Of course, Qin Sangyu knew this man's attitude towards himself at the beginning, which was a bad one. She often made a mockery of her. However, when she met her for the first time, she still hated her hard. Although she was used to seeing people's faces in Qin's family, Lu Liangcheng wanted to marry her at the beginning. In this marriage, she was the one who didn't want to, but just said so No one believed that when Lu Xiao made a mockery of her, she just stabbed her in the muzzle of the gun. At that time, she could not be wronged. She immediately replied, and the young lady cried on the spot.

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In retrospect, Qin Sangyu's mouth was full of laughter. "I thought you hated your brother very much. Later I found out that you really like it. It's just because you like it that you're angry that he ignored you so much. I told Lu Liangcheng later, He didn't believe it, but he said you didn't have any bad thoughts except a little bit of your mouth. Let me try to make friends with you

Lu Xiao was surprised. He thought Lu Liangcheng didn't like her at first, or even hated her. So when she saw him, she was very sad and eager to get his attention, However, she was timid, like a child, and often deliberately attracted people's attention, but that person always liked to take no notice of it. Later, she gave up, and kept talking to each other, until she met Qin Sangyu, which was a real hostility.

She was Miss Lu's when she was a child. Everyone who met her wanted to hold her to the sky. It was her first time. She was hated so much that she forgot how to fight back and just cried.

"I really don't know. He always felt good all the time. When I heard you say that, he felt a lot better.

The two women were lying on the bed, reading, and soon went to sleep.

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In the evening, an unexpected person appeared in the old house. Bai Yan took Lu Ling and said that she came to see the old man. However, as we all know, this person can't get along with her now. She wants to join the Lu family and take her to give birth to the Lu family.

"How are you doing, dad?"

Because she's here to join in, Bai Yan puts her attitude very low. She knows what a sad day it is to have no money. When she was in the Lu family, she didn't have to worry about anything. All the luxury goods were sent by the brand. She didn't have to worry about how to spend this month or how much money she had to save to meet the living expenses.

At first, when they moved out, they had been extravagant as before. Later, they found that the money suddenly ran out of use, and their lives soon became hard. Lu Song was a man who could not rely on him. He wanted to earn a cent. He only knew how to drink all day long. Now he would go crazy after drinking.

"Dad, you let me go back to the Lu family, and I'll show you my respect."

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Bai Yan choked and said, chuchuchu pitiful, but when she saw Qin Sangyu walking down from the second floor, she became resentful. The woman's life was getting better and better, and she and her son would be laughed at wherever they went.

Everyone said that her son is really seedless now, and no girl will look up to her. At the beginning, people in the circle all know that Lu Ling's mood has been very low, and she hates Qin Sangyu, who caused all this.

However, they had no money and were in financial difficulties, so they had to go to the old man, hoping that the old man could take them in because they were all Lu family members.

Shen Bizhi has always been a very kind person, but seeing them like this, not only has no sympathy, but also is unspeakable disgust. Both of them are not good things. Now if you want to go back to the Lu family, who knows what to pay attention to.

"Let's go. We don't welcome you here. Since we went out, Don't expect to be able to come back. Bai Yan, you are also such a big man. You don't even want to find a job, nor do you want to use the money to do business and learn to squander. Now that the money is gone, you think of us two old guys. When you were rich, you never came to see us. "

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Bai Yan is very regretful now. If she had known that she was so important, she should have flattered the two old people. Unfortunately, when she was rich, she was only busy gathering with those ladies. In order not to let herself down, she bought expensive and expensive clothes. In order not to let those ladies look down on her, all the expenses were the same as before, only this Such a day only maintained for such a period of time, to now even poor can not open the pot.

Lu Ling said that she could sell her clothes. Bai Yan would never agree with her. Now these clothes are her front door. If I get together with those ladies, what should I do if I don't even have a decent dress.

From thrifty to extravagant is easy, from extravagance to thrifty is difficult.

"Mom and Dad, I really know that I was wrong. Please forgive our mother and son. We have done a lot of things for the Lu family these years. We can't make mistakes, and we will be killed with one stick."

When Shen bichi heard this man say this sentence with thick skin, her face suddenly turned blue. At first, this man cooperated with Su Jiaoyang, but she almost made the old man go directly. Now she still wants them to forgive her and dream!"Mom! Don't ask them! I don't think they can die of our mother and son! "

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Living outside for a long time, Luling has become a little bit of bone. She doesn't look at two old people at all. His eyes stare at Qin Sangyu, as if she wants to tear off a piece of meat. Qin Sangyu knows that the person still resents himself. The hatred in those eyes can not be covered up. Her mouth corner bends, sits down beside her, pretends not to see them, and one Feel your stomach straight and quietly.

Lu Ling saw that he was pregnant, and in his mind, he thought about hundreds of ways to make her children born. His fist was clenched. If not many bodyguards here, if he did, he could not live out tonight, he would have killed the woman and destroyed her life, Now wherever he goes, it's a joke that someone else points to.

Shen Bizhi was unwilling to leave the mother and son, because he saw Lu Ling's hate for Qin Sangyu. Now Qin Sangyu still has children. If they take the opportunity to come in, what can they do to her and do anything, they can't afford to wait. The grandson estimation far away is also uncomfortable. Before his grandson returns, They have to ensure the safety of the daughter-in-law of the sun.

"You go, Lu family does not welcome you."

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