"Elder sister, this is the tonic that my mother asked me to give you. Eat it quickly."

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Lu Chen came out with a bowl of bird's nest in front of her. Qin Sangyu looked at the bowl helplessly. Recently, her mother would stew such a bowl for her when she had nothing to do. She couldn't eat it. She felt that her face was already round.

"Chenchen, help me to eat it. I can't eat it. I've been eating and vomiting recently."

Lu Chen turned his mouth. "This is for pregnant women. Why do I eat it? Sister, I think your stomach is bigger than other people's. my mother said it might be twins. After all, in the current month, the stomach should not be so big."

Qin Sangyu looks down at her stomach. Day by day, it looks like a balloon that has been blown up. She doesn't know when Lu Liangcheng will come back. If she misses the date of her baby's birth, she purses her lips. If she is twins, the two names from Lu Liangcheng can be used.

"Qin Sangyu! Where are you, Qin Sangyu! "

Lu Xiao's voice came from the living room, and Lu Xiao came to see her again. After Lu Liangcheng left G City, Lu Xiao came to see her from time to time. Both of them had big stomachs and had more common topics.

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Seeing Lu Chen, Lu Xiao reached out and patted him on the shoulder. "Yes, the young man is becoming more and more handsome, but he has gone astray. I don't think it's bad. He only thinks about the army every day. Why don't you come out and get together with us often? I think it's difficult for you to find your daughter-in-law in the future After all, there are more monks and less meat in the army. If you look at ronglang's present appearance, you will be a true portrayal of you. "

We all know that Rong Lang has not been married until now, because he has been in the army for a long time. Before that, the elder Rong family arranged a blind date for his grandson. But because Rong Lang was in the army, he didn't come to attend. So all the blind dates were yellow. It was said that he almost got angry and hospitalized.

"Don't curse me, auntie. Can you stop talking about me every time you get a chance. I'm still young now. It's not too late to talk about finding a partner."

Lu Xiaopi quipped her lips, "you are too young. If you don't look for it now, the girls around you will be engaged with others for life. You will not have your share at all. At that time, you will only have a look with ronglang. In order to pursue a woman, you will spend a lot of effort on it. As a result, people will not appreciate it."

Lu Xiao is talking about the white rose. She heard the gossip from Qin Sangyu. It's said that Rong Lang is chasing other people's white rose, but white rose has never agreed. They have been struggling for so long. The white rose doesn't mean to let go of her mouth. What a pity.

Qin Sangyu looked at the two people's bickering, only feel funny, now is when, how to meet each time to come out.

"Xiaoxiao, are you allowed to come out today? Don't you look very strict in your daily life

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When Lu Xiao heard her talk about this, she was angry in an instant. Bai Jue's fellow seemed to be possessed by evil spirits. Recently, she had been watching her closely. She even worried about the other party coming to Lu. It seemed that she was not pregnant with a fetus, but a fragile balloon.

"Don't talk about it. I feel bored to talk with my grandfather in the living room. I come out to look for you."

Lu Xiaobian said, came out and sat by her side. When there was no one here, her face began to look sad.

Qin Sangyu, I'm very worried now. I feel that the days of destroying heaven are in a trance. You know Bai Jue's disease. I've been asking about it, But up to now, no one has told me what to do with this disease. When I look at him every day, I feel in a trance. If I can't see him for a moment, I feel uncomfortable. Now it's not that he looks at me tightly, but I look at him so tightly that I dare not let him leave my sight. I'm afraid that if people are not in my sight, they will be gone. "

Lu Xiao's tone is full of pain, and her eyes are a little red. She thinks that baijue is unfortunate enough. Now baijue has only one family member and a baby in her belly. If she suddenly goes like this, both parties will be very sad, right?

Qin Sangyu held her hand and didn't know what to say to comfort her. Some of the pain could not be felt by herself. If Lu Liangcheng got the same disease one day, she was no better than the other.

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"Relax your mind. I heard from Lu Liangcheng that Wanqi's family has come out and is studying the antidote for the virus. As soon as this matter is finished, I will ask them to help with the research."

Lu Xiao had some impression on the Wanqi family. Their medical talent was much higher than that of ordinary people. From ancient times to the present, the Wanqi family had been doctors for the royal family. Their medical skills have continued to this day without any retrogression. With the development of the times, many medical wizards were amazed. They all said that the Wanqi family was a leading force in this field.

It's a pity that in the early years, the people of Wanqi family left the stage of history. After training a few rare disciples, they lived in seclusion and never appeared in front of everyone. Whether they were old people or children, they were very low-key when they went out.

"I also heard that I had this idea before, but I gave up thinking that I was not familiar with the people of Wanqi's family. After my elder brother came back this time, I might have to ask him to ask him to let Wanqi family save baijue."

"Don't worry, I'll tell him even if you don't open your mouth."Qin Sangyu yawned. Recently, he seemed to be more and more tired. He always wanted to sleep and was sleepy to death.

"I think you are so sleepy. Go upstairs and have a rest."

As Lu Xiao said, they stood up and entered the living room.

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When I went to the living room, I found that Bai Jue was playing chess with the old man. I talked with him occasionally, and he was unexpectedly harmonious.

Mr. Lu didn't want his granddaughter to marry into the Bai family before. Later, Bai Jue's performance was very satisfactory to him. Now, it seems that the child's chess skills are also good. They are more satisfied. They just play chess and sit for an hour.

"Baijue, I'll go upstairs with Qin Sangyu. You can play chess with your grandfather. If you have dinner, please call me."

Pregnant women are prone to sleepiness, see Qin Sangyu to go to bed, her drowsiness also came, with Qin Sangyu to her room, lying beside her.

"To be honest, at the beginning, I didn't think you were worthy of my brother. Although I didn't talk to him well, I grew up with him for so many years. Naturally, I knew how excellent he was. When I heard my grandfather and nurse discussing you in the living room, it was totally out of my mind. So on the first day you came to Lu's house, I couldn't have a good attitude towards you 。”

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