Hearing what he said, the little boy was surprised. He was twelve years old and understood everything he should understand. "But what I did, my mother did with me. They were still dead."

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In the first few days, he stayed in that town and couldn't believe the reality. Later, he decided to live. Then he walked out of the town. His mother and father were dead. Overnight, he lost two relatives.

"Think about it."

Lu Liangcheng and Rong Lang said with one voice that the boy is very important to them now. If you can, you must take it back to G City, which may bring benefits to the research.

The little boy thought while eating biscuits. Finally, he shook his head and sighed, "I'm sorry, I've been wandering around these days, and I can't remember anything. The impact of this thing on me is too big."

Lu Liangcheng understands each other very well. After all, he is only 12 years old. He saw so many dead people for the first time and his parents died. It is estimated that his psychological endurance has reached the maximum. Now he can communicate with them normally, which proves that this little boy is really good.

The three people did not speak any more. They had been quietly eating biscuits. The little boy's eyes were full of longing for life. Therefore, although he was very weak now, and it was a very hard thing to eat biscuits, he forced himself to eat more.

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"Come on, come with us. You are very important to us."

After eating, Lu Liangcheng said to the little boy. The little boy nodded, patted his buttocks, and followed them. This was the first time he saw a living person after he had gone for so many days. It was like a drowning man who caught the last straw.

There was a gunshot not far away. Lu Liangcheng protected the boy behind his back. The three men rushed to the place. They found that the soldiers of this country were lying in the same place. All of them had come together before, but after the refugee riot, they scattered in order to escape for their own lives.

The soldier is dead. The temperature of the corpse is still hot. It should have just died. "

" maybe it's those people who make trouble. Now that the virus is spreading, we are all afraid and don't want to pay attention to the law. If it goes on like this, we will be very dangerous at any time, because everyone we meet may have a gun and will retaliate against the society. "

Lu Liangcheng said calmly that they took the little boy and went on, and they met many corpses along the way. The little boy has seen many such things these days, and he seems very calm. Such calmness makes ronglang look at each other with such calmness. At least, he is unable to do so at such an age.

Soon, a few people came to the open place. There was no one. Even the birds' singing stopped. Only the places where the virus had been infected would be like this. This time, many of the infected people were soldiers who came with them. Lu Liangcheng sighed for a while and decided to take the little boy back to the capital.

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"White rose should have gone to a safe place. Let's go back to the house first."

Rong Lang turned his head and looked at the child. The other party was infected with the virus. Now the capital's security is very strict. It is estimated that he can't get in.

"Or, I'll go back to the capital and have a look. You are waiting for me outside the capital. The child's face is too obvious. It is estimated that people will be shot if they go in. You know that people are afraid of viruses now."

But now they are very sure that, for some reason, the little boy's body has no virus, but the blisters stimulated by the virus are not good. It looks like this, at most one face, that face can return to normal.

They walked towards the capital and picked up a car with bullet holes on it. There was a gunfight not long ago, and it was a terrible one.

Both of them are in a very low mood. It is impossible to rely on human strength to defeat the virus. Soldiers are also human beings, and they will panic. When a virus patient appears, everyone will be afraid. Such fear makes them unable to concentrate on dealing with it, so they will be at a disadvantage.

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"I think the only way to find out the antidote early is to inject the antidote to everyone. In this way, they will not be so afraid when they meet the infected people. Otherwise, the number of people who come back is estimated to be like this, and they will die in vain."

The little boy has been listening quietly in the back seat. Suddenly, he is very curious. The two people seem not afraid of the virus at all. "Have you injected the antidote in advance? I don't think you are afraid of the virus at all, nor are you afraid of contacting me."

"yes, this time, we are awesome and not mean. We are lucky agents. The rest are almost dead."

Rong Lang said this, sighed and looked at the front quietly. When the car was approaching the capital, he immediately got off and wanted to go inside to have a look.

"Then I'll stay here for a day at most. You'll have to come back to me whether or not you find white roses in it."

Lu Liangcheng said, holding the boy's hand to get out of the car, will be seized a gun to Rong Lang, "take it, when necessary, use it."

After driving through the main gate of the capital city, I decided to take a rest in a dry area.The little boy followed him into the tent, but he didn't speak. Maybe it was suddenly safe. His head began to bit by bit, and soon he curled up and fell asleep.

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Lu Liangcheng is a little distressed for this child. He is too sensible and sensible like an adult. In such an environment, he can still think about survival. Later, he is destined to be a person who will do great things. He bends his mouth and looks at the dark outside. He puts a coat on the little boy.

Ronglang had already driven to the gate of the capital at this time, probably because of the virus. Now the capital is very heavily guarded. All the people outside are wearing isolation clothes. When you see ronglang get out of the car, they instantly point their guns at him.

"I'm a normal person. Don't be nervous."

People in isolation clothes approached him and examined his whole body. Now everyone who wants to enter the capital city has to go through strict inspection. Ronglang was finally taken to a machine to sweep his whole body until there was no trace of the virus before he could leave.

He quickly returned to the hotel where the three people lived before and took out the key to open it. However, to his disappointment, he did not see the white rose in it.

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