The old man sighed heavily. It was because the second son went to perform the task, which might be the outcome. Now he is very anxious. But his grandson's daughter-in-law is pregnant again. It is impossible for him to send his grandson out at this time. Therefore, he did not refute the second son's view. The child is really, and he has not yet recovered.

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"Well, let's go and toss with you. You'll take it easy. Now Sangyu is pregnant, and she doesn't want you to have problems at this time. Xiaocheng, my grandfather is at ease with you. But this time the virus is really thorny. None of those who have heard of it can come back alive."

If he could, he didn't want the Lu family to take part in the task, but the superior had already given an order. This is a military order.

Uncle, I don't care what I'll do in the past

Lu Liangcheng left here, thinking about how to discuss the matter with Qin Sangyu. When he got home, he felt more and more sorry for Qin Sangyu. He had agreed before, but now he had to go. He saw Qin Sangyu sleeping on the sofa, He walked slowly over to her, sat down beside her, and touched her head, feeling that this man was so clever when he was asleep.

"Wife, I have no choice this time."

He said this lightly, suddenly staring at the ceiling, do not know what to do at this time, the total feeling can not lift the strength.

Qin Sangyu knew that when she came in Luliang City. Now she heard him say this, and I'm afraid it's about the task. Privately, she really didn't want her husband to carry out such a dangerous task. But the death of her mother had something to do with her. Her second uncle didn't blame her, It's already a great favor. If my husband can come back alive this time, it's also a way to wash away her guilt to the second uncle.

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She suddenly opened her eyes and stared at the man. Lu Liangcheng probably didn't know that she had woken up and was still looking at the ceiling.

"How long are you going?"

She said slowly, reaching out and holding his hand, full of nostalgia for him.

"I don't know. When the task is over, we'll come back. Ronglang and Bai Meigui will follow us. It's still the three of us. I can't let the second uncle participate in this matter. I've met the second uncle, and he's in a bad mood. If he goes, he'll die. I'll come back alive, even if it's just for you."

Lu Liangcheng said that he took her in his arms and said, "I'm sorry, I said I won't leave you any more."

"After this time, I really don't want to do it. I can't stand the waiting days. It's very painful."


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Lu Liangcheng promised to be simple, but also knew that many things were not what he has the final say. He had been able to give the life to the state from the first day of his army's entry, and he could make the right of his own.

Two people warm for a while, Lu Liangcheng immediately contacted ronglang and they did not expect ronglang to know the news one step ahead of him. If Luliang City doesn't go this time, it's Lu Xing and Rong Lang going together. Ronglang now knows that Lu Liangcheng is going, and he is happy to talk all the time on the phone, and then he gives a sudden meal.

"You this wife is pregnant, still go, Qin Sangyu should not agree?"

He began to worry about Qin Sangyu. Although he hoped to fight side by side with his brother, his brother was different from himself. Everyone had a family and was about to have children. If something happened, who could be responsible for it.

"She and I have agreed that we will be back as soon as possible."

Ronglang is silent there. Everyone knows that the task is arduous. It is not easy to finish it so quickly. What's more, they don't even know who the virus spread. It's a great gift that they can come back alive.

He is not afraid of death, but after having white rose, she has become afraid of hands and feet. However, white rose is obviously very excited. She has been assembling guns. Every time she is excited, she will assemble guns. That is the one she has made for herself, which is very convenient.

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"This time I can finally go to see what the virus looks like. I heard that killing people is invisible, and the whole village is gone. The people who made this thing are really crazy."

After assembling the gun, white rose sat beside the bed and lifted her clothes. Seeing ronglang looking at herself without blinking, she suddenly gave out a charming smile.

"Continue tonight?"

The light four words immediately raised the temperature in the room. Rong Lang immediately began to take off her clothes, and then walked over and pressed her under her body. The movement was very neat. They rolled around on the bed, and soon they rolled to the ground. There were traces of two people fighting. It was not until two hours later that ronglang gasped with white rose.

These days with white rose, he can see that this woman takes him as a vent tool. When she needs to, she can roll the sheets, but when he needs it, she can't turn people into bed. They can fight for this.

When white rose is in a good mood, going to bed will become a matter of course. She said that this is venting pressure, and her face is taken for granted.Every time Rong Lang sees her face, he hates teeth itching. He asks himself that his body is the best in men. Why can't he see this woman who is a little obsessed with her? Is her former bed mate in a good shape.

"What about your former bed mate?"

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He squinted and said, trying to ignore the sour heart, as if accidentally knocked over the vinegar jar.

"OK, I see a man, no one is not good."

"Better than me?"

There was a little pressure in the voice of Rong lang. if the man dared to speak in disorder, he would not have to stop tonight.

"Although I don't want to discuss this question, since you ask me, I'll tell you, you are the most powerful I have ever seen and the best I have ever photographed. If I can, I wish we could have this relationship for a long time, so I don't have to worry about finding the next one."

White rose just said it at random. She was lazy to spend her time looking for a bed mate. Every time her partner was on her own, she didn't need to talk about her time, but undoubtedly, Rong Lang was the best condition in all aspects, and she had some trouble with her identity.

Rong Lang heard her say that, the corner of her mouth immediately hooked up, thinking of the woman or has a vision, he is very satisfied to hold her, thinking about the task to be carried out, also do not know this time is life or death.

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