Lu Liangcheng nodded in the car, and then let Mo Yu drive the car away from here.

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He made a phone call to Lu Xing, but the other party's phone calls were always unanswered recently. No matter who dialled, there was no one answering. He went home first, but the second uncle's villa seemed to have been empty for a long time. He knocked on the door for a while and found that no one opened the door, so he could only climb through the window.

He thought very simply. The second uncle is sad now. It must be because of his second aunt's affairs. This house is the place where he and his aunt remember most. With the second uncle's temperament, he should be in it.

After climbing to the second floor, he jumped, smashed a window and landed on the second floor.

"Second uncle?" He called, and then began to look in the room. Finally, he found each other in the living room on the first floor. Lu Xing sat quietly, as if he couldn't feel everything around him. He was busy staring at the TV screen, but there was nothing on the screen, and he didn't know what he was looking at.

"Second uncle, I'll come to see you."

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Lu Liangcheng made a sound again. Lu Xing knew that someone had come here. He looked at the other party and sighed, "you're here. I've been sleeping here for a long time. I don't know I'm sleeping."

The haze can't be dispelled in the haze, but some of the haze can't get rid of the haze in the front of the house, but some of the haze can't be dispelled by the sun, but some of the haze can't be dispelled in the front of the house.

"Second uncle, I know you are very sad now, but the superior side has sent a new task down and said that you need to go. Your current state is not suitable for a task. I hope you can refuse when we talk to you there, otherwise we are really worried about you."

Lu Xing didn't contact with the outside world these days, and he didn't know what happened outside. He felt that he had been sitting here for a long time. His legs were numb after a long time. He pulled the corners of his mouth. He hoped that he could go to work now. He had better die outside, so that there would be no pain.

"Second uncle, you think about your grandfather. My grandfather is old and can't stand the trouble now. The people who leave will not come back. You should take good care of yourself."

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Lu Liangcheng didn't say anything to comfort people. He squeezed these words out of his mouth, and finally sat down in front of Lu Xing. "Second uncle, this task is very difficult, and we have done a lot of things for our superiors. At least we are not ashamed of our military status. It's time for us to live for ourselves. If you want to go out to relax, I can let someone accompany you. ”

Lu Xing's face was suddenly full of pain. He didn't know what he was doing now. He only felt that what he was doing was wrong. He just wanted to sit there all the time. The best thing was to be numb and unconscious until he died.

"Second uncle, go out and meet my grandfather and them. Everyone is worried about you."

Lu Xing sighed, and suddenly took out a cigarette and smoked it silently. "Xiaocheng, if one day something happened to Sangyu, what would you do? This feeling is really painful. If I hadn't read my parents, I would have died. When Rongrong left, I would have been dead. I am not satisfied. Although I know that so many days are stolen, or greedy I hope I can steal it all my life. "

Lu Liangcheng did not speak. What would happen if Qin Sangyu died? He suddenly didn't know what he would do. He should follow him. The living person is the most miserable. He also took out a cigarette and smoked it. Sometimes men don't need to say anything. Many things are understood by everyone.

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The two men smoked quietly for a while. Lu Xing got up and shook the ash on his body. "I'll go to the task this time. No one has more experience than me. If I die there unfortunately, it will be the end of my military career."

Lu Xing said it very easily. He didn't think about it too much, so he walked out.

Lu Liangcheng looked behind his back and narrowed his eyes. Obviously, this man was in a hurry to die. This task must not be allowed to go, but if he tried to stop it, the superior would only take the task to him.

Lu Liangcheng is very distressed. Qin Sangyu is pregnant now. There are five things that are not clear. If he can't come back alive, what can they do? They can't have a father once the child is born. It seems that he wants to discuss with the old man.

After he left here, he quickly went to the old house of the Lu family. He heard that Lu Xing came back and left again and said he was going to accept the task. Lu Liangcheng was so anxious that he walked into the old man's study. Seeing the tired face of the old man, he knew that this man had not slept well for several days.

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"Grandfather, this time the task is about viruses. If you are distracted, you will die. The second uncle is not suitable to take on such human tasks. There is no one on the top. We can't give these dangerous tasks to the Lu family every time. We are not gods. There are always accidents."

Lu Liangcheng is thinking very well now, or you are selfish. He just hopes to be with Qin Sangyu and take good care of their children. He doesn't want anything else. It's good to be old."If he goes, let him go. Since he was a child, he didn't worry much about me and your grandmother, and we couldn't deal with him. We didn't think about Rongrong. I didn't know that the child would eventually go. Sometimes God doesn't have eyes."

Lu Liangcheng suddenly felt powerless, and a good Lu family seemed to be gradually collapsing. First, his father didn't strive for success, which caused so many things. Bai Yan was making jokes, which made Lu Ling's boy fight for property all the time. Unfortunately, the two old people were so old that they were still worrying about them.

"I'll try to stop the second uncle. Even if I'm going to carry out this task, I don't want him to go. Grandfather, if the second uncle goes, there is no possibility of survival. I know why you are so sad. If you promise, it will be the last time you meet."

Lu Liangcheng said firmly that he had to tell Qin Sangyu about it. He had a headache when he thought about it. He once promised the other party that he would always accompany him when the baby was born. As a result, he even hit himself in the face. The person should be very disappointed. She is a very insecure person, especially when she is pregnant, if she doesn't have her own company I guess I'll have nightmares all the time.

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