man doesn't really want to kill you. The other is that I am my brother, and my brother doesn't really want to kill you. I just learned that recently. Every other year, they inject things into the people who are put out to prevent them from thinking about anything. "

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The man has been saying what Qin Sangyu and Lu Liangcheng can't understand. They look at each other and vaguely feel that something is going to happen. Now that they have children in their stomachs, they really don't want to participate in any disputes outside.

"I know what you think now, but I just want to tell you that it is impossible for you to leave that place. Besides, your identity is very special, and the possibility of separation is even less. You can see that I was chased and killed last night. My skill is not low, but in their hands, there is no possibility of escape. It is a group of abnormal people who can not use normal people You should pay more attention to them in the future. Originally, they will not come to the outside world, but because the exiles are not willing to go back, they come out to arrest people in person. "

The man covered the wound on his chest and wanted to walk towards the gate. However, he turned his head and said, "Luliang City, your ability is very strong, but I don't know if you have heard of people from five places."

Five places, this is a mysterious place. No one knows who is in charge of this place. Only when there are supernatural cases that can't be solved, they will be handed over to the people of the five places to solve. As time goes by, he feels that the five places are just a place where magic sticks gather. But from the man's mouth, it seems that this is not the case.

"Five places are a very terrible place, which is a thousand times more terrible than the shadow. People in the shadow can't see five places at all. It's a dark and powerful organization. If you meet them, there's only one way to die. You'd better find a solution, otherwise you can't watch your wife and children."The man finished this sentence, opened the door and left. After a sneaky observation outside, he made sure that there were no people here, so he left in a hurry.

Qin Sangyu and Lu Liangcheng have doubts in their eyes. They don't understand what this man is talking about.

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"Husband, do you know five places?"

She had never heard of this before, and those people were none of her business.

"Well, I've heard that it's an organization that only one person can reach. There are a lot of homicide cases in this country every day. It's said that whenever there are homicide cases that can't be investigated, they are handed over to five people. No matter how complicated the homicide is, no matter how many years they have been accumulated, they can be solved quickly. I thought they were just a group of magic wands, but now I hear from that man In other words, it is estimated that they are underestimated. Maybe they really have the ability that ordinary people do not have. "

Qin Sangyu was worried when he said so. She looked down at her stomach. She had a baby in her stomach. She didn't want anything to happen at this time. Now she can only pray for God's blessing.

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