She is not very superstitious, although she does not know why the man's body just stood up, but must have used some special methods, she did not believe that there are ghosts in this world.

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"Bad luck, how can a person outside die at home, ah."

Aunt Zhang sighed all the time, and her movements didn't stop. Until Lu Liangcheng came in from outside, Lu Liangcheng had not heard about it. When she saw that the villas were all yellow peace charms, she frowned and asked Qin Sangyu in her eyes what was going on?

"Mr. Lu, this is what I put. Just now Daxiong took back a man's palm from the outside. We found the body on the swing. It was a man's body. Strangely, the corpse sat up after being covered with white cloth. I was afraid of bumping into the child, so I decided to purify the room."

After all, it was the old man's wish. Lu Liangcheng could not say anything, but immediately sat down in front of Qin Sangyu and held her in his arms. "Scared?"

Qin Sangyu shook his head. Although he was really frightened at that time, he felt at ease when he saw the man come back. He was very relieved and went into his arms. "I'm just worried, The corpse is the man who ran into our house last time. When he was injured, he could run into our house without disturbing the bodyguards around the villa. It shows that his ability is not so strong, but now he is dead. If what he said that day is true, we may have a hard battle to fight. "

Lu Liangcheng touched her head and gave her a kiss on her forehead. "Don't be afraid. Let's wait until the baby is born. If people really want to deal with us, we can't escape. It's just a fight. But don't let these things affect your mood."

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Qin Sangyu nodded and narrowed his eyes, but he didn't notice the sad look on Lu Liangcheng's face. He originally went to investigate five things today, but he was surprised to hear that the virus once spread in Africa. The village where more than a thousand people died overnight has gone mad. All tourists who have been there will be subject to comprehensive inspection.

The virus is the virus made by Baiyuan. It seems that people have already left a hand before they go to trade. After all, the purpose of Baiyuan is to change the existing civilization of human beings. He just wants to screen most people with the virus. His purpose is different from that of the director of the pharmaceutical factory. The director of the pharmaceutical factory is just to make money.

Now there is a panic, because he once carried out a task about the virus. What he is most afraid of is that he is sent out by the superior. It is estimated that white rose and ronglang can't hide. That's why he is so worried. What's more, there is another five places that he doesn't know anything about for the time being, like a sword hanging on the top of his head, Maybe you'll lose your life.

Qin Sangyu at this time and sleep in the past, sleep in his arms sweet, Lu Liangcheng do not want to use these things to annoy her, so all choose to let himself bear down.

Aunt Zhang is still sticking to her own Ping'an Fu, saying something in her mouth. Daxiong anxiously follows her, sniffs the Ping'an Fu, and then walks away.

Aunt Zhang suddenly remembered that Daxiong had just picked up the dead man's things. She immediately asked people to lead him out and planned to give him a bath.

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When Lu Liangcheng saw that Aunt Zhang had been busy with this matter, it was hard to say anything. After all, the dead body suddenly sat up. It was really evil. It was good to pay more attention to it, at least for peace of mind.

Qin Sangyu has been in a state of high tension these days. When she wakes up, the smell of food wafts in the room and the sound of water splashing from the bathroom. It should be Lu Liangcheng taking a bath.

She looked at the ceiling for a while, feeling powerless, turned over and breathed a faint breath.

Lu Liangcheng came out from the bath and saw that she was awake, but she was worried. She seemed to be thinking about something. "Don't think about it. Put on your clothes and go to eat. Every day, how can you think so much?"

Qin Sangyu gave him a white look and suddenly opened his hand. "Suddenly I feel weak all over. Maybe it's a nightmare again. I just don't know what nightmare I have. Come and dress me."

Lu Liangcheng has no way, seems to be used to a pet of this person, so went to her side, took the clothes, carefully put them on for her.

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Qin Sangyu looks at the face close at hand, with stars in her eyes. Although they have been married for a long time, this face can still be handsome to her. At first, when she saw Lu Liangcheng, she thought that this man was very fierce, but after getting along with each other for a long time, she found that in fact, he hid his tenderness very deeply.

"One more."

Lu Liangcheng was about to take out clothes from the wardrobe, but Qin Sangyu and jumped out of bed. "No, the weather is not right now. Just wear a little bit."

Seeing her appearance, Lu Liangcheng almost scared his heart out. Seeing what she asked fell on the floor, he was relieved. He suddenly hugged her and gave her a hard spanking.

"Qin Sangyu! Do you know if you are pregnant now and dare to jump out of bed? What if you wrestle?!! You just scared me to deathQin Sangyu's buttocks hurt, so big a person was beaten in the face, it's really oppressive, but Aunt Zhang opened the door at this time, saw their appearance, the corners of her eyes and eyebrows were smiling, originally intended to ask two people to eat, but at this time did not say anything, covered her mouth and closed the door.

Qin Sangyu is even more humiliated and hastens to get up, but Lu Liangcheng has been pressing her tightly, "do you want to jump next time?! Do you know it's dangerous? "

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Lu Liangcheng was really angry. Her voice was colder than usual. Qin Sangyu was afraid. She just forgot that she was pregnant, so she jumped down and landed on the floor steadily. In fact, she was afraid.

"Stop calling. I know it's wrong. I know it's wrong."

She said stuffy, some chagrined scratched her hair, "do you know this will make me very shameful, just see Aunt Zhang, I am such a big person, but also be spanked by you, how can I go out to see people in the future?"

Qin Sangyu is a man who wants to save face. Especially after he is with Lu Liangcheng, he always pays attention to his image. However, because of Lu Liangcheng's action today, he seems to return to the pre liberation overnight.

If the top echelons of Ethan see her as she is, they will be so excited that they can't say anything.

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