Since the man left, Qin Sangyu seems to have become more sensitive. As long as there is a little noise, she can't sleep. She always feels that she has a pair of eyes looking at herself all the time. However, no matter how people go to those places to check, they can't find out anything. She can only let go. She thinks that she is pregnant and becomes more and more sensitive,.

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She touched her stomach and sat on the swing in the yard. The swing was made for her by Lu Liangcheng. She said it could cultivate her sentiment. Since she was pregnant, the man always tried to make her happy, which made her very moved. At last, her heart, which was still high, was quietly put down.

Lu Xiaoting came to her with a big stomach. They exchanged their experiences. Finally, they sat on the sofa and said, "why don't men give birth to children? They are really suffering. Sometimes they can't sleep in the middle of the night, You will vomit when you eat something. Your month is shallower than mine. I can't feel my mood for the moment. I can always feel the child kicking me in the stomach now. It's a headache. I feel very naughty in the future

Lu Xiaobi Qin Sangyu pregnant first, is also the first to check out, now the stomach has been very big, looks like a ball, hanging on the waist like that.

Qin Sangyu reached out and touched her stomach. She felt the beating of her heart. Suddenly, a very small force flicked her hand away. The child who should die was kicking her. She looked at Lu Xiao in surprise and found that Lu Xiao was helpless. "Maybe she is really a naughty child. It's ok. In the future, you and your wife can educate her together."

It seems that Lu Xiao's sad things were mentioned in an instant, because they all know that Bai Jue's condition is very serious now. Although it looks normal, he still has Feynman's syndrome on his body. If one day he does not pay attention and really goes, what can she do.

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Lu Xiao often thinks of this problem recently, and she is a little broken down. But she is still pregnant. She can only manage her emotions as hard as she can. She is afraid that something wrong happens during her pregnancy. Even if there is a big problem, she must put it aside first.

"I know what you're worried about, and now someone has begun to study it. It's OK."

Lu Xiao sighed and took a sip of the milk on the table. "Sometimes I really envy you and Lu Liangcheng. You have no obstacles now. You can be happy together every day. But I always want to think about how to do if baijue suddenly leaves. I feel like I will collapse."

Qin Sangyu was a little bitter when she heard her words. They thought that everything should be over. Now she can have a good baby. However, she had to care about what the man said that day. Sometimes she couldn't eat any food.

But this kind of thing, she also is not easy to tell Lu Xiao, will only make this person more sad.

"Let's talk about it first. You can't look sad this day. If something happens to the child because of your mood, what can I do? Don't blame me for not reminding you that if the emotions during pregnancy are not well managed, it will easily affect the child's character."

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When Lu Xiao heard her words, she didn't dare to say anything. She only took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. "You'll scare me. By the way, where did Lu Liangcheng go? Didn't you often stick to your butt before? It's really strange that she didn't see it today."

Qin Sangyu knew where Lu Liangcheng had gone. Maybe it was to investigate the five places, because her child would be born around September. If someone made trouble at that time, it would be bad for her and her children. So Lu Liangcheng wanted to take advantage of these opportunities to investigate the five places.

"Suddenly something happened to the company and was called in."

she casually answered an excuse, and the two men sat on the sofa chatting for a while, each of them tucking their own men, and finally make complaints about it. In the villa there was only one person left in the villa.

This is a performance of Daxiong trusting people. Qin Sangyu touches his head and finds that Daxiong's fur is extremely smooth. It seems that Luliang City usually feeds excellent meat.

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Suddenly there was a sound outside the garden. Daxiong cocked up his ears and listened for a while. Finally, he ran out, "Daxiong!"

Qin Sangyu didn't want to go out, but when he saw Daxiong, he lost his shadow and wanted to follow him. But Aunt Zhang came back at this time and put the fresh ingredients in the refrigerator. He didn't forget to tell him, "Miss Qin, you can't move your body around now. Daxiong is naughty. He often plays outside. Don't worry. You will come back after playing for a while Come on

Qin Sangyu was a little relieved and sat on the sofa for a while. Sure enough, she found that Daxiong was back. She and Aunt Zhang were scared by a palm in his mouth. The bodyguard in the villa quickly went out to the place where the body was found.

That's where the swing is. The soil has been spilled out. The man's body is lying there quietly. The man Qin Sangyu knows is the man who broke into the villa last time. At that time, the man clearly left. How could he die here?

"Miss Qin, you go in first. You are pregnant. You can't bump into the child."The old people are feudal and superstitious. They think that if they have children, they don't want to see these bloody things. However, Qin Sangyu is very concerned about the identity of this man. It seems that he is from five places, or, to be exact, he wants to escape from five places.

"It's OK, Aunt Zhang."

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A group of bodyguards covered up the man's body, and the man's palms had been lost. What was just in the male's mouth was his palm, which should not have been dead for a long time, but for a day at most.

The corpse covered with white cloth suddenly sat up. Everyone was scared to step back. Several bodyguards had seen the big scene. They were stunned and stopped in front of Qin Sangyu. However, the corpse just sat up without any other action. It was just static for a minute and then lay down.

Qin Sangyu's heart had been beating wildly. Aunt Zhang had already turned pale with fear. She thought it was a ghost. She was shivering all over her body.

The bodyguards carried the corpse down, but Aunt Zhang said that she would clean the room inside and outside, and light incense. Finally, the Buddha statues were moved out and placed in the gate, and the door and window were decorated with the safety charm she asked for.

"Miss Qin, what happened just now is so weird. I have to clean up the room for the safety of the children."

Aunt Zhang has been busy, Qin Sangyu see her appearance, can not help laughing.

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